
  • 网络Duke of Cornwall;Duchy of Cornwall;Duke Cornwall
  1. 作为女王长子的威尔斯亲王,查尔斯,其花费多数都是由康沃尔公爵领地资助。康沃尔公爵领地超过200平方英里,是位于英格兰西南部的私人农业、商业和住宅领地。

    As the queen 's eldest son , Charles , Prince of Wales , is mostly funded by the Duchy of Cornwall , a private estate consisting of more than 200 square miles of agricultural , commercial and residential land in southwest England .

  2. 这是康沃尔公爵夫人嫁给威尔士亲王(威廉王子的父亲)时穿着的一件由RobinsonValentineS设计的漂亮的礼服。

    The Duchess of Cornwall married the Prince of Wales wearing a beautiful outfit by Robinson Valentine in2005 .

  3. 他们离开医院前,小王子的祖父母和外祖父母周二下午前往看望,也就是威廉王子的父亲查尔斯王子(PrinceCharles)和妻子康沃尔公爵夫人(DuchessofCornwall),以及凯特王妃的父母。

    Their departure followed visits Tuesday afternoon by both sets of grandparents : Prince William 's father , Prince Charles , and his wife , the Duchess of Cornwall , as well as the parents of the former Kate Middleton .

  4. 莱福·保罗·威廉姆逊先前也曾抗议威尔士王子和康沃尔公爵夫人的婚姻。

    Rev Williamson previously protested the marriage of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall .

  5. 康沃尔公爵夫人乘车抵达同威廉王子一起,他穿蓝色和皇家制服。

    The Duchess of Cornwall arrived by carriage alongside Prince William , who wore his Blues and Royals uniform .

  6. 本周三威尔士亲王与妻子康沃尔公爵夫人亲自乘坐了伦敦地铁,这次地铁之行似乎给他们留下了强烈的印象。

    The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall took to the London tube on Wednesday and appeared mightily impressed .

  7. 他们包括女王,王夫,王储,和他们的继母康沃尔公爵。

    They will include the Queen , the Duke of Edinburgh , the Prince of Wales and their stepmother , the Duchess of Cornwall .

  8. 英国王子哈里在他21岁生日与媒体的见面会上说自己喜欢康沃尔公爵夫人卡米拉,他还对自己穿纳粹军服的丑事表示道歉。

    Prince Harry has used interviews for his21st birthday to say he loves Camilla , Duchess of Cornwall and apologise for his Nazi uniform stunt .

  9. 然而,据该项由《探索》频道开展的调查发现,民众对于康沃尔公爵夫人卡米拉的评价则是褒贬不一。

    The nation is , however , split on whether Camilla , Duchess of Cornwallmakes the grade , according to the survey for the Discovery Channel .

  10. 她身着同样的衣服在克莱伦斯宫会见了威尔士亲王和康沃尔公爵夫人,共饮中国茶。

    She donned the same outfit to meet the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall at Clarence House , London , for China tea .

  11. 康沃尔公爵夫人还告诉一名职员,梅根是“一个很好的女孩,而且很讨人喜欢。”

    The Duchess of Cornwall is said to have told a member of staff that Meghan was ' a very nice girl and very pleasant . "

  12. 从2011年4月到今年3月底,光威尔士亲王和康沃尔公爵夫人为了参加804次官方活动的路程就达到4万8千英里。

    The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall alone covered almost 48,000 miles to undertake 804 official engagements between April 2011 and the end of March this year .

  13. 从2011年4月到今年3月底,光威尔士亲王和康沃尔公爵夫人为了参加804次官方活动的路程就达到4万8千英里。

    The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall alone covered almost 48000 miles to undertake 804 official engagements between April 2011 and the end of March this year .

  14. 据传闻,在女王的命令下,刚刚庆祝完结婚第九周年的查尔斯王子和康沃尔公爵夫人卡米拉即将离婚。

    Recently celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary , royal couple Prince Charles and Camilla , the Duchess of Cornwall is allegedly going to have a divorce by the Queen 's order .

