
  1. 货运信息管理子系统在西安西火车站的应用

    Application of Freight Traffic Information Management Subsystem to Xi ' an West station

  2. 基于文脉的商业空间形态设计&浅析西安西大街的形态演进及新一轮改造

    Space Form Design on Cultural Basis & Analysis on Evolution and Reconstruction of West Street in Xi ' an

  3. 西安市西三环穿越西户立交工程施工工艺研究

    Research into construction technique of interchange engineering of the third western round-the-city highway passing through Xihu railway in Xi'an

  4. 在火车上呆了一天,在西安汽车西车等了两个小时排队去眉县,真是不是一般的可怕。

    It 's terrible for us to wait for the bus to Mei county for more than two hours after we had spent a boring day on the train .

  5. 方法对1997年以来西安市中心医院门诊西药房的四种工作模式进行回顾和分析。

    Methods To review and analyze the working modes since 1997 in outpatient pharmacy of our hospital .

  6. 较发达地级市的地位进一步得到加强,增长极的形成已初见端倪;以成都、重庆、西安为中心的西三角地区经济已经崛起,成为经济发达或者次发达地级市集中分布区。

    Chengdu , Chongqing , Xi ' an as the center of the rise of the West Delta Region economy has become economically developed or developing regional level cities concentrated area . 4 .