
  • 网络Advertising revenue;ad revenue
  1. 广告收入在新财年取得了开门红。

    Advertising revenue in the new financial year has got off to a flying start

  2. 为了获得更多广告收入,Google可能收购更传统的媒体。

    In its quest for more advertising revenue , the company might acquire more-traditional media properties .

  3. 美国报业协会(newspaperassociationofamerica)数据显示,自2006年夏季以来,报业的广告收入就一直下滑。

    Newspaper Association of America figures show that advertising revenues have been falling since the summer of 2006 .

  4. 2012年初,Facebook移动广告收入几乎为零。

    At the beginning of 2012 , Facebook 's mobile ad revenues were literally non-existent .

  5. 据bernsteinresearch称,预计今年的电视广告收入总额将下降1.9%,明年将下降5%。

    Total TV advertising is projected to fall 1.9 % this year and 5 % next year , according to Bernstein research .

  6. Facebook表示,出版商将能够保留他们直接销售的所有广告收入。

    Facebook says the publishers will be able to keep 100 per cent of any revenue from advertising they sold directly .

  7. 一些网络广告收入被搜索网站,如:IE和谷歌,划分的同时,过剩的新闻资源也使降低了广告本身的价值。

    Online advertising money has moved to search ie , Google and excess supply has depressed prices of display advertisements .

  8. 尽管降低了成本,但她没能改善收入增长,雅虎的广告收入流向了谷歌(Google)和Facebook。

    Despite reducing costs , she failed to improve revenue growth just as Yahoo was losing the advertisement dollars game to Google and Facebook .

  9. giveaway应该有赠送、分发的意思吧,所以givethingsaway=freeservices,给予网上服务,进而希望广告收入得以实现的想法,对享受免费服务的消费者而言无疑是具有吸引力的。

    The idea that you can give things away online , and hope that advertising revenue will somehow materialise later on , undoubtedly appeals to users , who enjoy free services as a result .

  10. 在媒体行业中,维亚康姆和通用电气(GeneralElectricCo.)旗下的NBCUniversal也在裁员,因该行业预计明年的广告收入将会大幅下降。

    In the media business , Viacom and General Electric Co. 's NBC Universal are slashing jobs as the industry girds for a steep advertising decline next year .

  11. 里昂证券(CLSA)指出,去年搜索广告收入翻了一番。

    Search advertising revenues doubled last year , says CLSA .

  12. 过去几年,公司收入下滑,而谷歌(Google)和Facebook等公司则获得了更多的用户和广告收入。

    Its revenues have declined in the past few years as companies like Google ( GOOG ) and Facebook ( FB ) garner more users and advertising dollars .

  13. Facebook提交给监管机构的备案文件显示,该公司2011年获得的31亿美元广告收入中,大约56%来自美国。

    Approximately 56 % of Facebook 's 2011 ad revenue of $ 3.1 billion came from the U.S. alone , according to the company 's regulatory filings .

  14. 此外,在中国的一些依靠广告收入维持的视频网站上,可以免费看到Netflix在美国提供的节目。

    Separately , other ad-supported video sites in China offer programming free that is available on Netflix in the United States .

  15. 新体系肯定会扩大Twitter的广告收入。据信,该公司计划明年初进行首次公开发行(IPO)。

    The new system will certainly increase ad revenue for the social media company , which is believed to be planning an initial public offering for early next year .

  16. 例如,Facebook上每个美国用户每月平均带来的广告收入是6美元(其他国家更少)。

    Average ad revenue per US user at Facebook , for example , is $ 6 a month ( and a fraction of that in the rest of the world ) .

  17. 来自市场研究机构PivotalResearchGroup的分析师布莱恩·威瑟尔最近说,和代理商合作的大型广告商一直以来都在加强和Facebook的合作关系。这些收入约占到Facebook去年广告收入的三分之一。

    Recently , says Brian Wieser of Pivotal Research Group , big advertisers working with agencies , which accounted for perhaps one-third of Facebook 's ad revenue last year , have been building up their spending with Facebook .

