
jiàn shè zhě
  • builder;constructor
  1. 高管猎头CTPartners的副会长约翰•凯勒(JohnKeller)说,如果没有一套让人信服的说辞,“那么你就会像是一个投机分子,而不是一个企业建设者”。

    Without a persuasive story , ' you look like an opportunist instead of a business builder , ' cautions John Keller , a vice chairman of executive recruiters CTPartners .

  2. 我们是国际社会秩序的维护者和建设者。

    We are a maintainer and builder of the international system .

  3. 第五条教育必须为社会主义现代化建设服务,必须与生产劳动相结合,培养德、智、体等方面全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。

    Article 5 Education must serve the socialist modernization drive and must be combined with production and physical labour in order to train for the socialist cause builders and successors who are developed in an all-round way-morally , intellectually and physically .

  4. 希望广大教师牢记为党育人、为国育才使命,积极探索新时代教育教学方法,为培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人作出新的更大贡献。

    He expressed his hope that teachers will bear in mind their mission of cultivating talent for the Party and the State , develop teaching methods for the new era , and make more contributions to nurturing socialist builders and successors with an all-round moral , intellectual , physical and aesthetic grounding , in addition to a hard-working spirit .

  5. 这是民间艺术家LeonardKnight(译者注:LeonardKnight是救世军山的建设者和首席设计师)的视野,他的座右铭是“上帝永不让我们失望”。

    With the motto ' God Never Fails , " it 's the vision of folk artist Leonard Knight .

  6. 建设者采用了雾机,从一个DJ谁使用它在他的音乐会,借来的,目的是测试气密的家中。

    The builders used a fog machine , borrowed from a DJ who uses it in his gigs , to test how air-tight the home was .

  7. 她说的那些精英人士,当然就包括罗纳德·里根(RONALDREAGAN)了,他在1973年作为州长签署了一份法案,旨在让北加州的鳗河免遭水坝建设者的侵扰。

    Of course , one of those elites was Ronald Reagan , who as governor signed legislation in 1973 that protected the Eel River in Northern California from dam builders .

  8. 建设者们把精神财富与物质财富融为一体,成就了财富文化,以这样一座恢弘的财富地标矗立在世人瞩目的深圳中心区CBD。

    When material wealth met spiritual one , the culture of fortune was born , in such a magnificent architectural form , at the center of the CBD of Shenzhen .

  9. 英国驻沪总领事暨上海世博会英国馆副总代表艾琳(CarmaElliot)女士出席了庆祝活动,她感谢所有参与了英国馆工程的建设者。

    At the handover ceremony , Carma Elliot , British consul general in Shanghai , expressed gratitude for those constructors involved in the project for their hard work .

  10. 它们既是劳动者又是剥削者,既是建设者又是依附者。

    They are both laborers and exploiters , both builders and dependants .

  11. 自动二项式'树'建设者模型评价复杂的战略选择与多阶段;

    Automatic binomial'tree'builder model to evaluate complex strategic options with multiple stages ;

  12. 唐熙华有很多优秀品质,特别是作为一个建设者。

    Mr Hayward has many qualities , not least as a builder .

  13. 建设者提出了改进的建议。

    The builder has put forward his suggestions for improvements .

  14. 更好的为高校建设者及使用者服务。

    Better for the builders and users of University services .

  15. 教师要成为课程的建设者和开发者。

    The teachers should become subjects builder and developer .

  16. 创建精品工程是我们水电建设者不懈的追求。

    Creating the excellent projects is our unremitting efforts .

  17. 高等院校担负着向社会培养和输送合格社会建设者的历史重任。

    Colleges train qualified social constructor for our society .

  18. 我们的计划是由每个人从初学者到新手建设者。

    Our plans are made for everyone , from beginners to novice builders .

  19. 发展中国家的建设者经常都没有被要求建造坚固的建筑物。

    Builders in developing countries are often not required to build strong buildings .

  20. 建设者同意让另外一个公司来管理和经营旅馆。

    The builder agrees to let another company manage and operate the hotel .

  21. 最初的建设者们在该城的周围修起了城墙。

    The original builders surrounded the city by [ with ] a wall .

  22. 已成为各级投资主体和建设者十分关心的问题。

    These become of great concern to investors and builders at all levels .

  23. 义乌市外来建设者子女的学校适应研究

    A Study on School Adjustment for the External Builder 's Children in Yi Wu

  24. 农村、农民的变化;农民是新农村的建设者。

    Changes of villages and villagers ; Peasants are the erectors of new country .

  25. 作为社会将来的建设者,未成年人的健康成长尤为重要。

    The minors are future builders of society .

  26. 论有中国特色社会主义事业建设者的内涵及其意义

    On the Connotations of the Builders of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and its Significance

  27. 他们在我国现代化经济发展中发挥着日益重要的作用,党的第十六届代表大会把他们定位成中国特色社会主义事业的建设者。

    They are playing an increasingly important role in modern economic development of China .

  28. 儿童是未来社会的建设者,也是绝对的弱势群体。

    Children are the future builders of society , also an absolutely vulnerable group .

  29. 青年学生是我们社会主义事业未来的建设者和中流砥柱。

    College students are designer of our blueprint and mainstay of our great socialist cause .

  30. 高校是培养造就高素质国家建设者和接班人的重要场所。

    College is an important place to train firstclass constructors and successors of our society .