
  • 网络divestiture strategy
  1. 食品供应链成员企业可以选择采取运输外包、配送外包、全部外包、合资和剥离等物流外包战略。

    The member enterprises of the food supply chain can adopt such logistics outsourcing strategies as spot hire of transport services , contracting out the distribution operation , system buyout , joint venture and system spin - off .

  2. 不过值得注意的是,资产剥离却经常在我们身边发生,还有很多诸如GE、万科等国内外优秀企业就是通过采取适时的资产剥离战略,才取得了今天的成功。

    But this phenomenon frequently happens all over the world , and many excellent companies such as GE and VANKE achieve success through timely divestitures .