
  • 网络Life state;LIVING STATE
  1. 穆旦的诗歌言说最初表现为对“回归自然”之梦的追寻,理想化的生命状态是此阶段诗人言说的核心。

    Mu Dan 's poetic way of expression was " a dream of returning to the nature " in the early stage when ideal living state was the core of the poetic expression .

  2. 单兵生命状态远程监视及定位系统的研究

    Reasearch of Personal Status Remote Monitor and Positioning System

  3. 艺术从人的生命状态而来,并且是为了人的生命状态而必需的存在;情感对艺术来说是艺术之存在所必需的,它使艺术站立在人的情感之中。

    Art come from human being , furthermore it is necessary for human being .

  4. 是一种生命状态,像我的艺术创作一样。

    This is a state of living , and my artistic creation is alike .

  5. 然而,自然的视觉元素和生命状态与生存环境磨擦所产生的认识是不同的。

    However , natural visional elements and original living environment differ from our cognition ;

  6. 保鲜包装的亚生命状态理论研究

    Study on subvital status of fresh packaging

  7. 要长久保持浸液的无生命状态,必须密封和煮沸。

    To render an infusion permanently barren , it must be sealed hermetically and boiled .

  8. 狂欢是一种全民、欢快、充盈、再生与未完成的世界观、生存态度和生命状态。

    Carnival is a sort of world outlook , attitude of existence and state of life .

  9. 在扫描参数优化的条件下才可得到细胞样品在其自然生命状态下的拉曼光谱。

    The Raman spectrum of cells in vivo can be achieved with optimization of scan parameters .

  10. 休闲是人的一种生命状态,也是人的基本需求。

    Leisure is not only a human life state , but also the basic human needs .

  11. 即善良,宽容、隐忍的高贵品格以及自由自在的生命状态。

    Namely good , tolerant , bears patiently noble moral character as well as free life condition .

  12. 农村中小学生的学习状况和生命状态并未从根本上得到改善。

    The countryside elementary and middle school students ' study conditions and life conditions have not been fundamentally improved .

  13. 幸福是对自己生命状态及日常生活满意程度的一种主观感觉。

    Happiness is a subjective feeling about one 's state of being and satisfaction with one 's daily life .

  14. 他们追怀儿时的百草园,怀念亲情,也有着对人类童年生命状态的思考。

    They recall the childhood time , love of family and also think about the condition of human childhood life .

  15. 休眠现象是一个集合名词,指的是缓步动物为克服不利的环境条件而出现的新陈代谢活动减弱甚至暂停的生命状态。

    Dormancy is a collective name for an ametabolic state of life utilized by Tardigrada to overcome periods of unfavourable environment conditions .

  16. 动物题材电影通过展现与人类共存于世的另类生命状态,为人类提供了一种审视自然和生命的全新视角。

    Animal Movies and human coexist by showing an alternative state of life , human nature provides a look at life and new perspective .

  17. 笔者把青春定义为一种在路上不断成长的生命状态。

    The writer defines youth as a living condition of constant growing up on the road , comprising both physical and spiritual growing up .

  18. 等待是一种生命状态和人生智慧&试析《等待戈多》荒诞背后的人生哲理

    Waiting Is a Kind of Anima State and Life Wisdom & try analysing the philosophic theory back of the absurdness of Waiting for Godot

  19. 我不认为这是缺点,这就是我真实的生命状态。相反,我非常享受这样的自我状态。

    I consider it as a reflection of my real life state rather than a disadvantage , and in opposite , I quite enjoy it .

  20. 东坡善于在词中抒写其丰富而复杂的主体意识和生命状态,表现了对人生苦难的超越。

    Dongpo is good at writing very rich and complex consciousness of individuality and state of life though ci , which expresses his surmounting hardships of life .

  21. 生活是人的生命状态的积极主动的展现与完善的过程,小学生课余生活与学校生活具有同源性和相关性。

    Life is a course of active expression of the state of life and improving , the extracurricular life is correlation and homologic with life of school .

  22. 他对世俗幸福的偏执性遗弃,源于对原生生命状态的向往和对纯粹诗意世界的绝对皈依。

    He abandoned the secular nature of bigotry happiness , whose source completely depends on yearning for his primary life condition and the pure poetic sentiment world .

  23. 小说家通过艺术直觉,敞开心灵,深入精神,进而达到对本真生命状态的靠近和对精神灵魂的重现。

    Novelists could close to the real life status and reappear the spiritual soul by opening the heart and deep into the spirit by their art intuition .

  24. 萧红以鲜明的女性意识,审视30年代中国劳动妇女的生命状态与生存困境。

    Xiao Hong , in a very vivid women 's consciousness , examined the difficult situation and the living predicament of the Chinese working women in the 1930s .

  25. 自由的生命状态,无限进取的人生,亲和的自然观,都是他至高的生命追求,这些都对我们现代人生活有着深刻的启示意义。

    Free state of life , infinite life ahead and affinity to nature were the pursuit of his high life , which is a profound significance of contemporary life .

  26. 生态意识是指人类对于各种生命状态的密切关注和自觉思索,以及为达到自然与人共同存在、持续发展、和谐相处的行动与探索。

    Ecological awareness , pay close attention to human life state and conscious thinking , and the action and exploration of natural and man co-exist , sustainable development , the harmony .

  27. 本文采用随机序及连接函数工具分析研究相依及异质风险对保险公司寿险保单组合和多生命状态保单保费的影响。

    In the thesis , we analysis the effects of dependent and heterogeneous individual risks on the premiums of life-insurance policies portfolios and multi-life status policies using stochastic orders and copulas .

  28. 其次是《喜玛拉雅》,以质朴的镜头语言,冷静的叙事基调,来表现朵洱泊人的生命状态和生存意识。

    Followed by " Himalaya ", the plain language of the camera , calm tone of the narrative , to show the state of life and survival awareness of the flower-er parked .

  29. 周同宾的《天籁》不凿斧痕地将这三个层面和谐统一,以其特有的艺术魅力完成了作者引导读者关注人类生命状态,积极探求生命价值的艺术使命。

    With its particular artistic charming , the author leads the readers to pay attention to the life state of the humanity and completes the artistic mission of pursuing the life value actively .

  30. 不同的力量内含了不同的反作用力,变革受诸多力量的博弈牵制,不仅决定了组织不同的生命状态,还凸显出关注变革过程中发现和化解阻抗因素的重要性。

    Different force contains different counterforce , change will be involved in many kinds of forces , which not only determines the different life state , but emphasizes the importance of change obstacle discovery .