
shè jiāo wǎng zhàn
  • the social network;social networking site;Facebook;SNS
  1. Friending的意思是“做某人的朋友”或者“将某人在社交网站上加为好友”。

    Friending means to act as the friend of someone or to include ( someone ) in a list of designated friends on a person 's social networking site .

  2. 研究人员发现,用户在社交网站Facebook上会发布积极向上的照片和状态更新。

    Researchers found users typically post positive pictures and status updates on the social networking site .

  3. 特蕾莎在一个社交网站上贴出了这次偶遇的照片,并配上了感人的话:"这个年轻人是我们家的福音!他这样做真是太贴心了。"

    Teresa posted a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website accompanied by the touching words :" What a blessing this young man was to our family ! He was so sweet and kind to do this ."

  4. 他在一个社交网站上发布了他的提议并收到了数以千计的电子邮件,其中30封邮件来自名叫伊丽莎白·加拉赫、持有合适护照的人。“更有意思的是,有上百个加拿大人表示有兴趣把名字改成伊丽莎白·加拉赫。”阿克萨尼说。

    He posted his offer on a social networking website , and received thousands of e-mails , including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers with the right passports , " More interesting , there are hundreds of Canadians who are interested in changing their name to Elizabeth Gallagher , " Axani said .

  5. Inboxrot指对于某人在社交网站上对你发出的加好友请求,既不接受、也不拒绝的态度。

    Inbox rot means to neither accept , nor decline a friend request from someone on social networking sites .

  6. 如果你的博客文章没有被人转载,Facebook等社交网站上的状态也没有人点“喜欢”的话,这种抑郁情绪就会更严重。

    This depression often deepens when you find that your blog posts have not been re-blogged , or your Facebook status updates have not been liked .

  7. 现在的社交网站,尤其是像Twitter那样互动和即时反馈很频繁的网站,很容易让你流连其中,要么聊天、要么浏览网站内容。

    With today 's social media -- especially sites with lots of interactivity1 and immediate2 feedback such as Twitter -- you can easily get caught up in chatting and surfing .

  8. Facebook和MySpace这类社交网站助长了“工闲”一族的兴起,“工闲”一族在社交网站上的“好友”也许就是他们的生意伙伴或同事。

    Weisure has been fueled by social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace , where “ friends ” may actually be business partners or work colleagues .

  9. 这个说法被人们忽视了好几百年,直到2004年社交网站Facebook迅猛发展,friending(加好友)一词才被广泛使用。

    The coinage was largely overlooked for centuries . With the advent1 of the social network Facebook in 2004 , friending became widely adopted .

  10. Personalityspam(个人垃圾信息)指发布在网络上,尤其是社交网站上的有关个人生活和个人兴趣的帖子和信息,经常发布这类帖子的人就叫做personalityspammer(个人垃圾信息工)。

    Personality spam refers to incessant online posts and messages relating to one 's personal life and interests , particularly on social media , and people who frequently do this are called personality spammers .

  11. Wendy一不小心在社交网站上发布了一张带有标注文字“20周”的自拍照,结果朋友们推断出她一定是怀孕了。

    Wendy accidentally shared a selfie with the caption1 ' twenty weeks ' , and friends put two and two together – she 's pregnant . It 's typical of him to put two and two together and make five .

  12. 晨拍最初的意思是指,早上醒来后立即拿手机自拍照片,然后发到社交网站。

    Originallly , morning selfie means that you grab from your eyes .

  13. “过度分享狂”是指在社交网站上分享过多信息——特别是个人信息——的人。

    Diarrheaist refers to a person who shares too much online , particularly personal information . Example :

  14. “朋友圈营销”是借助社交网站上的“好友”来散播产品的视频广告。

    Friendvertising is the use of social media website ' friends ' to disseminate1 video adverts2 for products .

  15. 新兴词汇statuscation指在社交网站上实时分享度假行程的行为,这种行为时下很流行,我们可称之为“实时播报假日”。

    Statuscation is a new word coined to characterize the now commonplace activity of sharing your holiday plans on social networks .

  16. “数码宿醉”指在社交网站看到有关自己窘态的照片和文字记录时丢脸又后悔的情绪。

    Digital hangover is the feelings of shame and regret caused by social network photos and other online evidence of one 's embarrassing behavior .

  17. 所以如果你想让社交网站上的头像显得漂亮,就选一张和朋友的合照吧。

    Therefore if you want your profile picture on social media sites to be perceived as attractive , opt for a group shot with friends .

  18. 发送电邮、更新社交网站状态、刷信用卡、使用自动取款机等等行为产生的点滴数据构成一个人的数据影子。

    A data shadow is a minute pieces of data created when someone emails , updates social media profiles , swipes a credit card , uses an ATM , and so on .

  19. 他们这样做是为了发个自拍到社交网站上,或者提振对自己身材的信心,其实,他们压根就没锻炼或健身。

    One usually does this to take a selfie and share it on social network or to make oneself feel better about their physique , while in reality they have done nothing to keep fit today .

  20. 随着打车软件愈发智能,专家预测,今后的打车软件将可与社交网站和用户日历实现同步,以为乘客提供更加便捷且个人化的定制服务。智能出租车将崛起。

    As taxi apps become smarter , experts predict they will sync with social networks and calendars to provide an even more efficient and tailored service to their passengers . Here comes the rise of the smart taxi .

  21. 这个叫做“冰桶挑战”的活动要求参与人将一桶冰水浇在自己身上,然后将整个过程发布在社交网站上,并提名其他人来接受挑战,这个活动最初是高尔夫球员为支持宠物慈善发起的。

    The so-called ice-bucket challenge -- dump ice water on yourself , post and tag yourself on social media and challenge others to do the same -- got its start among golfers as a way to support pet charities .

  22. 晨拍指一大早发到社交网站上的自拍照,看上去像刚起床的样子,但其实是洗澡、化妆以后的自拍照。

    Morning selfie describes the situation when someone posts a selfie to any social media in the morning , looking like he / she just woke up , but in fact , they already took a shower and put on make-up before taking the selfie .

  23. 本周一,一个叫做QuitfacebookDay的社交网站正在敦促人们停止使用Facebook。

    A website called Quitfacebook Day has been urging people to leave this Monday .

  24. 现年31岁的莫林是Path的创始人,Path是一家只能通过手机访问的社交网站。

    Morin , 31 , is the founder of path , a social network accessible only via mobile phone .

  25. 由于社交网站等web2.0工具帮助培养了社区的归属感,它们能够扮演强大的支持角色。

    Because Web 2.0 tools such as social networking sites help to foster a sense of community , they can play a powerful supporting role .

  26. Twitter无疑是WORLDWIDEWEB上新近出现的最为成功的一个社交网站的例子。

    Twitter is undoubtedly one of the most recent and successful examples of social networking to appear on the World Wide Web .

  27. 目前,对于大多数人而言,Facebook依然是首选的在线社交网站。

    For most people , Facebook is still the go-to place to socialize with friends online .

  28. 他认为,Facebook才是规模最大的职业社交网站,LinkedIn只能排行第二。

    He argues that Facebook , not LinkedIn , is the biggest online professional network .

  29. Facebook并不是唯一喜欢将自己看作是绝对新生事物的社交网站,它的规模甚至也不是最大的。

    Facebook is not the only social-networking site which likes to think of itself as the new , new thing .

  30. 而且,Facebook的潜在竞争对手并不仅仅局限于大型社交网站范畴,任何快速发展的互联网公司都可能成为威胁。

    The potential for competition isn 't limited to large social properties & any fast growing web property poses a threat .