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  • 网络Power;pull;CONTRACTING;Hair force
  1. 传球靠手腕和五指发力。

    This pass gets its power from the flick of your wrists and fingers .

  2. 让双腿成为投篮的发力点,因为腿比胳膊要有力的多。

    Let the power for your shot come from your legs as they are much stronger than your arms .

  3. 他保存体力,以便在比赛的最后阶段发力。

    He 's saving his strength for the last part of the race .

  4. 结果表明:He-Ne激光能明显增强UV-B辐射处理后小麦种子的萌发力;

    The result shows that after UV B radiation the germination ability of the wheat was enhanced by He Ne laser irradiation .

  5. 新MotoX是摩托罗拉试图在手机市场力挽狂澜的第二次发力。

    The new Moto X , in particular , was notable because it was the company 's second shot at introducing a market-moving device .

  6. 绿城于今年6月高价拿下D1地块后,至今未能按时结汇,已反映出限外政策开始发力。

    Green City on June expensive scored D1 plot , so far failing to foreign exchange , reflects the limitations of the policy began .

  7. 开展IPTV业务是固网运营商转型战略的有益尝试,是固网运营商战略转型顺利实施的重要发力点和驱动力。

    To develop the IPTV service is a useful strategy of fixed network operators and an important driving force of fixed network operators to implement strategic transformation successfully .

  8. InfoQ:面向企业的移动应用看起来已经开始发力,这种应用和面向普通消费者的应用有何本质上的不同?

    InfoQ : The mobile app for the enterprise market seems to be taking off as well , what are some the key differences with the consumer market ?

  9. 而且必须在移动设备这块战场上发力,因为大多数的Facebook用户都是通过移动设备访问网站的(第二季度数据比重达56.9%)。

    And it must find a way to do so on mobile devices , from which most Facebookers now check the site ( 56.9 % of monthly users did so in the second quarter ) .

  10. 经AntimycinA17处理过的菌丝体所形成的甲型孢子,其萌发力和形态都较正常孢子有很大差别。

    Spore 's formation and its shape was affected after mycelium was treated with Antimycin A_ ( 17 ) .

  11. 随着比赛的进行,两年前曾经在同一片场地战胜过费德勒的桑普拉斯开始发力,发出一记ACE和一个漂亮的截击拿下了第二盘比赛,将比赛拖入抢十。

    Sampras , who beat Roger Federer at the same venue in an exhibition two years ago , bounced back in the second set , serving an ace and using a delicate pickup volley to draw even .

  12. 植株地上部被剪除后,不定芽萌发力强,1cm的残枝上可以萌芽2~4个。

    Frigida is a kind of semi bush with thick branches and dense adventitious buds on the branch , normally , 2  ̄ 4 sprouted new buds of each 1 cm stubble after pruning .

  13. 一发力,就把抓他的手全给挣脱了。

    And with one big push , shook his hands free .

  14. 他的腿部肌肉收紧,脚趾发力。

    His leg muscle tense and he rises on his toes .

  15. 柠檬醛致黄曲霉孢子丧失萌发力的机制

    The Mechanism of Loss of Germination Ability of A.flavus Spore with Citral

  16. 但在随后的数年,亚马逊的利润率开始增长,而营收也随之发力。

    Then in the years following , margins expanded and revenue accelerated .

  17. 在经过了短暂的沉寂之后,医药股这周突然发力。

    After a brief silence , pharmaceutical stocks suddenly force this week .

  18. 黑穗醋栗花粉生活力及萌发力研究

    Studies on the pollen germination ability and vital capacity of black currant

  19. 是否要找到何处开始发力划水的感觉?

    Want to get the feeling of where you start your pull ?

  20. 生长周期短,萌发力强,繁殖栽培容易;

    Short growth circle , easy to sprout , easy propagation and cultivation ;

  21. 萌发力是种子检验的重要内容。

    Germination test is one of the most important aspects of seed testing .

  22. 重离子对四种作物种子萌发力的影响

    Influence of heavy ions on germination ability of four kinds of plant seeds

  23. 新近发力的证交会也有仔细检视其他交易。

    The newly muscular SEC is scrutinising other deals .

  24. 发力这些市场,就需要在当地技术和研发上做出努力。

    Serving these markets will mean building up local expertise and research efforts .

  25. 肩关节位置变化对肘关节发力的影响

    Effect of shoulder joint ′ s position for muscular strength of elbow joint

  26. 突破剧集能够持续发力吗?

    Will breakout shows keep up with their popularity ?

  27. 外国企业在中国消费品市场发力。

    Foreign enterprises are gaining momentum in the consumer goods market of china .

  28. 主动发力的暴力型选手会从这款球拍中发现很多优点。

    Players who supply their own power will find the most from this one .

  29. 在引体向上技术中,有两种技术形式,一种为静止发力向上拉起,一种为摆动发力向上拉起。

    There two forms of technique in the technique of pull up / chinning .

  30. 复活代作家继承发力,在中国文坛一石激起千层浪。

    New waves of authors continue making a splash in China 's literary scene .