
  1. 用LKB-2277生物活性检测系统采用停流法于37℃测定了克拉红霉素及克拉红霉素分别与Pr(NO3)3和La(NO3)3混合后,对大肠杆菌生长抑制作用的热效应变化。

    Using 2277 bioactivity monitoring system , we determined the changes of heat effect of inhibition of Clarithromycin with Pr ( NO3 ) 3 or La ( NO3 ) 3 on Escherichia coli growth at 37 ℃ .

  2. 卢卡拉公司表示,本周公司在Karowe矿场还发现另外两颗钻石,重量分别为813克拉和374克拉。

    Lucara says two other " exceptional " white diamonds - an 813-carat stone and a 374-carat stone - were also found at the Karowe mine .

  3. 高岛屋百货连锁店声称,“小钻石就像清晨花瓣上的露珠,闪烁着迷人的光芒;而2克拉和3克拉的钻石则以其高贵的光芒吸引着倾慕者”。

    The smaller diamond pieces " sparkle charmingly like morning dew on petals , while two-carat and three-carat pieces mesmerise admirers with their noble glow ," the store said in a statement .

  4. 华北克拉通、扬子克拉通与秦岭造山带古地幔组成及状态的对比

    The comparison of constitution and thermal condition in North China Craton ( nc ), Yangtze Craton ( yz ) and Qinling ( ql ) orogenic belt

  5. 古生代华北盆地、塔里木盆地位于稳定克拉通之上,克拉通面积大,沉积构造稳定,地温梯度低;

    North China Basin and Tarim Basin were located in stable craton in Paleozoic , and characterized by stable sedimentary structures , and low geothermal gradients ;

  6. 一个有旋转强雷暴云墙被认为是在得克萨斯县附近的伊娃,在星期一,2010年5月31日俄克拉荷马社区俄克拉荷马州。

    A severe thunderstorm with a rotating wall cloud is seen over Texas County , Oklahoma near the community of Eva , Oklahoma on Monday , May31,2010 .