
chuán qiú duì yuán
  • passer
  1. 传球在队员间传递球或冰球。

    A transfer of a ball or puck between teammates .

  2. 这就意味着一个没有传球的进攻队员只适合待在禁区里面进攻了。

    This means that an attacker without passing should stay in the attack .

  3. 传球是球队队员之间保持联系沟通的主要方法,是将整个球队每名球员有效合理的连接成一个的整体。

    Pass is the main method of contacts between players , so as to connect each member of the team into a high efficiency running whole .

  4. 谈传球与无球队员的跑动&从第14届杯足球赛谈起

    From storing goals in the 14th World Cup football match to perceive the running of players passing a ball and those without

  5. 在对方半场,本方队员向前传球时,接球队员与球门之间少于两名对方队员即为越位。

    A player is offside if he receives a forward pass from a teammate in the opponent 's half of the field , with fewer than two opponents between himself and the goal .

  6. 在其他时间,哈登受到包夹后,就会把球传到外线,这些传球经常被防守队员碰到,有些时候会被直接抢断。

    At other times , Harden saw the gaps closing on him and flung the ball out to the perimeter instead , passes that often got tipped or in a couple cases picked off .

  7. 传球或投篮,队员可跳起中枢脚,但在球出手之前任一脚不得落回地面。

    To pass or shoot for a field goal , the player may jump off a pivot foot , but neither foot may be returned to the floor before the ball is released from the hand ( s ) .