
  1. 手机只剩下几分钟电量的时候,有一半的智能手机用户会用余下的电量发信息,35%的用户会打电话。

    When faced with only a few minutes of power , half of smartphone users1 will use the remaining time to text , while 35 percent will use their last moments to make a phone call .

  2. 之前有发信息给女友的时候(就是手机有信号的时候)用GPS记录过一个地方的坐标,应该是有信号的!

    I remembered that I had sent my girlfriend a message when my cellphone still had signal and marked that location on my GPS .

  3. 相比之下,iPhone和Android手机属于多媒体设备,也可以用来打电话和发信息。

    By contrast , iPhones and Android handsets are multi-media devices that can also be used for phone calls and messaging .

  4. 一项新的研究表明,与一个普通电话相比,在Facebook发信息或发邮件更可能给你带来一场约会。

    A new study has found Facebook messages and emails are more likely to get you a date than a simple phone call .

  5. Lifestage没有发信息的功能,但是用户可以晒出自己在别的网站的联系方式,比如Snapchat和Instagram。

    Lifestage has no messaging functionality but users can display contact details from other sites such as Snapchat and Instagram .

  6. MichelleSiegel说“我们依然可以发信息而不是打电话,只用固定电话打电话,照常生活。”

    Michelle Siegel said " We could still get by with texting rather than phone calls and just use house phones for phone calls . "

  7. Brittany不断发信息给霉霉,问其是否可以为他们的婚礼来一点小小的惊喜,答复当然是肯定的,霉霉送来了礼物!

    Brittany bombarded Taylor with messages asking her to do something a little special for their wedding - and sure enough , T-Swizzle delivered the goods !

  8. 吸引年轻用户意味着,他们更有可能不仅将Kik这样的app用来发信息,还乐于使用它提供的各种附加服务。

    Getting users early on means that they will be more comfortable using a service like Kik as a way to not only send messages , but also use add-on services .

  9. 多数我们在做其它事情(在facebook发信息、读报纸、看电视和照镜子)时做的工作,只需耗费极少的脑力,因此可以同时做两件或更多的事情。

    Most of the tasks we do at the same time as doing other things ( sending Facebook messages , reading the paper and watching telly and looking in the mirror ) use up so little brainpower it is efficient to do two or more at once .

  10. 韩国高中生LeeYun-soo六个月前将她那部褪色的旧翻盖手机换成了智能手机,对此她有些后悔。她喜欢用手机在推特上发布有趣的照片,跟朋友相互发信息,玩在线游戏。

    Lee Yun-soo has some regrets that she replaced her faded old clamshell phone with a smartphone six months ago . The South Korean high-school student enjoys tweeting funny photos , messaging friends and playing online games .

  11. 我正在给一个朋友发信息。

    I am trying to send a message to a friend .

  12. 给我妻子发信息我将会迟到6小时。

    Message my wife Im going to be six hours late .

  13. 你怎么能相信外星人在给你发信息呢?

    How could you believe that extraterrestrials are sending you messages ?

  14. 我们用冷冰冰的方式,发信息,传纸花。

    We speak in cold and we send little messages , origami .

  15. 我可以今天晚些时候给您发信息吗?

    Can I send the information to you later today ?

  16. 今晚晚些时候我就能知道,到时候我给您发信息。

    I 'll get information later tonight and text it to you .

  17. 没有发信息发电子邮件写博文互粉发推文谷歌搜索

    without texting , emailing , blogging , friending , tweeting , googling

  18. 我是说,我们去网吧商量我们发信息的问题。

    I mean , we go to Internet cafes to discuss us information .

  19. 当你发信息时,不要把手机放在膝部。

    When you text , don 't keep the phone in your lap .

  20. 是的,我已经发信息给你了,请再查看一下。

    Yes , I did send message to you , please check again .

  21. 京晶:噢,那您应该早一点发信息让我过来接您。

    Oh , you should have texted me to come meet you earlier !

  22. 你会用轻松的语调给他们发信息,他们也会这样来回复你。

    No. You use a casual tone in your message and they respond .

  23. 电子邮件是给其他的人发信息的一种方式。

    Sending Electronic mail is a way of sending messages to other people .

  24. 2.参考译文:女:我给你发信息通知你周一开会,你收到了吗?男:我收到了。

    W : Did you get my message about the meeting on Monday ?

  25. 华盛顿州通过了该国的第一条禁止在开车时发信息的法律。

    Washington passed the country ` s first law against texting while driving .

  26. 他一到四川就会跟我发信息。

    He will send a message as soon as he arrives in SiChuan .

  27. 发信息和报告那些发生在他们周围的事�

    to send in information and reports on what was happening around them .

  28. 你可以给我发信息,如果你有中文学习方面的问题。

    You can send me message if you have any problems about Chinese learning .

  29. 为什么他要自己发信息给自己呢?

    Why would he send essages to himself ?

  30. 在工作岗位上不停给你的朋友发信息。

    You text your friends from your workstation .