
  • 网络exploiter;predator;squeezer
剥削者 [bō xuē zhě]
  • [exploiter] 无偿地占有他人的劳动或劳动成果的人

  1. 在我国,连法律也已经被用来为外国剥削者服务了。

    The law itself in this country has been used to serve the foreign exploiter .

  2. 艾克因而成为一个自食其力的人,而不是像自己的祖父那样的剥削者和破坏者。

    This relinquishment enables him to be a self-reliant man rather than an exploiter and a destroyer like his grandfather .

  3. 它们既是劳动者又是剥削者,既是建设者又是依附者。

    They are both laborers and exploiters , both builders and dependants .

  4. 他痛斥所有地主和放债者都是罪恶的剥削者。

    He denounced all landlords and money-lenders as evil predators .

  5. 贫穷者、被剥削者和被压迫者。

    The poor , the exploited , and the oppressed .

  6. 统治阶级搅乱被剥削者的思想。

    The ruling classes obfuscate the minds of the exploited .

  7. 听说了,他看起来像是个剥削者。

    Yes , he looks like a real vulture .

  8. 诚然,为着剥削者压迫者的文艺是有的。

    Indeed literature and art exist which are for the exploiters and oppressors .

  9. 为什么他们是剥削者和小偷?

    Why were they a bloodsucker and a thief ?

  10. 售货者和被剥削者。

    The exploiter and the victim .

  11. 被剥削者中的少数人通过读书爬上更高的社会阶级。

    It became a channel through which a few from the disenfranchised classes moved up the social ladder .

  12. 人民反戈一击、把武器对准资本主义剥削者的日子不远了

    The hour is not far distant when the peoples will turn their arms against their own capitalist exploiters

  13. 从来不存在什么超越被剥削者的“阶级利益”之上的“民族利益”。

    There can never be a " national interest " over the " class interest " of the exploited .

  14. 因此,他认为资本主义的中间阶级是由组织和技术剥削者所构成的工薪者。

    Hence he argued that the capitalist " middle classes " are salary-winners consisted of the organization and skill exploiters .

  15. 剥削者和被剥削者极其尖锐的阶级斗争,乃是资本主义制度的基本特征。

    The main feature of the capitalist system is a most acute class struggle between the exploiters and the exploited .

  16. 依我看,法律的执行是为了剥削者的利益而有意无意地被糟踏了。

    In my opinion the administration of the law is thus prostituted consciously of unconsciously for the benefit of the exploiter .

  17. 但是,如果中国不希望被定性为新的殖民剥削者,那它需要为非洲做更多的事。

    But China can do more for Africa , if it does not want to be classed as a new colonial exploiter .

  18. 农民是劳动者,不是剥削者,工人阶级和农民的联盟是长期的。

    As the peasants are labourers and not exploiters , the alliance of the working class and the peasants is a long-term one .

  19. 饥饿的孩子,被剥削者压迫的人民、贫穷和痛苦,这些都在嘲讽人类的生活的本来面目。

    Children in famine , victims tortured by oppressors , poverty , and pain make a mockery of what human life should be .

  20. 二,在怨刺诗中,昊天是天子,统治者,老鼠为剥削者。

    Secondly , in the resentment and Irony poetry , the sky refers to the son of God and ruler ; the rat represents the explorer .

  21. 虽然党在这一时期仍然承认小资产阶级具有一定的革命性,但没有对小资产阶级作出积极评价,偏重于把小资产阶级作为剥削者,忽视其作为劳动者备受帝国主义和封建势力压迫的一面;

    Although in the period CPC still admits the small propertied class has the certain revolution , did not make the positive evaluation to the class .

  22. 当然,剥削者的改造和劳动者的改造是两种不同性质的改造,不能混为一谈。

    Of course , the remoulding of the exploiters is essentially different from that of the working people , and the two must not be confused .

  23. 从第一次社会大分工中,也就产生了第一次社会大分裂,分裂为两个阶级:主人和奴隶、剥削者和被剥削者。

    From the first great social division of labor arose the first great cleavage of society into two classes : masters and slaves , exploiters and exploited .

  24. 在殖民时代之后的非洲,印度的贸易商总是心神不宁,因为民粹主义政客大肆鼓吹反亚洲情绪,将亚洲人描述为寄生虫和剥削者。

    Indian traders often had an uneasy time in post - colonial Africa , as populist politicians whipped up anti-Asian sentiment portraying them as parasites and exploiters .

  25. 因为你不停地在寻找慰藉和安全,你就会找到让你相信质疑是束缚并需要将其摒弃的剥削者。

    Because you are continually seeking comfort , security , you find exploiters who assure you that doubt is a fetter , a thing to be banished .

  26. 在经济方面,广大平民妇女是社会财富的直接创造者和被剥削者,而拥有头下军州的公主则可以直接享有社会财富。

    On economy , the commoner women directly created social wealth , but also were exploitees , while the princesses who possessed their own castles held social wealth .

  27. 他们的劳动成果为剥削者所利用,这一般是社会制度决定的,并不是出于他们的自由选择。

    The fruits of their work are used by the exploiters , but in general this is determined by the social system and not by their own free choice .

  28. 其他人从经济上受益于固特异、特斯拉和谷登堡的发明,但这些利益剥削者却被历史遗忘,而那些真正的先驱则被世人铭记。

    Others benefited financially from the insights of Goodyear , Teslaand Gutenberg , but those exploiters have been consigned to oblivion by history , while the real pioneers are recalled .

  29. 如果给地主、富农分了田,使他们逐步由剥削者变成劳动者,就可以使用他们的劳动力嘛。

    By distributing land to landlords and rich peasants , they could gradually be transformed from exploiters to labourers and , in the meantime , we could use their manpower .

  30. 透过这些诗作,我们能够体味到劳动人民对剥削者的愤慨、厌恶之情;

    We can very well understand the working people 's disgust and hatred for exploiting class ; the miserable missing for lovers and the exciting for meeting ; wives'sadness for leaving their husbands .