  18. 明年,新闻集团的报纸和电视收入将下降10%多一点,但福克斯新闻(FOXNEWS)等有线电视业务的增长将使得整体广告收入持平,总收入将增长4%。

    Newspaper and television revenues would be down very low double digits next year , but growth in cable properties such as Fox News would leave advertising revenues flat and total revenue up 4 per cent .

  19. 此外,虽然现在移动广告收入已经超过Android的研发和维护支出,但Android为谷歌带来的收益还是远远比不上苹果的吸金利器iOS。

    And while mobile ads are covering the costs of developing and maintaining Android , the mobile OS is far from the profit machine that IOS is for apple .

  20. Facebook的移动业务随后显示出了增长迹象,尤其是在2013年第二季度,在该公司移动业务广告收入占广告总收入的比重上升之后,Facebook的股价出现了大幅反弹。

    The stock rebounded sharply once Facebook was able to show traction in mobile , notably from the second quarter of 2013 when mobile advertising jumped as a percentage of total ad revenue .

  21. 另外,出版商们不仅能保持部分乃至全部的广告收入,还能从Facebook那里获得用户对内容的反馈数据,这对出版商来说无疑也是非常有用的。

    Plus , publishers get to keep some or all of the ad revenue , and they also get data about what users are doing with their content , which is always useful .

  22. YouTube或是其他许多互联网渠道都盼望着在电视方面“毕业”,因为这个领域的广告收入大得多。

    A lot of the other YouTube or online channels aspire to " graduate " to television because the ad dollars are still much bigger there .

  23. 通过将自己定位为实时搜索引擎,让任何人都可以搜索到facebook用户在说些什么,这家社交网站可能会从twitter那里抢走市场份额和潜在广告收入。

    By positioning itself as a real-time search engine where anyone can search what Facebook users are saying , the social networking site could steal market share and potential advertising dollars from twitter .

  24. 研究公司易观国际(AnalysysInternational)的数据显示,中国网民数量已超5亿,二季度搜索广告收入在10亿美元以上。

    China is home to more than 500 million Internet users , and second-quarter search advertising revenue reached more than $ 1 billion , according to research group Analysys International .

  25. spotify必须为它播放的每首音乐支付版税,不管它获不获得广告收入。

    Spotify has to pay a royalty for every song it plays , regardless of the advertising revenue it receives .

  26. 根据该计划,清晰频道将按广告收入比例向大机器及它旗下的艺术家付费,其中包括泰勒·斯威夫特和蒂姆·麦克罗(TaylorSwiftandTimMcGraw)。

    The plan is for Clear Channel to pay the label and its artists , who include Taylor Swift and Tim McGraw , a cut of its advertising revenue .

  27. 免费广播服务的盈利来源是广告收入,最有可能作为iTunes的一部分,并将成为流媒体音乐服务Pandora等公司的强劲竞争对手。

    The free radio service which would make money through ad revenues will most likely be part of iTunes and offer major competition to the likes of Pandora .

  28. 据美国市场研究公司eMarketer预计,今年Facebook的广告收入将飙升至43亿美元,较去年的20亿美元增长一倍多。

    It is expected to surge to $ 4.3 billion this year , or more than double the $ 2 billion it had last year , according to emarketer .

  29. 公司称,该财季的广告收入比去年同期增长41%&如果Facebook排除汇率的年度变化,那这一增长率应该是43%。

    The company says that the ad revenue this quarter is a 41 percent increase from the same quarter last year & it would have been 43 percent if Facebook excluded the impact of year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates .

  30. Facebook为它的14亿用户争取到了高质量的内容,出版商们也通过Facebook获得了大量受众——另外他们还能从Facebook基于相关内容获得的广告收入分成。

    Facebook gets what will hopefully be engaging content for its 1.4 billion or so users , and publishers get the reach that the social network provides - plus keep any revenue from advertising that they sell around that content .