
  • 网络generative model;generation model;generating model
  1. 本文提出了通过GroupLasso从高维异构姿势特征中选择最具区别性特征,最终学习得到生成模型的方法以识别图像中人物运动进而对其进行标注。

    In this paper , we propose an approach to select discriminative subgroup visual features from high-dimensional pose features by Group LASSO during the learning of generative model in order to boost the motion recognition .

  2. 具体来讲,我们基于生成模型估计的图像视觉特征与语义概念共同出现的联合概率,设计了MRF新颖的势函数。

    Specifically , we propose new potential functions based on joint probabilities of image visual features and semantic concepts estimated by some generative model in AIA .

  3. 提出了一个基于Case推理的图案生成模型。

    This paper presents a model based on Case which can produce pattern .

  4. 一种基于XML的通用汉语生成模型

    A General Model of Chinese Language Generation Based on XML

  5. 基于GIS的缓冲区生成模型理论和方法

    The Theory and Methodology of the Buffer creation Model Based on GIS

  6. 可用于QoS组播路由算法仿真的分层网络拓扑生成模型

    A Hierarchical Topology Model for QoS Multicast Routing Algorithm Simulation

  7. 此时,可以使用Doctrine为这些表生成模型。

    At this point , you can use Doctrine to generate models for these tables .

  8. FLUENT软件的应用及其污染物生成模型分析

    Application of FLUENT Software and Analysis of Its Models of Contamination Formation

  9. 基于PL系统的形态生成模型

    Study on the Pattern Model of Plants Using PL System

  10. 正如您所知,该命令可生成模型、迁移、单元测试甚至一个默认的fixture。

    As you know , that command generates your model , migration , unit test , and even a default fixture .

  11. 建立了基于改进的BP神经网络算法的健康指导生成模型,并应用MyEclipse,SqlServer,Tomcat等开发工具实现系统模式架构。

    The MyEclipse health guidance generation model based on improved BP neural network algorithm and application development tools such as SQL Server , Tomcat system mode architecture .

  12. 根据NOx产生和分解的化学反应动力学方程式,建立了单角煤粉炉中NOx生成模型。

    A model of NOx formation was established for a single pulverized coal furnace according to the chemical reaction dynamic equation of formation and decomposition of NOx The NO.

  13. 在您生成模型要素时,您可以将要素合并到IBMRational的基于Eclipse的建模工具中的工程信息中(您随时都可以从这些信息中提取AV-2)。

    As you create model elements , you incorporate them into the engineering information within IBM Rational 's Eclipse-based modeling tools , from which you can extract an AV-2 at any time .

  14. 该软件方法基于ON/OFF模型和Pareto分布,提供了一种广泛适用的流量生成模型,其接口简单且易于定制。

    Based on the ON / OFF model and Pareto distribution , the scheme presents a generic model of data flow , which has simple interface and is easy to use .

  15. 结果三维血管生成模型中对照组培养2~3d后组织块芽生出细小血管,至第8~9天长成树枝状血管。

    Results In the model of angiogenesis of hemangioma , microvessels grew out from the tissue sample in 2 to 3 days after the culture , and in 8 to 9 days a complex network of microvessels had been shown , the tending to inactivity .

  16. 在生成模型之后,glpsol简要地解释了GLPK在内部是如何对这个问题进行处理的。

    After the model has been generated , glpsol explains briefly how the problem was handled internally by GLPK .

  17. 提出了一种基于免疫遗传算法(GA)的构件化软件测试用例生成模型(MTCGCBS),介绍了IGA算法的基本思想。

    This paper suggests a model of test case generation of component-based software ( MTCGCBS ) based on an immune genetic algorithm ( IGA ), and introduces the basic thought of IGA .

  18. 对于通常是以大型样本数据库形式给出的多元观测数据,ICA定义了一个生成模型,该模型假设所观测到的数据变量是未知源信号的线性或非线性混合。

    ICA defines a generative model for the observed multivariate mixtures , which are often given as a large database of samples . In the ICA model , the observed data variables are assumed to be linear or nonlinear source signal mixtures .

  19. 其次是规则生成模型,这部分的功能是基于挖掘技术,利用Apriori算法和FP-growth算法,挖掘出满足特定目标的关联规则,应用于规则库。

    Secondly , this part of the rules generator function is based on mining technology , using FP-Apriori algorithm and have to meet the specific algorithm , mining of association rules , target applied to rule library .

  20. 本文提出的方法以一种新的CSG体素表面光强生成模型为基础,结合深度缓冲技术,能快速有效地显示CSG实体,方便灵活地控制明暗效果。

    A new method is presented in this paper . Based on a new light intensity generation model for CSG primitive surfaces , and combined with depth-buffer technique , it can work quickly and control the shading effects flexibly .

  21. 城市交通分区类别的出行生成模型

    Trip Generation Model for the Classifications of the Urban Traffic Zones

  22. 内含中介成本的银行生成模型&兼论对资本投资的意义

    Bank-organizing Model Containing Intermediation Cost & On Significance to Capital Investment

  23. 真实感自然景物图象的P&R生成模型

    A Model of P & R for Realistic Image Generation

  24. 柴油机中一氧化氮生成模型及其研究

    Study on a Model for Nitrogen Monoxide Formation in a Diesel Engine

  25. 降水、温度和日照时数的随机生成模型和验证

    Stochastic Simulation Model and Its Verification of Precipitation , Temperature and Sunshining

  26. 那就是需求收集和生成模型的地方。

    That 's where requirements gathering and modeling come in .

  27. 水电站洪水优化控制方案生成模型研究

    Study on Generation Model Program of Optimal Flood Control in Hydropower Station

  28. 基于免疫和模糊模式识别的检测器生成模型

    A Model of Detector Generation Based on Immune and Fuzzy Pattern Recognition

  29. 水消毒过程无机副产物生成模型的建立

    Model Building of Disinfection-related By-product in Drinking Water Treatment

  30. 一个面向纺织的图案数据库的应用设计&基于实例的图案生成模型

    Application and Design of Image Database Based on Textile