
  • 网络stripping ratio;Strip ratio
  1. 当量生产剥采比在露天矿生产中的应用

    Application of equivalent production stripping ratio in open pit coal production

  2. 市场经济条件下经济合理剥采比的原则与方法

    Determination principles and methods of economic stripping ratio under market economy

  3. 露天矿剥采比动态存储优化的应用

    Application of Dynamic Programming Optimization for Stripping ratio of Open Pits

  4. 按边帮剥采比圈定露天开采境界的方法

    Delimitation of Open Pit with " Pit Slope Stripping Ratio " Method

  5. 露天矿生产剥采比的优化与调控

    Optimization , regulation and control of open-pit stripping ratio

  6. 对原矿成本比较法确定经济合理剥采比的评价问题

    Remarks on fixing economic stripping ratio in the comparing raw ore cost method

  7. 经济合理剥采比计算参数的模糊性与不确定性分析

    Analysis of Fuzzy and Non-determination for Calculating Parameters for Economic and Reasonable Stripping Ratio

  8. 露天矿经济合理剥采比和最优开采深度的研究

    The research of the open-pit ' economic stripping ratio and the last limit depth

  9. 三种经济合理剥采比计算方法评述

    Review on Calculation Method for Economic Stripping Ratio

  10. 市场经济条件下露天矿生产剥采比控制方法

    The Control Method of Surface Mining of the Operational Stripping Ratio on Condition of Market-economy

  11. 露天煤矿生产剥采比的确定

    Determination of stripping ratio of opencast mine

  12. 多媒体开采初探露采矿床勘探地质报告编制中的剥采比问题

    The problem of overburden ratio during drawing up the exploration geological report of opencut mining deposit

  13. 边界品位为15%时剥采比为0.50立方米/吨;

    When the border value is15 % , the ratio of overburden is 0.5 ( m3 / t );

  14. 这样本文所得出的经济合理剥采比公式在一定程度上反映了矿石的价值与费用,露天开采与地下开采的绝对与相对的经济效果。

    So the economic stripping ratio formula reflects the value and expenditure of ore on a certain extent .

  15. 露天矿末期延深扩帮经济合理剥采比的确定

    Determination of the Economically Rational Stripping Ratio of the Extension and Expansion in the Late Period of Open pit Mines

  16. 给出一个基于经济合理剥采比和品位块状模型的露天金属矿境界优化实用算法。

    This paper presents a practical final-pit optimization algorithm for open-pit metal mines based on a breakeven strip ratio and a block model of ore grade .

  17. 目前国内外确定经济合理剥采比的方法很多,还没有形成统一定论。

    There are many techniques to confirm the economic stripping ratio inside and ~ outside country at the present time , but there are no the last word .

  18. 阐述了计算经济剥采比三种比效法的基本原理和适用条件.并提出了一套相应的计算公式。

    The basic principles and applied conditions of three comparing methods calculating economic stripping ratio are expounded and a series of formulas corresPOnd with the ones are presented in the paper .

  19. 在露天矿设计与生产剥采比控制的现有理论基础上,运用现代控制理论提出了一种适合市场经济要求的新的剥采比控制原则与方法。

    Based on the original principle of the design and operational stripping ratio control method of surface mining , considering market-economy , a new control way and principle have been put forward .

  20. 作者根据投资经济效果的原则,即在本部门额定投资回收期限内能将全部投资回收完毕,提出了前期生产剥采比的计算公式。

    The author puts forward a formula for determining the stripping ratio in initial period of production in accordance with the principles of investment economic effectiveness , i. e. to recover all the investment within the rated return time limit .

  21. 露天矿的边坡角是影响矿山投资、成本及生产安全的重要因素,边坡角的确定直接影响露天境界剥采比的确定,最终影响到露天矿整个生产过程中的经济效益。

    The slope angle of open pit mining is an important factor that affect investment , cost and production safety . Slope angle has direct impact on open pit realm stripping ratio and affects the economic benefits of the entire production process ultimately .

  22. 采矿指标:出矿品位、出矿量、采矿损失率、矿石贫化率、万吨采掘比、剥采比、采掘采剥车间劳动效率、采掘采剥车间单位电耗。

    1.2.1 Mining targets : excavated ore grade , ore yield , mining loss rate , ore dilution rate , ratio of ten thousand tons of ore to its excavation , ratio of overburden , excavating work efficiency , unit electricity consumption for excavation .

  23. 指出现行经济合理剥采比的不合理性,并结合当前不同采矿技术的发展对采矿成本的影响,分析了经济合理剥采比的不确定性和变化趋势。

    In this paper , it is pointed that the current economic and reasonable stripping ratio is not reasonable , combining with the effect of current different mining technology on mining cost , non-determination and changing trend for economic and reasonable stripping ratio is analyzed .