
  • 网络Westworld;West World;DELOS
  1. HBO电视台的新剧《西部世界》讲述了创造者、人工智能接待员和游客们在未来西部主题的公园里的故事。

    HBO has once again stepped up the TV game with their latest hit , " Westworld , " which follows the creators , AI hosts and guests of a futuristic Western theme park .

  2. 但是很明显,“权游”只可能在2019年再次回归,因为撞上HBO的其他热门剧集——《西部世界》在2018年秋季的回归。前不久,明星EvanRachelWood刚确认的日期。

    But it makes sense that " Thrones " wouldn 't ride again until 2019 , especially since HBO 's other bombshell hit , " Westworld , " is returning in spring 2018 , a date that star Evan Rachel Wood recently confirmed .

  3. tootsies.net.罗伯特的西部世界,416Broadway;

    tootsies.net . Robert 's Western World , 416 Broadway ;

  4. 即将播出的科幻新剧《西部世界》也将主打人工智能的黑暗面。

    The upcoming sci-fi drama Westworld will likewise wade into the murky world of artificial intelligence .

  5. 诺兰还分享道,该剧将进一步潜进“主人”(西部世界机器居民)们的内心世界,展露他们的想法。

    Nolan also shared that the show will take a deeper dive into the minds and points-of-view of the hosts .

  6. 这是《西部世界》第三年登上年度十佳美剧榜单。

    This is the third year in a row that " Westworld " has made the Top 10 TV Shows list .

  7. 相反地,开发在西部世界的一种药物是难以置信地困难的。严格测试,在它可以被卖之前,必须执行。

    Conversely , developing a drug in the Western world is incredibly difficult , as rigorous testing must be performed before it is approved for sale .

  8. 《娱乐周刊》日前对话《西部世界》演职人员和幕后团队,了解接下来我们将会在扭曲现实的西部世界中看到什么。

    Entertainment Weekly spoke with the cast of Westworld and some of the people behind the scenes about what we can expect in the reality-bending Westworld and beyond .

  9. 最新一季《西部世界》走出了园区,亚伦·保尔、文森特·卡索、丽娜·维特等新卡司入驻。

    The latest season of " Westworld " took the story outside the park walls and introduced new cast members Aaron Paul , Vincent Cassel , Lena Waithe .

  10. 我国西部世界遗产地门票价格变动对客源市场的影响&以甘肃省和四川省世界遗产地为例

    The Fluctuation of Admission Fees of Some World Heritage Sites in West China and Its Impact on the Tourism Market & A Case Study of Gansu and Sichuan Provinces

  11. 有些剧可能还迟疑要不要砍掉角色,《西部世界》第二季已经写死了好几个人。

    For a show that 's remained somewhat hesitant to kill off anyone , Westworld ? delivered a brutal season 2 finale that ended the lives of several characters .

  12. 《西部世界》的剧迷都了解,第一季绝非是小打小闹,所以我们就知道第二季很可能会让我们脑洞大开。

    As fans of Westworld know , the first season was pretty far from anything resembling a genteel kitchen drama so we know that Season 2 is probably going to blow minds .

  13. 两个芝加哥商人,花每天100美元在西部世界游玩,这是三个游乐公园之一,院内充满仿真机器人和仿真布景;另两个是浪漫世界和中世纪世界。

    The two Chicago businessmen , spend $ 1000a day to stay at westworld , one of three amusement parks that feature remarkably life-like androids and realistic settings ; the others are Romanworld and medievalworld .

  14. 在剧中扮演机器人德洛丽丝·艾伯纳西的女演员埃文·蕾切尔·伍德最近做客《赫芬顿邮报》“打造剧集”采访节目,她表示《西部世界》第一季季终将会让粉丝非常震惊。

    The actress , who plays robot Dolores Abernathy on the series , sat down with The Huffington Post during a recent Build Series interview and revealed that the end of Season 1 will shock fans .

  15. 在故事的广度方面,新一季可能会涉及到西部世界以外的新公园,包括第一季结尾处打广告的“将军世界”。

    In terms of expansiveness , the new season is likely to head to new parks outside of Westworld , including the park that was teased at the end of Season 1 , called Shogun World .

  16. 罗马帝国疆域的扩展,使其成为当时西部世界诸文化的一个汇聚点,而基督教则是古代地中海区域诸民族文化交融的产物。

    The extending of territories of Roman Empire makes itself become the syntaxes place of all kinds of culture in the West district , so Christianity is a mingle results of national cultures in the ancient Mediterranean Sea region .

  17. 《西部世界》第一季是一场百转千回、惊险刺激、充斥着各种存在主义谜团的狂野之旅,但和即将于4月22日播出的第二季相比,这些似乎都不算什么。

    The first season of Westworld was a wild ride full of twists , thrills , and existential mysteries , but it looks like that 's nothing compared to what Season 2 will be when it airs on April 22 .

  18. “美国小镇大街”(MainStreet,U.S.A.)上看不到垃圾。“西部拓荒世界”(Frontierland)里只有幸福的猎人和唱歌的熊。

    There is no trash blowing down Main Street , U.S.A. It 's nothing but happy trappers and singing bears over in Frontierland .

  19. 美国西部“世界花园”神话与美国文学中的西部意识

    The Myth of " World Garden " of the West America and the West Consciousness in American Literature

  20. 体现美国式风情的现场乐队演出、轻松的自娱游戏节目及各式主题派对,带您进入美国西部牛仔世界。

    Here , you can devote yourself into the entertaining games and theme parties , shuttling into the world of cowboys in Western America .

  21. 该理念虽然在西部基督教世界早已被异化为入世主义修道观,但却在东部得以延续至今,并对东正教的修道活动和灵性生活都产生了重要影响。

    Although this idea has been alienated into mundane monastic idea in the Western Christian World for a long time , but it continues to exist until present time in the World of Eastern Orthodox Church .

  22. 本文通过对中国加入WTO以后西部地区在世界经济全球化中的定位分析,提出了在西部大开发中必须重视开发的次序与秩序。

    From the China 's western locating analysis of joining WTO , emphasizes the sequence , order in the western development .

  23. 中国西部文化的世界意义

    The World Significance of the Culture of Chinese Western Region

  24. 美国老西部文化在世界的很多地方都非常的受欢迎。

    The culture of the old American West is extremely popular in many parts of the world .

  25. 这是条连接西部与外面世界的生命线,就算有陆路也必然是泥泞的小道。

    It 's a lifeline connecting the West to the outside world . If roads exist , they 're muddy tracks .

  26. 中国西部开发,也是世界的机会

    Developing West China : A Global Opportunity

  27. 美国对其西部的开发在世界各国的边疆开发中堪称经典。

    America 's developing its west is regarded as a model to their countries in the world in their border area development .

  28. 薇拉·凯瑟弘扬回归西部传统的精神世界,讴歌拓荒精神;另一方面,她又在现代文明和传统之间摇摆。

    Willa Cather eulogizes the retrieval to the traditional spiritual world in the West , exalts the pioneer spirit , on the other hand she is contradictory between the modern civilization and traditions .

  29. 大约从1500年开始,人口更少、显然也更为落后的欧亚大陆西部逐渐开始统治世界的其它地区,包括人口更多、社会发达程度也更高的欧亚大陆东部,这究竟是为什么?

    Just why , beginning in around 1500 , did the less populous and apparently backward west of the Eurasian landmass come to dominate the rest of the world , including the more populous and more sophisticated societies of eastern Eurasia ?