
  • 网络operating profit;operate profit
  1. 前一年它的运营利润占其母公司TimeWarner(总共挣了45亿美元)的四分之一。

    The previous year it accounted for one-quarter of the operating profit of its parent , Time Warner ( which made $ 4.5 billion in all ) .

  2. 法荷航空(airfrance-klm)昨天警告称,受燃料价格猛涨的影响,今年其运营利润将下降三分之一。

    Air France-KLM warned yesterday that its operating profit could fall by a third this year under the impact of the surge in fuel prices .

  3. (微软现在不光销售Windows软件,同时也开始销售Windows硬件,后者虽然对收益做出了贡献,但却给运营利润带来了压力。)

    ( Microsoft is selling windows hardware and not just windows software , which adds to revenue but weighs on operating margins . )

  4. 最后,我们用来衡量公司财务绩效的第三个指标是调整后的总部门运营利润(AdjustedConsolidatedSegmentOperatingIncome,ACSOI)。

    Finally , we use a third metric to measure our financial performance & adjusted consolidated segment operating income , or adjusted csoi .

  5. 该公司去年225亿美元运营利润中,约有45%来自WINDOWSPC操作系统,但这款软件对微软的意义远不止于此。

    Some 45 per cent of its $ 22.5bn of operating profits last year came from the Windows PC operating system , but the software 's significance to Microsoft extends much further .

  6. 微软没有再单独披露Windows的业绩。不过,上次该公司披露Windows业绩时,其营收的四分之一以及运营利润的35%来自这款操作系统。

    Microsoft no longer discloses Windows results separately but the last time it did , the operating system accounted for a quarter of its revenues and 35 per cent of its operating profits .

  7. 或多或少,Groupon总存在着一点问题:在其第一次向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)申报的文件档案中,Groupon对调整后综合运营利润的计算引起了SEC的不悦以及不少会计从业者的嘲笑。

    Something is amiss : The Securities and Exchange Commission frowned upon – and legions of accountants mocked – its Adjusted Consolidated Segment Operating Income metric in its first filing .

  8. 该集团最大的在华合资企业(贡献占集团运营利润的5%至6%),目前正受到中国大陆合作伙伴娃哈哈(Wahaha)经营的竞争性业务的侵蚀。

    Its biggest local joint venture , which contributes 5-6 per cent of group operating profits , is being sapped by a rival operation run by its mainland partner .

  9. 仅一年前,Patriot还录得了创纪录的营收和运营利润,并正在启动一项“焦煤增产”计划,以开采新的焦煤煤矿,增聘最多200名矿工。

    Only a year ago Patriot was posting record revenue and operating earnings and embarking on a plan called the ' Met Built-Out ' to open new metallurgical mines and hire up to 200 new miners .

  10. 根据行业分析师们的密切观察,宝马公司运营利润率为11.7%,要略高于奥迪(Audi)的10%和梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的7.9%。

    Its operating profit margin , closely watched by industry analysts , was as such a little higher at 11.7 % than that of its luxury rivals Audi and Mercedes-Benz , with 10 % and 7.9 % , respectively .

  11. 该公司正进入第九个实现运营利润的年头。

    It is entering its ninth year of profitable operations .

  12. 运营利润下降39%,至5.58亿美元。

    Operating earnings fell 39 per cent to $ 558m .

  13. 这将相当于公司的核心运营利润率提高90个基点。

    That caused the core operating margin to improve by 90 basis points .

  14. 米塔尔目前正依靠提价来提高运营利润。

    Mr Mittal is relying on a pick-up in prices to boost operating profits .

  15. 大中华区是联想实现运营利润的唯一区域。

    China is currently the only geographic region where Lenovo makes an operating profit .

  16. 此后,工厂的运营利润相当可观。

    Thereafter plants operate at considerable profit for the remainder of the contracted term .

  17. 大众的两家在华合资企业去年运营利润大增42%。

    Operating profit at its two Chinese joint ventures jumped 42 % last year .

  18. 该项业务比原计划提前一年实现了4.1%的运营利润率。

    The division achieved an operating margin of 4.1 per cent a year ahead of schedule .

  19. 您的运营利润率,因为你停止投资的东西不能正常工作。

    Your operating margins go up because you stopped investing in something that wasn 't working .

  20. 去年第4季度,同店销售额降低了1.1%,运营利润降低了14%。

    Fourth-quarter same-store sales dropped 1.1 per cent and operating income was down 14 per cent .

  21. 运营利润则回落9%,跌至2.27亿美元,同样低于分析师预测。

    Operating profit fell back 9 per cent to $ 227m – also missing analysts ' forecasts .

  22. 在这些产品中,大多数的销售额在上季度增长缓慢,运营利润同样如此。

    For the most part , most have been seeing modest growth in revenue and operating profit .

  23. 该公司估计,从批发至零售销售的转换,将使年运营利润增加2000万英镑。

    The company estimates the conversion of wholesale-to-retail sales will add £ 20m to annual operating profits .

  24. 不过,大韩航空表示,由于油价上涨,运营利润下降了41%。

    However , Kal said operating profit was down 41 per cent because of higher oil prices .

  25. “预计随着营销成本增加,公司2004年的运营利润将会下降,”金先生说。

    " Its operating margin is expected to fall in2004 as marketing costs increase ," says Mr Kim .

  26. 预计运营利润率也会下滑4个百分点,至17%到19%。

    The operating profit margin is also expected to fall by four percentage points to 17-19 per cent .

  27. 更佳的运营利润率(去年提高了1个百分点)只会进一步推高这一数字。

    Better operating margins , up a percentage point last year , will have only increased that number .

  28. 2012年第一财季,亚马逊取得132亿美元营收,运营利润为1.92亿美元。

    In the first quarter , revenues were $ 13.2 billion with operating income of $ 192 million .

  29. 由于规模较小,和硕的运营利润也较低,为0.8%,相比之下,富士康为1.7%。

    The smaller company also has thinner operating margins : 0.8 % compared with Foxconn 's 1.7 % .

  30. 这个指标指的是在产生新的用户采购成本和某些非现金支出之前的总部门运营利润。

    This metric is our consolidated segment operating income before our new subscriber acquisition costs and certain non-cash charges ;