
  • 网络Clayton;creighton
  1. 杰拉德·克莱夫特(GerardCraft),Niche,密苏里州克雷顿

    Gerard Craft , Niche , Clayton , Mo.

  2. 爱荷华州RockwellCollinsInc.的首席执行长克雷顿•琼斯(ClaytonJones)说,我们明白他们可能希望发展本土产业,但是我们希望尽可能地参与其中;

    ' We understand that they may well want to develop an indigenous industry , but we want to stay a part of it as long as we can , 'says Clayton Jones , chief executive of Rockwell Collins Inc.

  3. 克雷顿反托拉斯法对限制贸易的含义作出更明确的规定。

    The Clayton Antitrust Act tried to define more clearly what was meant by restraint of trade .

  4. 卡蒂克还行但克雷顿在咬嘴唇和抓耳朵

    Well , Caddick 's okay , but Clayton is biting his lip , tugging at his ear .

  5. 复课的第二天,克雷顿早晨6时30分抵达查尔斯金小学,试图加强学校预防埃博拉的措施。

    At C.D.B. King , Ms. Crayton arrived at 6:30 a.m. on the second day of class to try to make the school safe against Ebola .

  6. 克雷顿阁下,这具亡灵的遗骸是很难得的魔法材料,足以让你此行不虚。

    Gram thunder you , this Wu works properly of the remains is a very rare sorcery matter , be agreeable enough to let your this voyage is not and falsely .

  7. 在她面前,迟了一步的克雷顿有些懊丧地看了一眼那柄战锤,颇为不舍。

    In front of her , late the gram of the an step the thunder Be some to dispiritedly look one eye that deal a combat a pummel , quite don 't give up .

  8. 克雷顿博士指出,这一刻,人生发生了根本性转变:人们开始思考他们的生命还剩下多少时间,而不是已经过去了多久。

    Dr. Clayton says there 's a point in life when a fundamental shift occurs , and people start thinking about how much time they have left rather than how long they have lived .

  9. 念诵主祷文后,克雷顿告诫学生们说,“城里仍有埃博拉病毒,因此你们需要非常、非常、非常小心。”

    After the Lord 's Prayer , Ms. Crayton warned her students , " Ebola is still in town , so we just want you to be very , very , very careful . " "

  10. 他在克雷顿的小镇住下,在一家渔夫开的汽车旅馆下榻,用两个早晨拍摄那些拖轮,应一个他在当地酒吧结识的驾驶员之请在一艘拖船上度过了一个下午。

    Stopping in the little town of clayton , he stayed at a fisherman 's Motel and spent two mornings shooting the towboats and an afternoon on a tug at the invitation of a pilot he met in a local bar .

  11. 副校长克雷顿一边用一张纸给自己扇风,一边列举注意事项:不要粗野打闹,不要互相交换铅笔,不要分享食物,不要随地吐痰,不要在院子里小便,家中有人生病不要隐瞒。

    Fanning herself with a sheet of paper , Ms. Crayton , the vice principal , rattled off a list of don'ts : Don 't play rough . Don 't exchange pencils . Don 't share food . Don 't spit . Don 't urinate in the courtyard . Don 't hide illness in the family .