
  • 网络Rehabilitation Engineering
  1. 近年来,智能仿生腿是机器人学、生物医学工程学和康复工程学领域一个备受关注的研究课题。

    Intelligent Bionic Leg ( IBL ) has been an interesting research project in the fields of robotics , biomedical engineering and rehabilitation engineering in recently these years .

  2. 康复工程学是生物医学工程学中的一个新的重要分支学科,将外骨骼机器人应用于康复医学是最近几年来康复医学的一个重要研究分支。

    Rehabilitation engineering is a new important branch of Biomedical Engineering . Using exoskeleton robot in rehabilitation medicine is an important research branch of rehabilitation engineering in recent years .

  3. 结论:结合康复医学、康复工程学及工业心理学,采取科学有效的职业训练方法是帮助残疾人回归社会的最佳途径。

    Conclusion : Adopting the scientific and effective training method is the best way to help the disabled persons returning to society .

  4. 人体运动协调规律的研究对于探讨人体运动机理和与人脑活动的关系有重要意义,可应用于临床诊断,康复工程,人机工程学,体育科学以及仿生机构的控制和制造等许多领域。

    Coordination analysis of human movements is of great significance in studies of human behavior mechanism and relationship with the brain . It can be widely used in clinical diagnoses , rehabilitation engineering , ergonomics , gymnastic science , bionic system control and manufacturing .

  5. 迎向新世纪的理疗与康复远景&理疗与康复医学、工程学专家座谈会纪要

    Prospective of Development of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Confronting the New Century-about a Specialist Symposium