
  • 网络answer sheet;Scantron
  1. 然而由于由扫描仪采集到的图像可能因为考生答题卡位置放置不正或其他原因使得扫描到的数字图像发生倾斜的现象,这会对后续答题卡扫描图像的分割与识别工作带来许多困难。

    While because of the inaccurate position of the answer sheet or other reasons , the image of answer sheet may lead to skew phenomenon , it can cause many difficulties to image segment and image recognition .

  2. 浅谈CET-4新题型答题卡设计的不足及改进策略

    Discussion and Reform Suggestions on New CET-4 Answer Sheets

  3. 击中/击不中变换在标准答题卡分割中的应用

    Application of hit / miss transform in separation of standard answer card

  4. 如果答题卡姓名没有填写完整怎么办?

    What if I did not complete my name ?

  5. 方法通过报刊传播媒介,采用问题答题卡形式,统计各问题回答正确率。

    Methods The correct rate of keys to questions was estimated through questionnaires via newspapers and other medium .

  6. 对不起,我在看他的答题卡.我想问他的答题卡几个问题?

    Sorry , Ms Lee . I 'm not looking at his paper . I 'm asking the paper questions .

  7. 但不要在准考证、答题卡上写与考试无关的字迹!

    You can write down anything you feel like on your own exam paper but NOT on your Admission Ticket !

  8. 讨论了击中/击不中变换在标准答题卡分割系统中的应用及其算法实现。

    The application of hit / miss transform in separation of standard answer card and the realizing of its algorithm were discussed here .

  9. 用所给单词的适当形式填空,答案写在答题卡上。(5分)

    Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate form of the word given . ( 5 points , 1 point for each )

  10. 光标阅读机的主要功能是阅读客观题答题卡并采集考生的答题卡信息。

    The main function of photoelectric reader is reading the answer sheets of objective questions and acquiring the information of students ' answer sheets .

  11. 该监察部门表示,经查看监控视频,4名考生的试卷和答题卡不存在被掉包现象。

    The authorities said a review of surveillance camera footage showed there had been no switching of the students ' test papers and answer sheets .

  12. 在查看过4名考生的试卷、答题卡和考务中心的监控录像后,河南省纪委监察委发布联合声明,称未发现任何不当行为。

    After checking the student 's papers , answer sheets and surveillance footage from the test centers , they issued a joint statement , saying nothing untoward had been found .

  13. 组织学生考试是高校重要的工作,但现在的考试形式大多是教师手工出题、阅卷,虽然出现了相应的答题卡形式,减少了老师一定的阅卷负担,但效率还是较低的。

    To organize student exam is the important task of the colleges , but at present the efficiency of exam form is lower which the teacher set a theme and make the papers by hand .

  14. 上周,4个城市的4名考生的家长称,自己孩子的答题卡被掉包,孩子高考成绩与估分相差太多,指责当地招生办涉嫌舞弊。

    The parents of four students in four cities claimed last week that their children 's answer sheets had been switched , resulting in them receiving much lower scores than expected in the June exam . They blamed malpractice in local admissions offices .