
  • 网络dialectical negation;dialectic negation
  1. 作为当代世界经济发展的大趋势,经济全球化发展使资本主义社会形态日益成熟,并为社会主义对它的全面的辩证的否定不自觉地构筑着经济社会关系的基础。

    As a major trend in the present development of the world economy , the development of economic globalization has ripened the social formation of capitalism and unconsciously built the basis of social-economic relations for its overall and dialectical negation by socialism .

  2. 讨论了明确统计方法在科学研究中的地位对于正确应用统计方法的重要性。从量变与质变、偶然与必然、现象与本质、辩证的否定和相对的真理几个角度论述了统计处理的辩证思想。

    This article discussed the position of statistics in scientific research and the importance of using it properly .

  3. 但总的发展趋势却是在前进中曲折,在曲折中发展,符合马克思主义唯物辩证法的否定之否定规律。

    But the whole developing trend is advancing up-and-down , which is in accordance with Marxism materialist dialectics .

  4. 但哲学不像怀疑主义那样,仅仅停留在辩证法的否定结果方面。

    In contradistinction to mere skepticism , however , philosophy does not remain content with the purely negative result of Dialectic .

  5. 马克思对黑格尔辩证法最大的否定之处在于辩证法的前提预设与理论基础上,马克思改造了黑格尔辩证法中内在的否定性的不彻底性,揭示了辩证法内在的、批判的、革命的本质。

    Marx pointed out the negativity 's incompleteness of Hegelian dialectic and revealed the revolutionary and critical nature of dialectic .