
biàn zhèng fǎ
  • dialectics
辩证法 [biàn zhèng fǎ]
  • [dialectics]∶关于事物矛盾的运动、发展、变化的一般规律的哲学学说。辩证法认为事物处在不断运动、变化、发展之中,而这些是由事物内部矛盾引起的

辩证法[biàn zhèng fǎ]
  1. 要提倡唯物辩证法,反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。

    Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism .

  2. 唯物辩证法认为,外因通过内因而起作用。

    Materialist dialectics argues that external causes become operative through internal causes .

  3. 辩证法原则在一个严格的形式系统即系统Z中得到一定程度的体现。

    Such principles of dialectical logic are represented , to a certain extent , in a formal system Z.

  4. 本文主要分三个方面论述了马克思辩证法的人文关怀思想。

    This article discusses three aspects of Marxist Dialectics Humanism thought .

  5. 数学哲学与数学有效性的研究&答《科学技术与辩证法》中的商榷文

    The Study of Philosophy of Mathematics and the Effectiveness of Mathematics

  6. 关于自然辩证法概论课教学体系的构想

    Idea of Teaching System of An Introduction to Dialectics of Nature

  7. 对《启蒙辩证法》中工具理性批判思想的批判

    Critique of the Critique of Instrumental Reason in Dialectics of Enlightenment

  8. 学科和课程分化与综合的辩证法

    The Dialectics of the Differentiation and Integration of Discipline and Curricula

  9. 历史辩证法视阈中的当代中国社会发展

    Social Development in Contemporary China in the View of Historical Dialectics

  10. 中介是唯物辩证法的一个重要概念。

    The medium is an important concept of the materialist dialectics .

  11. 发展与困惑:自然辩证法研究的若干问题

    Development and Perplexities Issues in the study of Natural Dialectics

  12. 马克思辩证法在当代视域中至少有三个方面的重要意义。

    Marx 's dialectic have three important meanings at least in contemporary .

  13. 黑格尔辩证法思想与现代思维范式

    The Dialectic Idea of Hegel and the Modern Thinking Pattern

  14. 矛盾转化是唯物辩证法的重要范畴。

    Conflict transform is an important category in materialistic dialectic .

  15. 雷电:教学中的美与辩证法

    Thunder and Lightning : Aesthetic Feeling and Dialectics in Teaching

  16. 黑格尔辩证法是以绝对精神为主体的辩证法。

    Hegel is the absolute spirit as the main dialectics .

  17. 在中世纪,论题通过经院辩证法得以流传下来。

    In the Middle Ages , topics went down through canonist dialectics .

  18. 瓦解资本的逻辑&马克思辩证法的批判本质

    Collapse of Capital Logic : The Critical Nature of Marx 's Dialectics

  19. 极限概念的辩证法探讨对疲劳极限线图的理论分析

    On Limit The theoretical approach of contour of fatigue limit

  20. 柯热夫:主奴辩证法中的欲望关系

    Alexandre Kojeve : Desire Relation in the Dialectic of Master and Slave

  21. 从结构和性能范畴看皮肤疤痕中的辩证法

    The Human Scar : The Dialectics of the Structure and Function Category

  22. 论皮亚杰《发生认识论原理》中的辩证法思想

    Jean Piaget 's Dialectical Thought in Principles of Genetic Epistemology

  23. 有意、无意的辩证法&论金庸的叙事策略

    Dialectics Between Intentional and Unintentional & On Jin Yong 's Narrative Strategy

  24. 辩证法与相对主义既相对立又相联系。

    Dialectics is antagonistic to Relativism and interrelated to it as well .

  25. 它是批判的、革命的辩证法;它是与认识论、逻辑学的同一。

    It is the epistemology and logics , one is the same .

  26. 辩证法的建设功能是在辩证批判的母体中孕育的。

    The dialectical " criticism " breeds the construction functions of dialectics .

  27. 从思辨到革命&马克思对黑格尔辩证法的颠倒

    From Speculation to Revolution : Marx 's Inversion of Hegel 's Dialectic

  28. 创新型教学在自然辩证法课程中的实践

    The Practice of Innovative Teaching Approach in Dialectics of Nature

  29. 总之,要照辩证法办事。

    In a word , we must act in accordance with dialectics .

  30. 革命的辩证法,辩证思维的理性精神;

    ? revolutionary dialectics and rational spirit of dialectical thinking ;