首页 / 词典 / good


zhǔ yi
  • idea;thought;plan;definite view;ones own judgment
主意 [zhǔ yì]
  • (1) [definite view;ones own judgment]∶主见

  • 这个人有主意

  • (2) [idea;thought]∶办法

  • 好主意

主意[zhǔ yi]
  1. 这个主意倒不错,可实施情况不理想。

    The idea was good , but the execution was poor .

  2. 你这个人就是会想出这种荒唐的主意来!

    Trust you to dream up a crazy idea like this !

  3. 他们实际上不可能改变主意。

    There 's no real possibility of them changing their minds .

  4. 她拿定主意对所有的谣言置之不理。

    She decided to shut her ears to all the rumours .

  5. 你早晚得拿个主意。

    Sooner or later you will have to make a decision .

  6. 她给劳拉出了一些主意,好逗这对双胞胎开心。

    She suggested several ideas to help Laura amuse the twins .

  7. 他不可能改变主意。

    There is no chance that he will change his mind .

  8. 最终你还是得自己拿主意。

    Ultimately , you 'll have to make the decision yourself .

  9. 任你费尽口舌也不会说服我改变主意。

    No amount of coaxing will make me change my mind .

  10. 没有什么,绝对没有什么会使他改变主意。

    Nothing , but nothing would make him change his mind .

  11. “这真是个绝妙的主意。”他充满热情地说。

    ' It 's a wonderful idea , ' he enthused .

  12. 他把我拉到一旁,给我出主意。

    He took me aside to give me some advice .

  13. 她打定主意要得到这个新工作。

    She 's dead set on getting this new job .

  14. 假如你改变主意的话,一定要告诉我。

    If you should change your mind , do let me know .

  15. 我们出发之前打个电话是个好主意。

    It would be a good idea to call before we leave .

  16. 你为什么那样死命地反对这个主意呢?

    Why are you so dead set against the idea ?

  17. 去不去巴西,我仍然拿不定主意。

    I still have mixed feelings about going to Brazil .

  18. 时间过得飞快,而我们却还没有拿定主意。

    Time marches on and we still have not made a decision .

  19. 当时这主意好像不错。

    It seemed like a good idea at the time .

  20. 你认为去趟罗马这个主意如何?

    How does the idea of a trip to Rome grab you ?

  21. 我拿不定主意邀请谁。

    I 'm in a dither about who to invite .

  22. 这大概是个馊主意,但管它呢!

    This is probably a bad idea , but what the hey !

  23. 让他改变主意可不是件容易的事儿。

    It was no easy matter getting him to change his mind .

  24. 许多最好的主意都来自临床医师。

    Many of the best ideas come from doctors at the coalface .

  25. 我永远也想不出这个主意。

    I 'd never have thought of that in a million years .

  26. 这事怎么办,她一点主意都没有。

    She never had the least idea what to do about it .

  27. 这个主意是他在梦中想到的。

    The idea occurred to him in a dream .

  28. 我泡澡时想出了这个主意。

    The idea came to me in the bath .

  29. 我还拿不定主意投谁的票。

    I 'm still undecided who to vote for .

  30. 集思广益是出主意的好办法。

    Brainstorming is a good way of generating ideas .