
The Limits of Economic Analysis in Legal Judgements
Based on a critical analysis of the various commentaries now prevailing in the West , the present paper suggests that the legal philosophy and state philosophy of Immanuel Kant are founded on two inter related but independent arguments : liberty and rights .
Study on Kant 's Thoughts of International Laws
The Relationship Between Law and Morality from the Philosophy of Law from Kant 's View
Kant 's philosophy of law is a part in the system of his metaphysics of morals .
The study of the sources of ideological trends in Neo-Kantian Philosophy of law , Marxist Philosophy of Law and legal sociology of Japan 's contemporary legal philosophy , will disclose the origins of Japan 's contemporary legal philosophy and the relations among them .
Consequently through paying attention to this overstep , the inner necessity changed from thinking mode of objectivity to thinking mode of practicality is proven .
Under the influence of historical school of the law , Kantian philosophy of law , superior legal interest , and doctrine of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime , it founded the compromise settlement mode .