
  • 网络Clay;Klein;CLARE;CLAIRE;Klee
  1. 连克莱先生看到牛奶商这样无计奈何的样子,都觉得凄惨起来。

    Even Mr. Clare began to feel tragical at the dairyman 's desperation .

  2. 但是她每次往后退缩都在克莱的温情坚持下失败了;

    But all withdrawals were overcome by clare 's gentle insistence ;

  3. 克莱发展出一种震惊拳击迷的全新风格

    Clay developed a radical style which appalled boxing aficionados .

  4. 我丈夫克莱(Clay)负责洗衣服。

    My husband , Clay , does the laundry .

  5. 利用凸正规化得到了B值狄里克莱级数的下级与其系数和指数的关系

    In this paper , through convex regularization the formulas of the lower order of B value Dirichlet series given by the exponents and the coefficients are arrived at

  6. 克莱们森大学(CLEMSONUNIVERSITY)的包装科学系&我们的格言是提供最好的包装科学课程

    Clemson University packaging science department of Clemson University

  7. 对估计算法的克莱美-罗界分析和仿真结果表明,所提出的基于部分泰勒级数展开的BLUE算法的精度逼近克莱美-罗界。

    Cramer-Rao bound of this algorithm is derived and the simulation results show that accuracy of the BLUE method based on partly Taylor expansion is approximately equal to Cramer-Rao bound .

  8. 把有限流出可逆q过程的构造理论与基本狄利克莱型结合起来,得出了有限流出不断可逆q过程唯一的充要条件。

    Combining basic Dirichlet form with construction theory of finite exit honest reversible q-processes it is obtained sufficient and necessary condition of uniqueness of finite exit honest reversible q-processes .

  9. 与两连MVP斯蒂芬-库里加上德雷蒙德-格林和克莱-汤普森这样的全明星球员成为队友,人们会自然而然地产生这种看法:杜兰特个人荣誉的大门已经关闭了。

    Playing with the likes of two-time defending MVP Stephen Curry , plus All-Stars Draymond Green and Klay Thompson would , the thinking went , dry up Durant 's personal opportunities .

  10. 在看见了杜兰特在G5因为跟腱断裂倒下后,球迷和其他NBA球员最担心的就是克莱返回更衣室。

    After having witnessed Kevin Durant go down for the season with a ruptured Achilles in Game 5 , fans and fellow NBA players feared the worst as Thompson went back to the locker room .

  11. 现年52岁的阿里菲10年前在纽约多元化的郊区蒙特克莱开设第一家餐厅Blu,当时《纽约时报》把它评为“优秀”。然后他在隔壁开了一家更随意但也同样受好评的餐厅,名字就叫隔壁(NextDoor)。

    When Mr. Arifai , 52 , opened his first restaurant , Blu , in Montclair , a diverse suburb of New York City , a decade ago , The New York Times rated it " excellent . " Then he opened the more casual and also warmly praised Next Door , next door .

  12. 我知道进行比较是不对的。但是我感觉到好像我在卡文克莱的广告中度过了一晚,而我现在又回到了棒球、炸鸡桶和BVD牌内裤的生活中了。

    I know it was wrong to compare , but I felt like I had spent the evening in a Calvin Klein ad and now I was back to baseball , buckets , and BVDs .

  13. 前锋克莱-汤普森说,“我了解NBA的好多人,在这里我就不一一点名了,他们喜欢他们做的事情,但有时他们并不去享受每天的工作。我敢说,在这里每个人都享受去球馆”。

    Forward Klay Thompson , " I know a lot of people - I 'm not gonna name names - in the NBA , " Thompson says . " They love what they do , but sometimes they don 't enjoy going to work every day . I can say here , everyone enjoys coming into the gym . "

  14. 香侬看过很多医生,最终被诊断和父亲一样患有克莱李文症候群(KLS),在英国仅有45人得这种病。KLS是一种伴有间歇性大量睡眠和奇怪举止的复杂神经障碍症。

    Shannon was seen by various doctors before finally being diagnosed with Kleine-Levin Syndrome ( KLS ) after her father . There are only 45 people in the UK who have the condition , which is a complex neurological disorder characterised by periods of excessive amounts of sleep and altered behaviour .

  15. 因此,对克莱来说,他的故事便是一个这样的故事。

    So for Clay , this is one of those stories .

  16. 他们说克莱。摩尔身上有一些擦伤。

    They say clay Moore has a few scratches on him .

  17. B-值狄里克莱级数在全平面的下级

    The Lower Order of B-value Dirichlet Series in the Entire Plane

  18. 别跟我胡说什么你埋了克莱了。

    Don 't go and tell me that you buried cly .

  19. 克莱,这是我帮你拍的。

    Clyde , there 's the shot I took of you .

  20. 我以前跟我的邻居克莱一家很熟

    I was very close to my neighbors , the Kleins .

  21. 电子轨道自旋角动量耦合的克莱布希-高登系数的计算

    Computation of the Clebsch-Gordon Coefficient of Electron Orbit Spin Angle Momentum Coupling

  22. 奇异二阶微分方程狄利克莱边值问题解的存在及惟一性

    The existence and uniqueness for singular Dirichlet boundary value problems

  23. 克莱建议人们应该随着时间的积累去打造自己的衣橱。

    Cline suggests that we build a wardrobe over time .

  24. 克莱空了,把球传他。

    Klay ( Thompson ) is open , give him the ball .

  25. 从天使克莱透视苔丝的悲剧

    A probe into Tess 's tragedy in the view of Angel Clare

  26. 目标:凯文-杜兰特,克莱-汤普森,整体的阵容深度

    Needs : Kevin Durant , Klay Thompson , all-around depth

  27. 那你直接打给克莱医生不得了

    So why don 't you just give Dr. Klein a call ?

  28. 他们当中的克莱·肖,就在你们面前。

    Among them , Clay Shaw , here before you .

  29. 克莱在考试前夕很紧张。

    Clay was nervous on the eve of the examination .

  30. 卡尔文。克莱不是你的名字吗?

    That 's your name , isn 't it ? Calvin Klein .