首页 / 词典 / good


dā ying
  • promise;agree;answer;reply;respond;undertake
答应 [dā yìng]
  • (1) [answer;reply;respond]∶出声回答

  • (2) [promise;agree]∶表示允诺、同意

  • 我答应这事交给王先生办了

  • 我们请他来参加讨论会,他答应了

答应[dā ying]
  1. 我敲了几下门,但没人答应。

    I knocked at the door several times , but there was no answer .

  2. 敲了半天门没人答应。

    I knocked again and again but there was no answer .

  3. “我马上回来。”她答应说。

    ' I 'll be back soon , ' she promised .

  4. 保罗这个永远的乐观主义者答应再试一次。

    Paul , ever the optimist , agreed to try again .

  5. 我一时热情过度答应了工作到很晚。

    In an excess of enthusiasm I agreed to work late .

  6. 学院院长答应研究这个问题。

    The college principal promised to look into the matter .

  7. 没有合伙人的认可我什么也不能答应。

    I can 't agree to anything without my partner 's approval .

  8. “我答应。”她小声说。

    ' I promise , ' she said in a small voice .

  9. 他们设法促使我们答应了提供帮助。

    They managed to manipulate us into agreeing to help .

  10. 他向我求婚,我答应了。

    He asked me to marry him and I accepted .

  11. 她觉得答应过了就应该出席。

    She felt honour bound to attend as she had promised to .

  12. 她轻率地答应借钱给他。

    She had rashly promised to lend him the money .

  13. 他们答应支付所有的修理费。

    They agreed to pay the costs of any repairs .

  14. 我答应过他,今晚我不会喝醉。

    I promised him that I 'd stay sober tonight .

  15. 我要求提高工资,她答应了。

    I asked for a pay rise and she agreed .

  16. 他犹豫片刻之后答应了。

    After a moment 's indecision , he said yes .

  17. 双方均申明答应停火。

    Both sides affirmed their commitment to the ceasefire .

  18. 她使父亲感到过意不去,只好答应多给她些帮助。

    She shamed her father into promising more help .

  19. 他答应不管出现什么问题都支持她。

    He promised to support her come what may .

  20. 他答应星期五或之前完成这一工作。

    He undertook to finish the job by Friday .

  21. 他最终为露西的魅力所倾倒,答应了她的请求。

    He finally succumbed to Lucy 's charms and agreed to her request .

  22. 这是我答应给你的钱。

    Here 's the money I promised you .

  23. 他答应把这笔钱给孙儿孙女们。

    He promised the money to his grandchildren .

  24. 我们勉强答应跟她一起去。

    We reluctantly agreed to go with her .

  25. 答应我,别告发我!

    Promise not to tell on me !

  26. 当她答应嫁给他时,他感到终于得到了自己的心上人。

    When she agreed to marry him he felt he had achieved his heart 's desire .

  27. 总统说他不会因受恐怖分子的威胁而答应他们的要求。

    The President said he wouldn 't be blackmailed into agreeing to the terrorists ' demands .

  28. 他答应在六月底完成这项工作,我相信他会履行诺言。

    He has promised to finish the job by June and I am sure he will deliver .

  29. “好吧,不过只能待一会儿。”她最后终于答应了。

    ' Well , just for a little while then , ' she said , finally relenting .

  30. 假使答应他们的要求,他就得背叛自己的原则。

    If he agreed to their demands , he would have to be untrue to his own principles .