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bāo pí
  • skin;peel off the skin;peel;decorticate;flay
剥皮 [bāo pí]
  • (1) [peel]∶剥去某物的外层

  • (2) [skin]∶除去任何动物、蔬菜或水果的皮

  • 剥熊的皮

  • (3) [decorticate]∶剥去树皮、种子的外壳或水果的皮

剥皮[bāo pí]
  1. 猎人跪在动物尸体旁边,开始剥皮。

    The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass and commenced to skin it .

  2. 棉秆剥皮机设计理论探讨

    A Discussion on the Design of Peeling Cotton Stalk Skin Machine

  3. 再要呆在一起就好像自愿被活活剥皮一样。

    To remain together was like volunteering to be flayed alive .

  4. 他自己砍树、剥皮、劈成木材。

    He felled , peeled and hewed his own timber .

  5. 把蒜剥皮并捣碎。

    Peel and crush the garlic .

  6. 他们不得不将这些体形庞大、身披绒毛的白色动物剥皮,然后切碎了做食物。

    They had to flay the great , white , fleecy animals and cut them up for food

  7. 剥皮,放入塑料袋或容器中冷冻。

    Remove the skin and place them in plastic bags or containers and freeze .

  8. 每一棵决定要剥皮的树,首先由厄普约翰开始动手干

    Every tree doomed to the flaying process was first attacked by Upjohn .

  9. 一种剥皮算法在工业CT图像分割中的应用

    Application of Peeling Method to Segmentation of Industrial Computed Tomographic Image

  10. 基于PLC和电子凸轮开关的剥皮机自动控制系统

    The Application of Electronic Cam in Peeling Machine

  11. 全自动电缆矫直剥皮机机构的PLC控制

    The mechanism control of full-automatic wire aligns peeler

  12. 基于AVR单片机全自动裁线剥皮扭线机控制系统的研制

    Development of Full-automatic CD-skinned Twisted Machine Based on AVR

  13. 这似表明,剥皮刺激诱导的内源IAA浓度的快速升高可能是束缚态IAA的快速释放,而不是芽和幼叶新合成的结果。

    This suggested that rapid increase of endogenous IAA induced by wounding could result from a release of the combined form into free IAA .

  14. 介绍PLC控制系统在钛棒材剥皮机改造中的成功应用,叙述了该设备的控制要求,并重点介绍控制系统总体方案、硬件构成和系统软件的功能特点。

    This paper recommends the application of the PLC control system in improvement of the titanium bars peeling machine , describes the control requirement of the peeling machine with the emphasis on the general plan of control system , hardware composition and software functions of the system .

  15. 在剥皮滚筒转速为25r/min,钢丝直径为2.3mm,物料入口处钢丝顶端与滚筒的间隙在50mm条件下,可获得较理想的作业质量。

    When the hulling cylinder speed is 25 r / min , the diameter of steel wire is 2.3 mm , the clearance between steel wire tip and hulling cylinder is 50 mm , the quality of walnut hulling is the best .

  16. 本文详细解析电子线材自动剪裁剥皮机理及PJB-80型宽排线自动剪线剥皮机的开发和研究。

    This paper makes an analysis of the mechanism of automatic clipping and stripping of electronic wires in detail , and describes the development of Model PJB-80 automatic clipping and stripping machine for wide banked wires .

  17. 手提剥皮机主要性能对使用效果影响的研究

    The influence of portable wood - peeler characteristics on using effect

  18. 捞出稍稍放凉,剥皮并切小块。

    Drain and cool slightly , peel and cut into cubes .

  19. 树木剥皮再生研究综述

    Review of Researches on Bark regeneration after the Girdling of Trees

  20. 主要是把原木砍伐下来然后运回来剥皮

    Mainly milling and receiving logs -- and stripping the bark .

  21. 招聘:50个女孩在工厂操作剥皮机器。

    Wanted : 50 girls for stripping machine operators in factory .

  22. 环式剥皮机主要参数的设计计算及效能分析

    Ring debarker : design calculation of main parameters and performance analysis

  23. 我和我兄弟想找剥皮工人的工作。

    My brother and me are looking for work as skinners .

  24. 因纽特人将猎得的动物剥皮,获取它们的皮毛。

    Inuit skin the animals they hunt to use their fur .

  25. 玉米果穗剥皮辊型及其主要参数优选试验

    The test for selecting the type and parameters of ear-corn husking roll

  26. 电线剥皮及端子压着一个动作完成。

    The wire stripping and terminal pressing are completely together .

  27. 大蒜剥皮,切薄片后撒在番茄上。

    Peel the garlic , slice thinly and sprinkle over the tomatoes .

  28. 那只我在剥皮来当晚餐的野猪。

    The boar that I was skinning for our dinner .

  29. 在此基础上,跟踪观察了剥皮后树体的一些生理反应。

    On this basis , some physiological reactions were observed .

  30. 说要把我们拆骨剥皮。

    Said they were going to pick our bones clean .