
  1. 树袋熊是生活在树上的一种中等大小的动物。

    The koala is a medium-sized creature that lives in tres .

  2. 所有这些种类的动物都生活在树上,而且只在非洲才有。

    All these species are arboreal and occur only in africa .

  3. 猴子生活在树上的栖息地。

    Monkeys live in an arboreal habitat .

  4. 最小的生活在树上。

    The smallest ones live in trees .

  5. 地松鼠不象其他的松鼠生活在树上,而是住在地洞里。

    Ground squirrels live in burrows , instead of in the trees like other squirrels .

  6. 小食蚁兽生活在树上,它可以用强壮的、几乎无毛的尾巴挂在树枝上。

    The tamandua lives in trees , where it can cling to branches with its strong , almost hairless tail .

  7. 水蟒不像普通的蛇那样生活在树上或陆地上,它们不用担心爬树或在粗糙的地面上追逐猎物。

    Unlike snakes that live in trees or on the ground , the anaconda doesn 't have to worry about climbing or chasing prey over rough terrain .

  8. 他想保持这片土地的现有状态,不仅为他的果树,还为生活在树上的所有生物。

    He wants to keep his land just as it is , not only because of his trees , but also due to the arboreal life it supports .

  9. 加利福尼亚蛾子,其幼虫尤其喜生活在柑橘树上。

    California moth whose larvae live in esp. oranges .

  10. 这种动物常常生活在吉贝树上,吉贝树结的丝绸般的果荚,与矮子食蚁兽的毛皮相匹配。

    The animal often lives in silk-cotton trees , which bear silk-like fruit pods that match the anteater 's fur coat .

  11. 大多数生活必需品生长在树上。

    Most essentials of survival grow on trees .

  12. 酿造这种昂贵且美味的蜂蜜的蜜蜂生活在新西兰的麦卢卡树上&这是一种密集生长的灌木类植物,并且可以在非常贫瘠的土壤里生长。

    This expensive and tasty variety of honey comes from bees that feed on New Zealand 's manuka trees & a dense-branched genus of shrub that can thrive in soil so depleted of nutrients that little else grows in it .