- become thoroughly decomposed

[become thoroughly decomposed] 茎、叶、秆等难分解有机物经发酵腐烂成有效肥分和腐殖质的过程
Soil EC was increased by using decomposed manure .
The soil EC and NO_3 ~ - was decreased by applying undecomposed manure .
The influence of C / N ratio on NH_3 emission and compost maturity
There is no significant correlation between the grinding degree and some maturity parameters including GI , EC and pH value .
Increase of HA / FA indicated that high-temperature compost helps to produce Humo acid , and therefore improve humus quality .
Effects of Decomposing Microbial Inoculums NMF on Quick Decomposition of Cow-Dung
Effect of Decomposed Cow Dung by NMF Microbial Flora on Plant Diseases and Soil Microbes
Assessing EC , pH , E4 / E6 , C / N and GI as the index , 10 spaces of MSW composts all reached the primary maturities .
Disposal of inoculation of complex microbial inoculants maturated three days earlier than the disposal of without inoculation of complex microbial inoculants did in the practical compost experiment , taking the C / N as the maturity index .
Tended to rise . C / N , NH / - N , HA / FA , seed germination percentage can be chosen as indexes to reflect extent of compost decomposition .
Under the higher doses of the nitrogen fertilizer ( 600kg / hm2,900kg / hm2 ), the biomass of rape increased and the nitrate content did not change strikingly by applying the decomposed manure , semi-decomposed manure and none-decomposed manure .
DC , NH4-N , NH4-N / NO3-N , DOC / TON ( End / Begining ) could be good index of cow composting .
The Impact of Turning Techniques on 0 ~ 15 mm Municipal Solid Waste Composting Maturity Spatial Variation
PH of mature compost was about 8.0 , EC was below the plant limits and will not produce salt toxic action . The high concentration of calcium chloride in the Wastewater has certain toxic action to the microorganism .
The treatment 2 's ( the ratio is 0.5 ∶ 1 between sandy-soil and the mixes humus of sheep manure and straw ) yield is the highest and quality is better ;
H / F provide information correlating to conventional chemical parameters ( organic matter , DOC ) of compost maturity . Moreover , H / F has correlating to degradable organic matter and HM.
The addition of 1.5 % calcium superphosphate to swine manure composting could reduce the pH value and the ammonia ( NH 3 ) emission , and promote NH + 4 N to convert to other form of N.
And for the secondary fermentation , windrow composting was adopted , with the pile turned up periodically . This stage lasted for 30 days .
The dynamic changes of organic acid and humification index indicate that inoculating microbes on municipal solid wastes can obviously increase the maturity of composting , and order as follow : MS + ZJZJMSCK .
The optimal direction is expressed as : 4:3:1 for slag (≤ 5mm ), sawdust and half decayed straw if they are employed for Chinese pine .
It may be suggested that inoculating VT microbes in composting process be effective to decompose organic matter , raise temperature , shorten composting time , and increase composting quality .
In soil seriously contaminated by cadmium , straw returning can effectively reduce the ecological risk of cadmium . A soil incubation experiment was conducted to study the effect of non-decomposed straw returning on soil properties and dynamic changes of cadmium fractions in soils .
The composting should be conducted in sunny summer morning . The wheat stalks should be broken to 5-1 Ocm and maize stalks less than 5 cm .
FAME microbial biomarkers would be a useful indicator of soil health and disease suppression . Odd-number fatty acid proportion is a sensitive indicator of soil health regulating effect following uncomposted and decomposed BOF applied , respectively .
Seed germination index , as biological parameter , was recommended to be a safe and stabile parameter of maturity compost . BOD , CEC and humification indexes can be combined while evaluating maturity .
It was desirable for tobacco seedlings to grow in the matrix of 65 % decomposed bagasse + 25 % expanded perlite + 10 % coal silt .
The content of C16 ∶ 1 11c in soil microbial community was obviously increased after application decomposed BOF . And it indicated that AM fungi improved under decomposed BOF application .
Finally , the conclusion that using compound fertilizer as nitrogen source and EM bacteria as microbe was the best method of composting technology of camellia shell medium , and it composted fully and had low cost and satisfied seedling requirements . 2 .
The nitrogen loss rate was the highest during the early 21 days composting and reached above 15 % after 70 days composting .
The results of seed germinating ratio , C / N and paper chromatography all showed that the compost of municipal garbage showed in maturity after 40 days composting .