
  • Li Yu
李渔 [lǐ yú]
  • [Li Yu] (1611-约1680) 字笠鸿、谪凡,号笠翁,明末清初兰溪(现在浙江省兰溪县)人,戏曲理论家,作家。除《一家言》外,还著有《笠翁十种曲》(传奇)、短篇小说集《十二楼》等

  1. 李渔戏曲的关目艺术及当代意义

    Guan Mu Arts of Li Yu Drama and Its Contemporary Significance

  2. 试析李渔的戏曲导演理论

    A Preliminary Research into the Drama Directing Theories of Li Yu

  3. 略论李渔崇尚通俗的戏曲接受观

    On Li Yu 's Dramatic Reception Theory of Stressing the Popularization

  4. 李渔的戏剧思想述评

    THOUGHT Thoughts Commentary of the Theory of Li Yu 's Drama

  5. 李渔的喜剧创作及剧作喜剧性探因

    Li Yu 's Comic Creating and its Cause of Comic Characteristics

  6. 李渔戏曲理论研究50年综述

    Summary of Fifty Years ' Research on Li Yu 's Opera Theory

  7. 析李渔的饮食营养卫生观

    On View of Li Yu 's Diet Nutrition and Hygiene

  8. 李渔戏曲结构布局理论与其小说创作

    Li Yu 's Opera Organizing Theory and His Novel Writing

  9. 李渔戏曲理论的艺术辩证性解读

    Interpreting the Artistic Dialectic of LI Yu ' Dramatic Theory

  10. 李渔戏曲与小说创作的差异性

    The Differences between the plays and stories of Li Yu

  11. 李渔小说的喜剧化表现形态研究

    Study of Comedic Form Expression in Li Yu 's Novels

  12. 李渔建筑人文思想摭遗

    A Collection of Li Yu 's Humanistic Ideas on Architecture

  13. 论李渔的双重品格及其小说

    On Li Yu 's Double Character and His Novels

  14. 这一体系中,结构论是重点,本文拟对李渔的戏曲结构论展开研究。

    This system , the structure of the focus .

  15. 李渔的戏曲创作理论

    The Theory of Chinese Drama Written by Li Yu

  16. 论李渔《十二楼》的文人化特征

    On Scholarly style of LI Yu 's Twelve Buildings

  17. 李渔戏曲创作的商业化倾向

    The Commercial Tendency in LI Yu 's Dramatic Creation

  18. 李渔和西方戏剧理论的对话

    Theoretical Dialogue between Li Yu and Western Drama

  19. 李渔饮食观探析

    On LI Yu 's Idea of Healthy Diet

  20. 李渔短篇小说的叙事特征

    Narrative Characteristic of Li Yu 's Short Stories

  21. 论李渔戏曲的商品性

    The Commodity Character of Li Yu 's Opera

  22. 李渔提出了小说是无声戏的概念。

    Li Yu put forward a view that the story was one unsound drama .

  23. 机智的故事:薄伽丘与李渔小说之比较

    Stories of Wit : Comparative Analysis of Boccaccio 's and Li Yu 's Tales

  24. 李渔为提高小说的社会地位作了不懈努力。

    Li Yu made great efforts to raise the social position of the story .

  25. 李渔剧论的观众立场及其贡献

    Li Yu 's Dramatics Criticism and Its Contribution : Emphasis on the Audience 's Position

  26. 李渔戏曲接受观论略

    On Li Yu 's Dramatic Reception Theory

  27. 李渔的戏曲理论与创作中的观众学初探

    Studying Geography Research on Li Yu 's opera theory and audience orientation in opera writing

  28. 李渔的文化经营之道

    LI Yu 's Experience of Cultural Business

  29. 金圣叹与李渔戏剧结构论比较

    A Comparison on the Thought of Drama Structure between Jin Shengtan 's and Lee Yu 's

  30. 李渔是清初著名的戏曲作家、戏曲理论家和小说家。

    Li Yu is the famous dramatist , dramatic theorist and novelist in early Qing Dynasty .