
  • 网络Dialectical materialism;Dialectic Materialism
  1. 我们要认真学习辩证唯物论,用以指导实践。

    We must study dialectical materialism so that we can use it to guide our work .

  2. 哲学方面的马克思主义,是所谓的辩证唯物论,它强调经济决定论。

    The philosophical side of Marxism is called dialectical materialism ; it emphasizes economic determinism .

  3. 把辩证唯物论作为“特色论”的出发点;

    The first part says that dialectical materialism is the starting point of the characteristic theory ;

  4. 有了辩证唯物论的思想,就省得许多事,也少犯许多错误。

    Once dialectical materialism is grasped , a lot of trouble will be saved and many mistakes avoided .

  5. 实践的观点是辩证唯物论的认识论之第一的和基本的观点。

    The standpoint of practice is the primary and basic standpoint in the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge .

  6. 辩证唯物论之所以为普遍真理,在于经过无论什么人的实践都不能逃出它的范围。

    Dialectical materialism is universally true because it is impossible for anyone to escape from its domain in his practice .

  7. 第一,我们尊重宗教信仰自由与主张的辩证唯物论,并不冲突。

    First , there is no conflict between our respect for freedom of religious belief and our advocacy of dialectical materialism .

  8. 这就是辩证唯物论的全部认识论,这就是辩证唯物论的知行统一观。

    Such is the whole of the dialectical-materialist theory of knowledge , and such is the dialectical-materialist theory of the unity of knowing and doing .

  9. 理性认识依赖于感性认识,感性认识有待于发展到理性认识,这就是辩证唯物论的认识论。

    Rational knowledge depends upon perceptual knowledge and perceptual knowledge remains to be developed into rational knowledge & this is the dialectical-materialist theory of knowledge .

  10. 他是昙花一现的解析的辩证唯物论学派的主要理论代表,其实这派哲学亦颇适切于中国哲学现代化的需要;

    He was the major proponent of analytical dialectic materialism , a philosophical school that was short-lived yet adaptable to the needs of the modernization of Chinese philosophy .

  11. 但是,我们是马克思主义的辩证唯物论者,对于任何人和任何事都应该采用辩证的观点、实事求是的态度进行评价和分析。

    But we are Marxists of dialectical materialism and keep a dialectical viewpoint to anyone or anything , judge and analyze them with a practical and realistic attitude .

  12. 钱老公开申明,所有当代科学技术学科都应该归于马克思主义辩证唯物论哲学指导下的知识体系。

    He stated that all the modern scientific and technological disciplines should belong to the knowledge hierarchy which was under the guidance of Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism .

  13. 战略思维方法主要有五种即辩证唯物论和历史唯物论的基本方法、整体的与全过程的方法、逻辑的方法、具体专门科学的方法、非典型性思维方法。

    Similarly , there are five basic methods of strategic thinking , that is , totality and whole process , logic , concrete specialized science , and non-typical thinking .

  14. 正是列宁提出的“客观实在”物质观为辩证唯物论的非实体化发展开辟了一条新路径。

    It is the material concept of " objective reality " Lenin put forward by Lenin that has opened a new way for the development of non-hypostatization of dialectical materialism .

  15. 分三个部分论述之:首先论述张先生一生始终信服气学思想,并揭示他所以信服气学思想与其一生信奉辩证唯物论,主张将辩证唯物论与气学创造的综合有直接的关系;

    First , it is stated that Zhang has a constant conviction for the thoughts of " Qi " and the direct relation between " Qiology " and dialectical materialism .

  16. 根据辩证唯物论关于差异与共维、中介和两极的观点,详细论述了模糊性、模糊概念、相对隶属度、相对隶属度函数等相对隶属度理论。

    Fuzziness , fuzzy concept and theory of relative membership degree are detailed based on the perspective of dialectical materialism on difference and common dimension , medium transition and two poles .

  17. 持辩证唯物论逻辑客体说哲学指导思想的当代形式逻辑揭示了推理的前提与结论间的必然关系的两个独立性。

    Modern formal logic holding guide ideology of the philosophy that is about dialectical materialism and object theory about logic reveals two independence of apodeictic relation about reasoning between premise and conclusion .

  18. 对道家、医家、佛家、儒家的养生之道也以历史唯物论和辩证唯物论的观点作了剖析。

    The way to keep in good health for Taoist school , medical school , Buddhist school and Confucian school was also analysed from the viewpoints of historical materialism and dialectical materialism .

  19. 这种基于实践的由浅入深的辩证唯物论的关于认识发展过程的理论,在马克思主义以前,是没有一个人这样解决过的。

    This dialectical-materialist theory of the process of development of knowledge , basing itself on practice and proceeding from the shallower to the deeper , was never worked out by anybody before the rise of marxism .

  20. 本文从阐明自然界物质系统在演化与发展过程中都必须经过中介过渡阶段的事实出发,论述了模糊集合论或模糊数学的辩证唯物论哲学基础。

    After stating the fact that material system in nature must go through intermediary transitional state in the process of evolution and development , this paper discusses the philosophical basis of dialectical materialist theory of fuzzy sets or fuzzy mathematics .

  21. 三个代表重要思想以辩证唯物论和历史唯物论为理论根基,是马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果,是我们党必须长期坚持的指导思想。

    The important thought of Three Represents regards dialectical materialism and history materialism as the theory foundation , it is the China latest theory achievement of Marxism , is guidelines that our party must adhere to for a long time .

  22. 应以不同角度入手挖掘实用主义的历史渊源及其演变,实用主义的本质和社会根源,实用主义的当今表现及社会影响,以揭露和批判实用主义,坚定捍卫辩证唯物论的旗帜。

    This paper is to find in different ways the historical resource and evolution , the essence and social origin , the present performance and social effect of the pragmatism in order to criticize it and firmly defend on the banner of dialectical materialism .

  23. 他倡导的以辩证唯物论为基础和主导的中、西、马三流合一、综合创新之路,代表了20世纪中国哲学发展的正确方向,也是新世纪中国哲学继续前行的现实道路。

    He also proposed the innovation and merging of Chinese , Western and Marxist philosophy , which proved to be the correct direction for the development of Chinese philosophy in the 20 th century and a practical path for such development in the new century .

  24. 马克思哲学变革过程中,发生过“三个结合”,即唯物论与辩证法、唯物论与实践观、辩证法与实践观的相结合,形成了唯物观、辩证观、实践观三位一体的哲学理论内核。

    In the course of its transformation , there appeared three combinations , namely , materialism with dialectics , materialism with a practice viewpoint , and dialectics with a practice viewpoint , forming a trinity core of the philosophical theory .

  25. 马克思、恩格斯在创立自己的理论过程中,批判地吸取了黑格尔的唯心辩证法和费尔巴哈唯物论的合理内核。

    Marx and Engels assimilated the reasonable core of idealistic dialectic of Hegel and materialism of Feuerbach critically during their theory was founded .

  26. 实践过程辩证法超越了唯物论和唯心论的知性对立,从而成为理解人本身以及人与世界关系的新的解释原则。

    Beyond the practice of dialectic materialism and idealism of the intellectual opposition , making himself understood , as well as the relationship between man and the world of the new principles of interpretation .