
bō lí
  • peel;strip;be stripped;peel off;come off;exfoliate;divest
剥离 [bō lí]
  • (1) [be stripped;peel off;come off]∶附着物或覆盖物脱落

  • (2) [exfoliate]∶[组织、皮肤、覆盖物等]脱落

剥离[bō lí]
  1. 工业CT图像三维重建及剥离显示

    Three dimensional reconstruction of industrial computed tomographic images and their peel display

  2. R值或COOH%发生变化,T剥离强度也跟着发生改变;

    T-style peel strength was also changed by changing the content of COOH % or R value .

  3. 他挽救了该公司,随后将其纺织部门剥离出来成立了一个独立的公司。

    He rescued the company and later spun off its textile division into a separate company

  4. 取下前三个后,我发现第四个已经剥离了。

    Having taken out the first three , I found the fourth stripped .

  5. 法庭发现在防止垄断方面进行资产剥离是必要的。

    The court found divestiture to be necessary in preventing a monopoly .

  6. 能量投射器开火然后在一阵闪光后剥离了飞船的装甲。

    Energy projectors fired and peeled off the ships ' armor in a flash .

  7. 全国邮电无线寻呼资产剥离、改制重组工作取得了较大进展。

    Rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis .

  8. 对模型中的Agent进行了功能层次划分,分析了各功能Agent及其相互关系。抗剥离剂作用原理与性能;

    The functional Agent and their relation are analyzed . the performance and functional mechanism of the antistripping agent .

  9. FRP加固混凝土梁剥离承载力的计算及设计方法

    Design Models for the Debonding Strength of RC Beams Strengthened with FRP

  10. 氢离子注入GaAs晶片表面剥离机理

    Investigation of GaAs wafer surface blistering by hydrogen implantation

  11. 剥离技术制作金属互连柱及其在MEMS中的应用

    Fabrication of Metal Interlinked Pillar by Using lift-off Technology and Its Application in MEMS

  12. 影响海岛法纺PET超细纤维剥离性的因素

    Analysis of the factors which have effect on the stripping performance of PET superfine fiber spun with islands-in-sea method

  13. CFRP加固钢筋混凝土梁端部剥离破坏的试验研究

    Experimental research on debonding failure of plate-end of RC beam strengthened with CFRP

  14. 通过XRD测试研究有机蒙脱土/环氧树脂复合体系的插层行为及剥离机理。

    First , intercalation and exfoliation behaviors of organ clays in epoxy resin has been investigated by XRD .

  15. 智能剥离SOI高温压力传感器

    High Temperature Pressure Sensor Fabricated with Smart Cut SOI Materials

  16. 刀具表面CVD法金刚石薄膜剥离及其结合性能

    The Delamination and Adhesion of Diamond Films Deposited on the Surface of Cutting Tool Materials by CVD

  17. TiO2粉体亲水处理及对可剥离涂料膜体性能影响的研究

    Study on Influence of Hydrophilic Modification of TiO_2 Powder on Film Performance of Strippable Coatings

  18. 用原子力显微镜(AFM)观察到HAFTPS/MMT中纳米级剥离的蒙脱土。

    Exfoliated nano MMT in HAFTPS / MMT was found by atomic force microscopy ( AFM ) .

  19. MBS的运作工具有抵押贷款过手证券、担保抵押贷款证券和本息剥离债券,第三章对这三种运作工具的现金流进行了详细的分析。

    The third chapter analysis the cash flow of those operating tools in detail .

  20. 本文报导了氮气(N2)和氢气(H2)对氢原子束剥离截面的测量系统及实验结果。

    In this paper we describe the facilities for measuring the electron loss cross section of hydrogen atom beam in nitrogen and in hydrogen and report the experimental results .

  21. 因此,本课题提出一种利用光纤传感技术对FRP的分层或剥离进行无损检测的新方法。

    Therefore , a new delamination and debonding detection technique based on fiber optic interferometry is proposed in this thesis .

  22. 胎盘早期剥离与DIC的诊治

    Early Peeling Off of Placental and DIC Diagnosis

  23. 系统研究了影响石墨片层剥离和与PP纳米复合的因素和机理,以及磨盘碾磨剪切力场和石墨受限环境对PP微观结构的影响;

    The process and mechanisms of slipping , exfoliation to layered graphite and compounding with polypropylene ( PP ) on nano-scale were systemically studied .

  24. 采用激光拉曼光谱并结合SEM和XRD等手段对高碳钢盘条表面氧化皮进行了研究,同时,对不同冷却条件下形成的氧化皮机械剥离性能进行了评价。

    The three-layer structure of oxide scale formed on high carbon steel wire was confirmed by laser Raman spectroscopy ( LRS ), together with SEM and XRD .

  25. 考虑实际微结构表面粗糙度对粘着特性的影响,利用表面力以及表征微尺度粘着弹性接触理论的粘着数对微机械中典型的微悬臂梁结构的剥离数(peelnumber)进行修正。

    Considering the effect of surface roughness on the adhesion of microstructures , the surface force and adhesion parameter characterizing the micro-scale adhesive contact were used to modify the peel number .

  26. 采用激光剥离技术结合金属熔融键合技术将生长在蓝宝石衬底上的GaN外延层转移到Si衬底上。

    GaN thin films grown on sapphire substrates are successfully bonded and transferred onto Si receptor substrates using fusion bonding and laser lift-off ( LLO ) technique .

  27. 美国还单方面出台了沃尔克规则(VolckerRule),迫使银行剥离自营交易,同时欧洲正在出台针对资产管理公司的规则。

    The US is also unilaterally introducing the Volcker rule , forcing banks to shed proprietary trading , while Europe is introducing rules for asset managers .

  28. 通过使用各种方法,它探测进来的HTTP头文件中的会话标识,将它们剥离出来并将它们的值存储在自己的数据库中。

    Using a variety of methods , it detects session identifiers in the incoming HTTP headers , strips them out and stores their values in its own database .

  29. 所制备的高固含量水性聚氨酯表现出优越的粘接性能,未加固化剂的单组分水性聚氨酯剥离强度(PVC/PVC)高达8.8N/mm。

    Without external cure agents , the unique one-component waterborne polyurethane displays excellent adhesive properties , T-peel strength test ( PVC / PVC ) yielded a maximum value of 8.8N/mm .

  30. 本文研究了固化剂用量、烘烤时间、固化时间以及胶层厚度对CR/MMA接板氯丁胶粘剂剥离强度的影响。

    The peeling strength of CR / MMA graft adhesive is dependent upon the concentration of curing agent , heating time , curing time and adhe-sive thickness .