
  • 网络Claremont;clermont;Clement;Claymont
  1. DavidLincoln是克莱蒙特-林肯大学校董会主席。

    David Lincoln is chairman of the board of Claremont Lincoln .

  2. 本文作者是美国克莱蒙特-麦肯纳学院(ClaremontMcKennaCollege)政治学教授

    The writer is a professor of government at Claremont McKenna College

  3. ReverendCampbell表示,他希望将更多宗教带到克莱蒙特-林肯大学,包括巴哈教。

    Reverend Campbell says he hopes to bring more religions to Claremont Lincoln , including the Bahai faith .

  4. 也许正是因此,在申请最心仪的学校克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院(ClaremontMcKennaCollege)的提前录取时,她失败了。

    Perhaps because of that , she was turned down for early decision at her first choice , Claremont McKenna College .

  5. 克莱蒙特理工学院校长ReverendJerryCampbell表示,以这种方式提供宗教培训可以使社会变强。

    Reverend Jerry Campbell , president of the Claremont School of Theology , says teaching religion this way will society .

  6. 而知名企业KKR的成功也让克莱蒙特。麦肯纳这个著名的文理学院梅开二度。

    Claremont McKenna , a highly regarded , Liberal Arts College also has two spots , due to the success of private equity firm KKR .

  7. 最后,那间房子里没有大床,我们只好住进了波莫纳的喜来登酒店(SheratoninPomona),因为克莱蒙特的旅店当时都已经订满了。

    In the end , no king-sized bed , so we stayed at the Sheraton in Pomona as hotels in Claremont were fully booked by that time .

  8. 但在启动该案一周后,克莱蒙特和丁取得一项初步成功:美国政府同意允许ralls公司推进初步建设工作。

    But a week after the case was filed , Mr Clement and Mr Dinh scored an early success when the US government agreed to allow Ralls to continue preliminary construction work .

  9. 美国加州克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院(ClaremontMcKennaCollege)政府学教授裴敏欣提出了一连串担忧:“人们应该问一问,这样的收购是否出于非经济动机?中国收购方有没有能力管理好这些大型、复杂和创新的企业(比如先正达)。”

    Minxin Pei , professor of government at Claremont McKenna College in California , raises a series of concerns . " People should ask whether such acquisitions are made with non-economic motives and whether China 's acquirers have the capacity to manage these large , complex and innovative firms [ like Syngenta ] . "

  10. 丽提莎是克莱蒙特众多情人中的一个。

    Lateesha was one of claremont 's many mistresses .

  11. 加州克莱蒙特-林肯大学是一所新成立的宗教教育研究生学校。

    Claremont Lincoln University in California is a new graduate school for religious education .

  12. 克莱蒙特-林肯大学由三个机构联合组建。

    Three institutions ed Claremont Lincoln .

  13. 拜伦突然想起,他蛮可以取道克莱蒙特大街返回兄弟会。

    It occurred to Byron that he could go back to the fraternity house through Claremont Avenue .

  14. 艺术家兼编程员克莱蒙特.瓦拉在谷歌地图影像上抓取了这些图片,并把这些光怪陆离的画面收集起来。

    They were spotted by artist and programmer Clement Valla who has trawled Earth to collect a string of weird sights .

  15. 克莱蒙特学院联合体:一种独特的联邦制高等院校模式

    Claremont College Consortium : A Distinctive Federal Model of Higher Education Institutions ; preferential tariff treatment of the Commonwealth Preference System

  16. 克莱蒙特七世用这条通道逃离了梵蒂冈,藏身在圣安杰洛城堡。

    The " paseto " was used by Clement the Seventh to escape the Vatican to hide in castle St. Angelo .

  17. 男被访者克莱蒙特七世用这条通道逃离了梵蒂冈,藏身在圣安杰洛城堡。

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE The " paseto " was used by Clement the Seventh to escape the Vatican to hide in castel St. Angelo .

  18. 当清理鲸鱼最后的残骸时,纽波特海滩的尼克·林德和圣克莱蒙特的马修·豪厄尔正在冲浪。

    Nick Lind of Newport Beach and Matthew Howell of San Clemente were surfing as the last remnants of the whale were being removed .

  19. 1807年,美国人富尔顿罗伯特“克莱蒙特”号蒸汽轮船完成了从纽约到奥尔巴尼航行!

    In1807 , Robert Fulton 's " North River Steam Boat " began heading up New York 's Hudson River on its successful round-trip to Albany .

  20. 教皇克莱蒙特七世在去世前不久曾与米开朗基罗订立合约,让他在西斯廷教堂的墙壁上创作一幅画《最后的审判》。

    Not long before he died , Pope Clement VII contracted Michelangelo to create a painting of the Last Judgment on the walls of the Sistine Chapel .

  21. 就在两周前,加州克莱蒙特-麦肯纳学院曾曝出类似丑闻,该校为了扩大声誉,提高了新生的标准化考试成绩。

    Just two weeks ago , Claremont McKenna College in California disclosed it had inflated the standardized test scores of incoming freshman in a bid to boost its reputation .

  22. 1990年5月,我在美国克莱蒙特研究生院取得了高等教育和人力资源管理的博士学位,三所美国大学向我提供工作机会。

    In May1990 , I received my Ph.D.in Higher Education and Human Resource Management from Claremont Graduate University in the United States ; three American universities offered me jobs .

  23. 斯克利普斯学院位于美国加州,克莱蒙特市这所女子学院自1920年成立以来,一直致力于建筑物和景观艺术的完美融合。

    Scripps College Claremont , Calif. The total plan of this women 's college , founded in the 1920 's , has always called for artistic connection between buildings and landscape . Together ,

  24. 文章以著名的克莱蒙特学院联合体为例,介绍了博雅教育的哲学理念、教学方式和实践,并讨论了其对我国高等教育发展的启示意义。

    This paper employs the Claremont Colleges as an example to introduce the philosophies , modes , and exercise of liberal arts education in America and discusses the implications for development of higher education in China .

  25. 在佛罗里达的克莱蒙特,周日晚上,迪斯尼世界旁的一个度假区,人们听见爆裂、破裂声,然后看到一座正在崩塌到地里的房子的窗户飞了出来。

    In Clermont , Florida , Sunday night , a vacation resort near Disneyworld , where people heard popping , cracking , then saw windows blow out as part of the building crumbled into the ground .

  26. 1949年1月15日,曾经身为音乐老师的克莱蒙特•马修来到寄宿学校“池塘底教养院”当督察员,这里的学生都是孤儿或问题儿童。

    Former music teacher Cl é ment Mathieu arrives at " Fond de l'Etang " ( Bottom of the Well ) , a boarding school for orphans and problem boys , to work as an inspector on Jan 15 , 1949 .