
shēnɡ chǎn zé rèn zhì
  • production responsibility system;system of production responsibility
  1. 施工企业安全生产责任制的建立和完善

    Building , Improving And Perfecting The Safety Production Responsibility System

  2. 企业安全生产责任制的建立与落实研究

    Study on the Establishment and Implementation of Enterprise 's Safety Production Responsibility System

  3. 关于全社会安全生产责任制的探讨

    Exploration on the Responsibility System of Production Safety for Whole Society

  4. 建立、健全本单位安全生产责任制;

    A.establishing and perfecting the system of responsibility relating to production safety ;

  5. 负责落实本车间安全生产责任制。

    Implement the system of responsibility for production safety of the workshop .

  6. 关于荣成市渔业生产责任制情况的调查报告

    Survey on Responsibility of Fisheries Production in Rongcheng City

  7. 介绍了搞好安全检查生产责任制的几点经验。

    Some experiences in implementing the system of safety responsibility in production are introduced .

  8. 中小型电厂安全生产责任制评价体系的建立

    The Establishment of Production Safety Responsibility Evaluation System for Small and Medium-sized Power Plant

  9. 浅探安徽20世纪60年代初的农业生产责任制

    Probe into the Responsibility of Agricultural Production in the Early Sixties of 20th Century in Anhui

  10. 加强“三基”工作,全面提升安全管理水平;针对“三违”问题,层层落实安全生产责任制;

    Make sure of system and safety responsibilities at every level to remove three kinds of violation .

  11. 落实班长安全生产责任制提高班组安全管理水平

    Implement group leader 's system of responsibility for safe production and improve groups ' safe management level

  12. 论述了实现安全生产责任制的必要性,探讨了安全生产责任制在制订和落实过程中应注意的问题。

    Necessity of implementing safety production liability system is discussed , and issues paying attention are explored during its establishment and fulfillment .

  13. 施工现场要建立起符合现代管理科学的安全管理体系,首先要建立完善的安全管理组织机构,全面贯彻安全生产责任制。

    Safety management organization must be established at the beginning of the project in which the safety production duty system is most important .

  14. 农业生产责任制的推行,不仅改变了农业机械的经营形式,而且也改变了农业机械的服务方向。

    The establishment of the contract resposibility system has not only changed the way of management of the agricultural machinery station , but also its serving direction .

  15. 在施工过程中,树立安全第一、预防为主的指导思想,全面落实安全生产责任制。

    During the process of construction , the guideline thought of Safety First , Preventive Priority was set and Safety Production Responsibility Rule was highly carried out .

  16. 由于较强的独立性意识,中国的农民通过生产责任制首先承担了进入自由市场的风险。

    Due to a higher sense of independence , farmers in China have been credited with taking the first risks of venturing into the free market with the contract responsibility system .

  17. 在项目部全面落实了安全生产责任制和树立安全第一、预防为主的指导思想,并在施工过程中严格地进行安全检查工作。

    Inside Project Department , totally carried out Safety Production Responsibility Rule and set the guideline thought of Safety First , Preventive Priority . During the constructing process , strictly conducted safety inspection work .

  18. 集体劳动争议数量增长迅速;生产经营责任制与劳动积极性&集体农业理论与中国农业制度改革

    The rapid increasing of collective labor-related disputes ; Responsibility System and Farmer 's Initiative

  19. 落实生产安全责任制,坚决遏制重特大安全事故发生。

    We will implement the accountability system for workplace safety and resolutely prevent serious and major accidents .

  20. 利用数年边际土地生产率数据,测算了实行各种形式生产经营责任制提高土地生产率的效果。

    On the basis of the data of the land productivity in several years , they make an appraisal of the increase of such productivity under different patterns of responsibility system .

  21. 在这一过程中,以生产承包责任制和生态治理工程为代表的国家政策对村庄的自然生态与社会生活都发挥着至关重要的影响。

    In this process , state policies like the production contract responsibility system , and ecological management projects play a crucial influence on the natural eco-environment and social life of the village .

  22. 在现行的工程项目管理制度体系下,作为工程项目的直接所有者的施工企业,对工程项目采取的一般是生产经营责任制和经济承包责任制两种管理方法。

    According to the nowadays ' engineering project management institution system , the constructing enterprise will mainly take two methods of engineering project management , one is production and operation liability institution , the other is economic input & output take-all institution .

  23. 本文以中国农业现行的生产经营责任制为对象,通过对各种集体农业理论的比较研究,阐明了集体农业制度下劳动监督的可能性和劳动积极性的重要。

    Focusing their attention on the production-management responsibility system in China 's rural economy , the co-authors of this article make comparisons among different theories on collective farming before reviewing the possibility of exercising labor control in collective farming and the importance of encouraging the farmer 's initiative .

  24. 随着生产商延伸责任制的提出,产品的回收模式较传统的回收模式有了根本性的改变。

    With the apposed system of Extended Producer Responsibility ( EPR ), brought great changes in product take-back models .

  25. 实行生产成本目标管理责任制;

    ( 2 ) implementing production cost management accountability ;

  26. 20世纪70年代末80年代初的农业生产家庭联产承包责任制和农产品流通体制的市场化改革,使农户成为了农业生产和农产品流通的基本组织单元。

    The household contract responsibility system in agricultural production and market-oriented reforms of agri-products circulation system from late 1970s to early 1980s , make farmers become the basic organizational unit of agricultural production and circulation .

  27. 重视和加强安全生产,健全安全生产责任制。

    Production safety was strengthened , and the responsibility system for production safety was improved .

  28. 组织审核施工企业安全生产保证体系、安全生产责任制、各项规章制度和安全监管机构建立及人员配备情况。

    Organize and review work safety assurance system , work safety responsibility system , rules and regulations , establishment of safety monitoring authority and personnel arrangement of construction enterprise ;

  29. 要严格执行安全生产法律法规,全面落实安全生产责任制,坚决遏制重特大安全事故发生。

    We must strictly enforce laws and regulations on workplace safety , fully implement the responsibility system for it , and resolutely prevent the occurrence of major and very serious work-related accidents .

  30. 安全生产管理主要分析了怎样落实安全生产责任制,消除人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态,以安全生产促进生产进度。

    It is analyzed on how to put safety construction responsibility into effect and to eliminate the insecurity situation of workers and substances to accelerate the project .