
  • 网络chatbot;chat robot;chatterbot
  1. 在阿尔法狗围棋取胜的同时,微软的‘聊天机器人’的表现却不尽如人意。

    About the same time as AlphaGo 's triumph , Microsoft 's ‘ chatbot ' took a bad turn .

  2. 据悉,这款聊天机器人有可能在东方卫视发挥更大的作用,比如担任新闻节目或娱乐脱口秀的评论员。

    The chatbot could get an expanded role on Dragon TV as a commentator on news features or on an entertainment talk show .

  3. Weather聊天机器人(bot)接着能够以固定的字符串Yeah,weather作出响应。

    The weather bot then responds with the fixed string Yeah , weather .

  4. 通过对其进行改进将其结合进分布式虚拟环境中,构造了一个基于Web的分布式虚拟环境中的聊天机器人。

    The authors improve on it and integrate it into a distributed virtual environment , thus build a chat bot in Web-based distributed virtual environment .

  5. 一般而言,聊天机器人(bot)不会自主地发出消息。

    Generally speaking , bots don 't send out messages independently .

  6. 聊天机器人(bot)发出消息以响应这些特定格式的请求。

    The bots send out messages in response to those specially formatted requests .

  7. 从这里我可以与其他人或者是聊天机器人(bot)交谈。

    From here , I can talk with other people or with the bot .

  8. 聊天机器人(bot)可以像其他的客户机那样运行。

    Bots act like any other client .

  9. 该模块专门用于为IRC创建聊天机器人(bot)。

    This module is designed specifically to create bots for IRC .

  10. 并不是说Facebook上的聊天机器人很快会有自己的思想,而且变得下流。

    Not that the chatbots on Facebook are about to have a mind of their own and turn rogue .

  11. 本文中聊天机器人(bot)查找的用户消息以weather开始,后跟邮政编码。

    The bot in this article looks for users who start messages with the word weather , followed by a ZIP code .

  12. 此举是在回应Facebook上月公布的在其Messenger服务中运行的所谓聊天机器人。

    The move echoes Facebook 's release last month of so-called chatbots to run on its Messenger service .

  13. 您可能已经使聊天机器人(bot)登录到了一个公共服务器,但是我建议先安装一个本地服务器用于测试。

    You could have the bot log into a public server , but I recommend first installing a server locally for testing .

  14. 创建IRC聊天机器人(bot)的下一个步骤是设置聊天机器人(bot)能够登录的服务器。

    The next step in creating an IRC bot is to set up a server the bot can log into .

  15. 聊天机器人(bot)的意义在于,您能够通过经常使用的机制即时消息与其进行通信。

    The value of a bot is that you can communicate with it through a mechanism that you use often : instant messaging .

  16. 本文向您展示如何在PHP中创建一个IRC聊天机器人(bot),用于以向您告知按邮政编码查询的天气情况。

    This article shows you how to create an IRC bot in PHP that can tell you the weather on demand for your ZIP code .

  17. 研究mIRCIRC客户机,我使用其连接到IRC服务器并与PHP聊天机器人(bot)进行交谈。

    Explore the mIRC IRC client I used to connect to the IRC server and talk with the PHP bot .

  18. 要测试本地服务器,并且与聊天机器人(bot)进行通信,需要安装IRC客户机。

    To test the local server , as well as to communicate with the bot , you need to install an IRC client .

  19. 还有Bot-Depot,在这里您能够与其他编写聊天机器人(bot)的程序员进行交谈。

    Then there 's the Bot-Depot , where you can talk with other programmers who are writing bots .

  20. 微软(Microsoft)任性的聊天机器人Tay就展现了机器人可能出现怎样的错误,这个扮成一名青春期少女的算法程序已开始在Twitter上散布种族主义言论。

    Microsoft 's wayward chatbot Tay , the algorithm pretending to be an adolescent girl that started spouting racist comments on Twitter , is Exhibit A for what can go wrong .

  21. 我们已经多次看到当人们让聪明的算法自己操控设备时会发生什么——从特斯拉(Tesla)自动驾驶汽车撞毁,到微软聊天机器人在Twitter上失控。

    The landscape is dotted with signs of what happens when clever algorithms are left to their own devices , from the self-driving Tesla car that crashed to Microsoft 's out-of-control chatbot on Twitter .

  22. 现在,服务器已在本地运行,IRC客户机已安装好并在运行,并且安装了PEAR模块,我就可以编写接收我所在地区的天气状况的PHP聊天机器人(bot)了。

    Now , with the server running locally , the IRC client up and running , and the PEAR modules installed , I can write the PHP bot that will retrieve the weather conditions in my hometown .

  23. 介绍了一些著名聊天机器人程序着重给出了基于AIML的聊天机器人A。

    Some famous chat bot programs are introduced . The mechanism behind chat bot A.

  24. 正如彭博(Bloomberg)最近在一篇披露内幕的报道中所言,一些新的聊天机器人和人工智能服务也有人类藏在里面:“人类假装是机器人,再由机器人假装人类”。

    Some of the new chatbot and AI services also have people hiding inside : " humans pretending to be robots pretending to be humans , " as Bloomberg put it in a recent expos é .

  25. 三月份,微软发明的推特聊天机器人不到24小时就被玩坏了。

    In March , Microsoft 's Twitter chatbot broke bad within 24 hours .

  26. 分布式虚拟环境中的聊天机器人的研究

    Research on Chat Bot in Distributed Virtual Environment

  27. 解决好中文分词决定着网络聊天机器人系统的性能好坏。

    Solving well the Chinese word segmenting is decided the performance of the Internet chat robot .

  28. 换句话说,所有这些众包工作者和聊天机器人编辑天天在为淘汰自己工作着。

    In other words , all those crowdworkers and chatbot editors are working steadily towards their own obsolescence .

  29. 聊天机器人是一种特殊的自动问答系统,它的特点是模仿人的语言习惯,几乎都是通过模式匹配的方式来寻找问题最合适的答案。

    Chat robot is one kind of question answering systems , which is characterized by the imitation of language habit of people .

  30. 探讨了中文聊天机器人原型系统的设计方式,提出了采用中文分词与关键词语匹配算法。

    The Chinese word segmentation and the matching algorithm based on keywords are adopted for the prototype design of Chinese chat robots .