
  • 网络dialectical logic thinking
  1. 学习辩证逻辑思维,实施正确决策;

    The acquisition of dialectical logical thinking brought into proper decision .

  2. 辩证逻辑思维方法是进行理性思维所遵循的原则和逻辑。

    Dialectical logic mode of thinking is the principle in rational thinking .

  3. 高职数学教学中学生辩证逻辑思维能力的培养

    To Train Undergraduates Thinking Ability of Dialectics and Logic in Higher Vocational Math Teaching

  4. 重视学生辩证逻辑思维的培养

    Cultivation of the students ′ dialectical logic thought

  5. 与这二种逻辑思维回避与排斥矛盾不同,辩证逻辑思维承认与研究矛盾。

    Differing from the contradiction between avoidance and repelling , dialectical logical thinking acknowledges and studies the contradiction .

  6. 明确了权利发展意义上的权利推理是一个发现和确认新权利的辩证逻辑思维过程。

    The inference of right about the development of rights is a dialectic logic thinking process of finding and confirming new rights .

  7. 本文站在辩证逻辑思维高度上,从普遍性和特殊性两方面对旅游本质进行探析,把旅游本质的研究推向一个新的层面。

    This paper analyses the essence of tourism from generality to peculiarity , some valuable viewpoints being posed , thus providing a new approach to the essence of tourism .

  8. 这就要求记者在新闻实践活动中,必须依赖辩证逻辑思维的方法,同时要求深悉心理学以应对被采访者,提高新闻采访的质量。

    This requires reporters to use methodology of dialectical logical thinking in gathering news and to know psychology very well in order to meet interviewees and improve the quality of news-making .

  9. 在对逻辑思维界定与特征的分析基础之上,进一步分析得出逻辑思维的三种类型:日常(普通)逻辑思维、形式化逻辑思维与辩证逻辑思维。

    Based on the analysis foundation of the definition and characteristic , the author draws out from analysing the three types : Daily ( ordinary ) logical thinking ﹑ formalizedlogical thinking and dialectical logical thinking .

  10. 本文结合高职数学微积分的教学实践,通过直与曲、近似与精确一般与特殊的矛盾转化,在如何培养学生的辩证逻辑思维能力方面进行了探讨。

    How to educate student 's thinking ability of dialectics and logic is discussed in the paper based on contradict conversion of straight line and curve , approximative and accurate and general and special during calculous teaching .

  11. 逻辑思维作为人类发展的高级阶段,其发展经历了形式思维(抽象理论思维)和辩证逻辑思维(辩证理论思维)两个阶段。

    At the advanced phase of human thought , the development of logical thought is consist of abstract logical thought and dialectic logical thought , On the one hand , abstract logical thought is a science as a tool .

  12. 并必将更多地借助辩证逻辑的思维方法。

    " Generativism " will take more advantage of dialectical logic thinking method .

  13. 在知识越来越成为社会进步和发展关键的时代,认识辩证逻辑与思维创新的关系十分重要。

    When knowledge is playing a more and more important role in the social development , it is of great importance to clearly realize the relationship between dialectic logic and thinking innovation .

  14. 教学原则的演绎体系框架应以辩证逻辑的思维方法,从教学过程矛盾运行的规律中去推导。

    Based on the mode of thinking in dialectical logic , this article tries to derive the framework of the deductive system of instructional principles from the regular patterns of contradictory operations of instructional processes .

  15. 在现实社会里,人们对人才的需求注重的不再仅仅是学历而是能力,也就是不仅要求他们具有深厚扎实的文化素养,同时也要求他们具有一个辩证的逻辑思维的头脑。

    In reality , people demand for talent is no longer just focus on academic , but ability . That is not only requires that they have a solid deep cultural awareness , while also requiring them to have a logic of dialectical thinking mind .

  16. 美术教师对思维能力各方面的看重程度由高到低的排列顺序依次为:形象思维、发散思维、直觉思维、辩证思维、逻辑思维。

    Fine arts teachers believe there are five aspects of thinking . , which are visual thinking , radiation thinking , intuition thinking , dialectic thinking and logical thinking .

  17. 辩证逻辑是关于辩证思维形式及其规律的科学,必须克服把辩证逻辑与辩证法相混淆的错误倾向,沿着辩证逻辑逻辑化的道路前进;

    Dialectical logic is a science concerned with the form of dialectical thinking and its disciplines , we must not confuse dialectical logic with dialectics , but proceed along the logicalized way of dialectical logic ;

  18. 从治国方略的辩证发展认识以德治国学习辩证逻辑思维,实施正确决策;

    On the " Running Country by the Rule of Virtue " from the Dialectic Development of the General Plan of Running Country ; The acquisition of dialectical logical thinking brought into proper decision .

  19. 论辩证思维的创新功能&兼及辩证逻辑与创新思维的关系

    On the Innovational Ability of Dialectical Thinking - And the Relationship between Dialectical Thinking and Innovational Thinking

  20. 抽象逻辑思维包含着形式逻辑与辩证逻辑两个层面。形式逻辑与辩证逻辑在思维创新活动中各自有着重要的活动形式与功能特性。

    The abstract logical thinking contains two levels : the formal logic and the dialectical logic , which respectively has its important form of activity and characteristic function in thought innovation .

  21. 那么辩证逻辑到底是什么?本文认为辩证逻辑是关于辩证思维形式及其规律的科学。

    So what dialectical logic actually is ? This article claims that dialectical logic is the science about the dialectical thinking .