
  • 网络Birth of the Legend
  1. 时尚传奇的诞生:他们,如何用品味征服世界?

    The birth of fashion : how to conquer the world with taste ?

  2. 一年后,菲力普斯安排他录制唱片,就此促成猫王传奇的诞生。

    A year later , Phillips arranged a recording for Elvis and the result was the birth of a legend .

  3. 我们诚意邀请您们见证及参与柯尼卡美能达影像香港的传奇的诞生,并一同分享这份喜悦。

    We cordially invite you to witness , participate and share the happiness of the birth of Konica Minolta Photo Imaging HK 's legend .

  4. 通过介绍RNAi技术富有传奇色彩的诞生和发展过程以及它对分子生物学乃至整个生命科学界产生的巨大作用,认识到RNAi是多学科联合发展的结果。

    Through the introduction of the dramatic discovery and development of RNAi techniques , we can see RNAi has enormous effects on molecular biology and even the whole life science as well .

  5. 三家硅谷传奇公司的诞生都打上了戈登•摩尔的烙印。

    Gordon Moore has been present at the creation of three legendary companies of Silicon Valley .

  6. 那些传奇的大鲑鱼就诞生在这些以大海为起点的归途中。

    It is this return journey from the ocean that yields the biggest fish .