
shè huì zhǔ yì fǎ
  • socialist law
  1. 社会主义法是权利与义务对等,秩序和自由并重的法。

    Equity of rights and obligations is realized in the socialist law , which places both order and freedom at its core .

  2. 文章认为现行婚姻法修订中,应确认夫妻忠实义务和配偶权,以体现社会主义法与社会主义道德的协调一致。

    The article thinks the Marriage Law being revised should confirm the conjugal faithful obligations and the spouse rights , so as to make socialist law in coordination with socialist morality .

  3. 谈社会主义法的适用

    On the Application of the Socialist Laws

  4. 中国的法学应当改变权利本位或权力本位(义务本位)的两极化思维定势,为法治之法、社会主义法确立一个平正、中庸的中心。

    China 's jurisprudence should change the polarizing mode of thinking ( either right - based or power - based doctrine ) and establish an equal , just , and neutral center for the sake of socialist rule of law .

  5. 随着公民权利意识和法律意识的提高,必将推进党和国家提出的依法治国,建设社会主义法治国这一伟大治国方略的实现。

    As the improvement of citizen 's awareness of rights and laws , the principle of " administering the country according to law , constructing the socialist legal country ", raised by the CPC and the country , will be promoted .

  6. 现阶段推进道德法律化应当在立法环节中弘扬社会主义法的时代精神,加大道德法律化的立法和执法的力度,强化道德法律化执法监督机制。

    During the course of pushing on the legalization of morality , we should carry forward the spirit of the time of socialist legislation , and in the meanwhile , we should also reinforce the legislation and enforcement , and strengthen the monitoring mechanism of law enforcement .

  7. 因而,在中国实现法治,建立社会主义现代化法治国,成为我们追求的目标。

    Thus , in the Chinese realization government by law , builds the socialism modernization legal state , becomes goal which we pursues .

  8. 本文主张,法治之法、社会主义之法应当以法权为中心,寻求法权的最大化。

    The author of this article claims here that the socialist rule of law ought to have Faquan as its center and explore the maximum of Faquan .

  9. 社会主义经济法的形成与经济法在西方世界的诞生走的是两条相反相成的路径,但是它们殊途同归,都是政府与市场,行政与经济相结合的产物。

    The formation of socialist economic law chose the opposite way to what economic law in the West did , but they reach the same point that economic law is the compound production of government and market , of administration and economy .

  10. 社会主义市场经济与法的关系

    The Relation between the Socialist Market Economy and Law

  11. 对社会主义和谐社会辩证法的研究,有助于适应当今世界发展的大局。

    Dialectics of socialist harmonious society and help to adapt to the overall development of the world today .

  12. 研究社会主义和谐社会辩证法,有助于进一步解放思想和改革开放。

    Research on the dialectics of socialist harmonious society , and contribute to further emancipate the mind and the reform and opening up .

  13. 基础课:科学社会主义、自然辩证法、外语、高等工程数学、高等工程力学、最优化理论及设计等。

    Basic courses : Scientific socialism , dialectics of nature , foreign language , advanced engineering mathematics , advanced engineering mechanics , optimization theory and design .