
  1. 在机体自身产生的生物电场不足以促进损伤愈合的过程时,在损伤区与非损伤区之间施加直流电场可以增强损伤愈合速率。

    The injury healing rate can be enhanced by applying direct current electrical fields between the injury zone and the non-injury zone when the bioelectrical field generated by the body itself is not enough to induce the injury to heal .

  2. 作物种子的电生物效应与电场强度关系的研究

    Study on Relation between Electric Biological Effects of Crop Seeds and Electric Field Strength

  3. 苜蓿幼苗期的生物效应与电场处理时间的关系

    The Relation Between Biological Effect of Lucerne Seedling and Treatment Time of Electric Field

  4. 它的多功能吻锯还可以检测出活体生物所产生的电场。

    But the sawfish 's multi-tool muzzle can also detect electrical fields produced by living creatures .