  15. 今天早上与女王、菲利普亲王、查尔斯王储及康沃尔公爵夫人卡米拉会面时,则身穿一套白色分体裙装,看起来非常放松和优雅,

    This morning , wearing a simple white dress suit , Peng looked relaxed and elegant as she was greeted by the Queen , Prince Philip , Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall .

  16. 与此同时,20%的受访者认为如果威尔士亲王查尔斯成为下一任君主,他的妻子卡米拉,康沃尔公爵夫人,就会获得女王头衔。

    Meanwhile , just 20 per cent of those surveyed think the Prince of Wales 's wife , Camilla , Duchess of Cornwall , should take the title of queen should he become the next monarch .

  17. 周三纪念日上启用的列车是伦敦地铁新增设的S型列车中的一辆,S型列车现已覆盖地铁网络系统的40%。康沃尔公爵夫人评价说:很好很漂亮。

    The train used for the occasion on Wednesday was one of London Underground 's new S-Stock , which are being introduced to 40 % of the tube network . Very nice , very smart , the duchess remarked .

  18. 查尔斯王子和戴安娜于1996年离婚,在15年的婚姻生活中,共育两个儿子&威廉王子和哈利王子。现在查尔斯王子与康沃尔公爵夫再婚。

    Prince Charles and Princess Diana divorced in 1996 after 15 years together and the birth of two sons , Princes William and Harry . Now , with the Prince of Wales happily remarried to Duchess of Cornwall Camilla Parker Bowles .

  19. 肯辛顿宫发表的声明还讲到:英国女王、爱丁堡公爵、威尔士王子、康沃尔公爵夫人、哈里王子和其他王室成员听此消息,都感到非常高兴。

    The statement from Kensington Palace added : The Queen , The Duke of Edinburgh , The Prince of Wales , The Duchess of Cornwall , Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news .

  20. 礼仪专家格兰特·哈罗德——也是查尔斯王子和康沃尔公爵夫人的前男管家,解释说“公爵夫人斜腿”既可以让凯特展示优雅坐姿,实际上也是穿高跟鞋时一种非常舒适的坐法。

    Etiquette expert Grant Harrold , a former butler to Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall , explained that the Duchess slant will allow Kate to display good posture and is actually a comfortable seating position when she 's wearing heels .

  21. 所有的最后准备工作都完成了,这对皇室夫妇除了等待之外啥也做不了,但威廉王子的继母康沃尔公爵夫人卡米拉,暗示皇家宝贝的出生可能迫在眉睫。

    With all the last-minute preparations completed , the royal couple can 't do anything else but wait , but Prince William 's stepmother , Camilla , the Duchess of Cornwall , has hinted that the royal baby 's birth could be imminent .

  22. 到了晚上,女王会和菲利普亲王、威尔士王子以及康沃尔公爵夫人一起点亮欢庆活动的主体彩灯。900多个欢庆彩灯将遍布整个英国和世界各地。

    In the evening , the Queen with Prince Philip , the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall , will light the principal beacon setting in train a series of more than 900 beacons across the UK and around the world to mark the milestone birthday .

  23. 亚瑟的父亲是个国王,叫尤瑟·潘德拉贡。尤瑟看上了康沃尔公爵的妻子伊伦,于是靠魔法师墨林的帮助,化做公爵的模样接近伊伦,生下亚瑟。

    How Arthur Become King Arthur 's father was King Uther Pendragon , who fell in love with Igrayne , the wife of the Duke of Cornwall . With the aid of Merlin , a powerful magician , Uther took the form of the duke and so Igrayne became pregnant with Arthur .

  24. 当车子在伦敦受袭时查尔斯王子与康沃尔女公爵卡米拉的反应。

    Prince Charles and Camilla , Duchess of Cornwall , react as their car is attacked in London .

  25. 查尔斯王储的妻子康沃尔郡公爵夫人卡米拉以前经常抽烟,不过据说近几年她已经把烟给戒了。

    Prince Charles'wife , Camilla , the Duchess of Cornwall , was herself a heavy smoker , but is believed to have given it up in recent years .