
  • 网络Kryon;Creon;Cleon
  1. 哦,人类,如果你有克里昂的图片,你就会看到我所看到的。

    Oh , Humans , if you had the Kryon picture , you would see what I see .

  2. 轮到克里昂琼斯上场打击。

    Cleon Jones is gonna come to bat .

  3. 美国宇航局工程师克里昂?莱维特表示,处理太空垃圾迫在眉睫。

    Nasa engineer Creon Levit said it was imperative that something was done about space junk .

  4. 在这个场景里,会使唐-克里昂阁下感到骄傲,这位被公认为是伟大的艺术家此刻正不动声色地悄悄站在一个名流云集的聚会的门外,静静地观察着这一切。

    In a scene that would have made Don Corleone proud , the actor quietly accepted visitors out of view of the celebrity-studded gathering just outside the door .