
  • 网络Chat Service
  1. 以腾讯为例,这家中国市值第二的互联网企业,以ICQ翻版聊天服务QQ起步,但靠着为中国年轻大众提供廉价的沟通娱乐方式,迅速青出于蓝而胜于蓝。

    Take Tencent , China 's second-biggest internet firm by market capitalisation . It started as a clone of ICQ , a chat service , but quickly outgrew the original by offering China 's youthful masses a cheap way to communicate and have fun .

  2. 但它既可能涉及硅脑,也可能涉及人脑。Facebook推出的另一款聊天服务M,依靠真人坐在幕后反馈答案,不过对用户而言,他们根本不知道自己得到的信息是由人还是由计算机生成。

    But it is as likely to involve a human brain as one made from silicon . M , another Facebook chat service , relies on real people sitting in the background , returning answers , though to the user , it is not at all clear whether information is being generated by a person or a computer .

  3. LotusLiveConnections:这是Web协作服务的集成套件,可提供以下功能:活动管理、联机聊天服务和文件管理。

    LotusLive Connections : This is an integrated suite of web collaboration services that provides the following ; activity management , online chat services , and file management .

  4. 很多语音聊天服务都使用点对点连接,而LotusSametimeConnect则将SametimeVP协议用于所有呼叫信号。

    Rather than leveraging peer-to-peer connections as many voice chat services do , Lotus Sametime Connect uses the Sametime VP protocol for call signaling .

  5. 微软的主管人员表示他们希望能在今年的下半年为Xbox玩家和即时通的使用者们提供语音聊天服务。

    Microsoft executives said they hoped to offer voice chat between Xbox and Live Messenger users later this year .

  6. 中国最大的互联网公司之一正加紧努力开拓非洲市场,与Facebook旗下的聊天服务WhatsApp展开竞争。

    One of China 's largest internet companies is intensifying its efforts to crack the African market with a bid to disrupt Facebook 's WhatsApp with a rival messenging service .

  7. 一种是端到端加密,苹果公司在iMessage和视频聊天服务FaceTime中就使用了这种方式。

    The first is end-to-end encryption , which Apple uses in its iMessage system and FaceTime , the video conversation system .

  8. 她的投资对象也是硅谷最时髦的:Twitter联合创始人杰克•多尔西(JackDorsey)执掌下的支付公司Square,Facebook前总裁肖恩•帕克(SeanParker)新创立的视频聊天服务Airtime,以及高端商务网站OneKingsLane。

    Her investments are among Silicon Valley 's hippest : Square , the payment company led by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey , ex-president of Facebook Sean Parker 's new video-chat service Airtime , and high-end ecommerce site One Kings Lane .

  9. 腾讯将买入在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市的58同城(58.com)19.9%的股份。这家中国集团表示,此举将扩大其微信(WeChat)及QQ在线聊天服务客户的在线购物选择。

    Tencent will snap up a 19.9 per cent stake in Nasdaq-listed 58 . com , a move the Chinese group said would expand online shopping options for customers of its WeChat and QQ online messaging services .

  10. 越来越多的雇主会追踪员工在内部社交网络和聊天服务上的受欢迎度。

    More employers track employees ' likability on in-house social networks and chat services .

  11. 聊天服务软件的实现

    Implementation of Chat-service Software

  12. 腾讯聊天服务拥有6.74亿用户账号,其他大部分业务免费。

    Tencent 's chat service , which boasts674m user accounts , and most of its other offerings are free .

  13. 除常规功能(如聊天服务、概要管理和状态管理)外,它还具有许多其他独特的功能。

    Apart from the normal features like chat services , profile management and status management ; it has numerous other unique features .

  14. 为了能和孩子们保持经常联系,我们装上了电脑,并且立即申请了电子邮件和在线聊天服务。

    In order to maintain regular communication with the kids , we contacted Cyberspace and promptly set up an e-mail and chat-line service .

  15. 这对搭档表示,现在推出新型视频聊天服务正是时候,因为如今网络摄像头非常普及,网速也很快,可以支持视频流信息。

    The pair said they thought the time was right for a new video chat service , given the prevalence of webcams and fast internet connections that can support video streaming .

  16. 人们可以面对面坐着交谈、通过电话交谈、或在当今时代,来回发送电子邮件或使用在线聊天服务进行交流。

    The people may be sitting face-to-face , talking on a telephone , or in this day and age , may be sending emails back and forth or using an online chat service .

  17. 在三星最近的努力中,有一款废置的手机操作系统、一款难以获得关注的移动聊天服务软件,手势和眼球操纵技术的市场反应也比较冷淡。

    Among Samsung 's recent efforts are an abandoned mobile operating system , a mobile chat service that has struggled to gain traction and coolly received technologies that anticipate hand gestures and eye movements .

  18. ICQ是一种人们用来进行网上交流的电子邮件聊天交谈服务系统。

    ICQ is ane-mail " chatline " that people use to have online conversations with friends .

  19. 本文论述了聊天式参考服务的概念、软件技术,并对该项服务的优缺点以及开展该项服务需要考虑的问题进行了分析。

    The paper presents the definition and software of reference service in consulting chats with its advantages and disadvantages and issues discussed .

  20. 许多企业都提供获取在线聊天内容的服务,以及从人们可能谈论其生活的社交网站、简历网站和在线论坛上搜集个人详细信息的服务。

    Firms offer to harvest online conversations and collect personal details from social-net working sites , resume sites and online forums where people might discuss their lives .

  21. 同时也和你的顾客聊天,如果你服务好,他们的回馈必然是肯定的。

    Talk to your customers , too ; if you 're serving them well , their feedback is affirming .

  22. 利文斯顿称,西方很多社交软件并不理解聊天应用作为其他服务的平台的价值。

    Mr Livingston said many western social apps did not understand the value of chat as a platform for other services .

  23. 摘要论文在简述中小型图书馆虚拟参考咨询服务现状的基础上,重点探讨了网络聊天室参考咨询服务的特点、利用网络聊天室开展虚拟参考咨询服务的方法及相关问题。

    Base on the brief narration of present situation of virtual reference services of middle and small scale libraries , this paper places the stress on discussing the distinguishing features of online chatting room reference services , the means of this virtual reference services and other related questions .

  24. 本文基于多媒体聊天网络平台的技术基础,探讨了利用网络聊天进行虚拟咨询服务的可行性、服务功能及优越性。

    On the basis of Internet chat service through multimedia network technology , the paper analyzed the possibility , service functions and advantages of virtual reference through Internet .