
  • 网络East;Easter;Ist;Eastbourne
  1. 横跨哈得孙河和伊斯特河的曼哈顿桥梁上灯火通明。

    Across the Hudson and the East Rivers are the Manhattan bridges with their strings of lights .

  2. 伊斯特教授表示,巧妙利用意见簿以及当前和已流失客户的数据库,将有助于找出最可能对产品或服务进行负面宣传的消费者。

    Canny use of complaint logs and databases of current and lapsed customers will help identify those most likely to bad-mouth a product or service , says Prof East .

  3. 麦克科伊斯特门前近距离将球攻入。

    McCoist knocked the ball in from close range .

  4. 他眼下被关押在利兹的伊斯特穆尔保安部。

    He is currently under lock and key at Eastmoor secure unit in Leeds .

  5. 即将上任的CEO史蒂夫•伊斯特布鲁克曾在英国面临这一挑战。

    Steve Easterbrook , the incoming chief executive , confronted just such a challenge in the UK .

  6. 答:过去是乔治·摩尔(GeorgeMoore),最好的作品是《伊斯特·沃特斯》(EstherWaters);

    George Moore from the past ( " Esther Waters " is his masterpiece ) ;

  7. 伊斯特汉博士和彭森博士表示,对待PSA检测出现过两个极端态度,它们都不尽如人意。

    Dr. Eastham and Dr. Penson said there had been two extremes in testing , neither satisfactory .

  8. 伊斯特布鲁克会计师出身,说话低声细语,他是离开普华永道(PWC)加入麦当劳的财务部门的。

    Easterbrook is a softly spoken accountant who initially joined the finance department of McDonald 's from PWC .

  9. 汤普森的继任者将是麦当劳高级副总裁兼首席品牌官史蒂夫o伊斯特布鲁克,伊斯特布鲁克于1993年加入麦当劳,2011年离职,先后担任PizzaExpress和拉面道的首席执行官,PizzaExpress和拉面道都是总部位于英国的餐饮品牌。

    Thompson 's successor , SVP and chief brand officer Steve Easterbrook , joined the company in 1993 but left in 2011 to become CEO first of Pizza Express and then Wagamama , both UK-based restaurant brands .

  10. 1963年,在现代足球运动的始祖英格兰,伊斯特姆法案(theEasthamcase)打破了职业足球运动员工资封顶的限制,球员的工资收入从此获得完全解放。

    In England , the ancestor of modern soccer , the Eastham Case dispelled the restriction of players ' salary in 1963 , which completely realized the liberation of salary .

  11. 纽约纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心(MemorialSloanKetteringCancerCenter)的泌尿科主任詹姆斯·A·伊斯特汉(JamesA.Eastham)博士指出,两项长期研究表明,这种监测是识别哪些患者需要治疗的合适方法。

    Dr. James A. Eastham , the chief of the urology service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York , said two long-term studies had shown that this type of monitoring was a reasonable way to determine which patients needed treatment .

  12. 最近麦当劳(McDonald’s)改组了领导层。正在努力跟上消费者口味变化的这家快餐业巨头,任命英国商业街连锁餐饮业老将史蒂夫•伊斯特布鲁克(SteveEasterbrook)为首席执行官,换下唐•汤普森(DonThompson)。

    McDonald 's shook up its leadership this week as it struggled to keep up with changing consumer tastes , appointing Steve Easterbrook , a veteran of UK high street restaurant chains , to replace Don Thompson as chief executive .

  13. 伊斯特布鲁克为餐饮业开了两条重要的先例。

    Easterbrook has set two important precedents for the restaurant industry .

  14. 伊斯特布鲁克的战略很适合经济衰退的欧洲。

    Mr Easterbrook 's strategy suited recession-hit Europe .

  15. 有东西吃了伊斯特班,不是吗?

    Something ate esteban , did it ?

  16. 伊斯特真是一个令人难忘的人。

    Ester is a truly unforgettable person .

  17. 据报道,出演了《欢乐合唱团》的布莱克詹纳和梅利莎拜诺伊斯特这对情侣将要喜结连理了!

    Glee lovebirds Blake Jenner and Melissa Benoist are reportedly set to tie the knot !

  18. 伊斯特布鲁克表示,此次技术创新是受到了去年12月日本之行的启发。

    Mr Easterbrook said the technological innovations were triggered by a visit to Japan last December .

  19. 相比之下,伊斯特布鲁克是在麦当劳品牌深陷危机时临危受命。

    By contrast , Easterbrook takes the helm during an historically abysmal time for the brand .

  20. 与伊斯特利的观点相反,这份报告为增进政策制定者的理解水平做出了有益贡献。

    Contrary to what Prof Easterly argues , the report makes useful contributions to policymakers ' understanding .

  21. 相比汤普森,伊斯特布鲁克有一个很大的优势,那就是人们对他的期望完全不同。

    One big advantage Easterbrook has over Thompson is that he faces a completely different set of expectations .

  22. 伊斯特拥有科技公司的经验,这对于执掌一家像罗尔斯罗伊斯这样的企业是至关重要的。

    He has experience of the kind of technology business that is vital for heading a company like Rolls-Royce .

  23. 伊斯特雷格区委会拥有并经营着韦塞克斯大楼,大楼收入足够支付各种开销。

    Wessex House is owned and run by Eastleigh Borough Council and makes enough money to pay its way .

  24. 伊斯特是一个聪慧的翻译,深受肺病折磨,甚至会导致她在痉挛中窒息。

    Ester is an intellectual , a translator suffering from some strange lung disease that almost causes her to suffocate during her spasms .

  25. 琼斯没有已知的药物滥用史,纽约市警察局副巡查员金姆•罗伊斯特说。

    Jones did not have a known history of medical problems , said Kim Royster , a deputy inspector with New York City police .

  26. 这两个住在伊斯特伯恩的小孩子试图保守怀孕的秘密,直到尚特尔的妈妈彭妮了女儿大肚子的秘密。

    The teenagers , both from Eastbourne , had kept the pregnancy secret until Chantelle 's mother Penny noticed her daughter was getting bigger .

  27. 虽然盐分含量看上去仍然偏高,但伊斯特布鲁克向我保证,现在比他接手时降低了21%。

    The salt content still looks high but Easterbrook assured me that it is now 21 per cent lower than when he took over .

  28. 史蒂夫•伊斯特布鲁克负责麦当劳英国分部运营时表现非常出色,作为回报,他被总部任命为麦当劳欧洲区总裁。

    Steve Easterbrook 's reward for his successful stint at the head of the UK division was to be appointed president of McDonald 's Europe .

  29. 阿耶提、伊斯特利和莫约认为,过去40年的发展援助是一个巨大的失败。

    Certainly Mr AYITTEY , Mr easterly , and MS Moyo are right that the past 40 years of development aid have been a spectacular failure .

  30. 伊斯特芬那充满激情的旋律,我们很难想象她能从瘫痪中回到舞台。

    When we are appreciating the passionate melody of Gloria Estefan , we could hardly imagine that she could return to the stage after her paralysis .