
  • 网络valsa canker;valsa mali;Valsa mali Miyabe et Yamada
  1. 酵母菌株A、C及苹果腐烂病对Cu+{2+}敏感,其EC(50)均小于我国食品卫生标准中规定的水果蔬菜中最大残留限量10mg/kg。

    Yeast isolates A , C and Valsa mali were sensitive to Cu ~ ( 2 + ) and EC_ ( 50 ) were less than 10mg / kg , the national allowed MRL of Cu ~ ( 2 + ) in food produces .

  2. mL-1;乙酸乙酯萃取物对苹果腐烂病、番茄黑霉病病原菌抑制作用较强,EC50分别为386.00和865.75μg。

    The extract by acetic ether showed strong anti-microbial activity to Valsa mali and Phytophthora infestans and its EC_ ( 50 ) to the pathogens were 386.00 and 865.75 μ g · mL ~ ( - 1 ), respectively ;

  3. 在贮藏期间,乙醇处理抑制了桃果实PPO活性,减少果实褐变和腐烂病的发生。

    Ethanol application had resisted the activity PPO , reduced the incidence of fruit decay and brown .

  4. 通过平板筛选法(InVitro),筛选出9株酵母菌对番茄根霉腐烂病(Rhizopusnigricans)有拮抗作用。

    By the method of dish screening ( in vitro ), 9 yeast isolates exhibited inhibitory activity to Rhizopus nigricans .

  5. 在烟-稻轮作的烟田发现烟草根茎腐烂病,其病原经鉴定为立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctoniasolani)。

    In the tobacco field of tobacco-rice rotation , tobacco root and stem rot was found , the pathogen was identified as Rhizoctonia solani .

  6. 绿帅单果245g,果面黄绿色,可溶性固形物含量12.8%,酸含量0.34%,果实生育期95d,室温可存放15d,对苹果腐烂病、粗皮病抗性较强。

    The soluble solid content is 12.8 % and the acid content is 0.34 % . The fruit developing time is 95 d and the ambient temperature storage time is 15 d. The tolerance to canker and rough bark of tree is high .

  7. 经S-921菌株发酵液浸泡处理的泡桐腐烂病病原菌菌丝体,会出现大量液泡,原生质凝集,菌丝尖膨大等异常形态,并失去致病力。

    The morphological abnormalities were observed in the hyphae body of V. paulowniae after treatment of the pathogen with the fermented broth of S-921 strain , with significantly increased amount of vacuole , condensed cytoplasm , inflated hyphae tip and loss of pathogenicity of the pathogen .

  8. 藏红花球茎腐烂病的病原鉴定及药剂预防

    Investigation and medicament prevention on stem rot disease of Crocus sativus

  9. 苹果树腐烂病是一种分布广泛的世界性病害。

    Rot disease of apple tree is a worldwide fungal disease .

  10. 中国苹果树腐烂病发生和防治情况调查

    Investigations on the occurrence and control of apple canker in China

  11. 泡桐腐烂病在山东、河南等省发生严重。

    Paulownia canker occurs seriously in Shandong , Henan and other provinces .

  12. 苹果树腐烂病研究概况

    Review of researches on the Valsa Canker of apple trees

  13. 东方百合对镰刀菌鳞茎腐烂病的抗性

    Resistance of Lilium Oriental on Bulb Rot Induced by Fusarium

  14. 不同梨品种与腐烂病发病关系的研究

    Study on Relationship of Cultivars of Pear and Occurring of Rotting Disease

  15. 杨树腐烂病拮抗细菌的筛选及其定殖研究

    Screening and Colonization of Popular Antagonistic Bacteria against Valsa sordida

  16. 莲藕腐烂病病因初探

    A preliminary study on the cause of rotting the root of lotus

  17. 苹果树腐烂病侵染来源的研究

    Studies on the pathogen sources of Valsa Canker of apple

  18. 茶茎基腐烂病在广东首次发现

    First discovering of stem basal rot of tea in Guangdong

  19. 陕西苹果树腐烂病的发生规律及防治新技术的研究

    Research on Occurrence Regulation and New Control-Techniques of Apple Canker in Shaanxi

  20. 利用植物内生放线菌及化学药剂防治苹果树腐烂病的研究

    Control Efficacy of Apple Tree Valsa Canker by Endophytic Actinomycetes and Chemicals

  21. 生姜腐烂病的发生及其防治研究

    Studies on the occurrence of rot disease of Zingiber and it 's control

  22. 苜蓿根和根颈腐烂病的症状。

    Symptoms of Crown and Root Rot of Alfalfa .

  23. 唐菖蒲球茎腐烂病及其综合防治研究

    Experiment in the Synthetic Prevention and Cure of Bulbous Decayed Illness of Gladiolus

  24. 苏铁镰刀菌球茎腐烂病症状及病原鉴定

    Pathogen identification and symptom development of stem - bulb rotten disease in Cycas

  25. 灭菌肥Ⅰ型涂治苹果树腐烂病效果

    Effectiveness of fungus - killing fertilizer I in control of Apple Tree Canker

  26. 苜蓿幼苗叶片过氧化物同工酶与根和根颈腐烂病抗病性的关系

    Relationship Between POD Isozymes and Resistance to Crown and Root Rot of Alfalfa

  27. 腐必帖防治苹果树腐烂病新方法的研究

    Study on the New Method of Controlling Apple Canker with " FUBITIE "

  28. 泡桐腐烂病病原菌及发病规律研究

    Study on pathogenic fungus and occurrence of Paulownia canker

  29. 水分胁迫下华山松抗腐烂病的研究

    A Study of the Resistance of Pinus armandii under Water Stress to Rot Disease

  30. 哈密瓜生长期果实腐烂病药剂筛选及其防治

    Fungicide Screening and Control of Hami Muskmelon Fruit Rot at Growth Stage in Xinjiang