
  1. 在中国哲学发展史上,道家以其独特的理论风貌彪炳于世。

    In Chinese philosophical history , Taoism is prevalent in the world by its unique theory style .

  2. 董仲舒与王充,中国哲学发展史上两位声明卓著又颇有争议的哲学家。

    Tung Chung-shu and Wang Chung are the two most outstanding and controversial philosophers on the history of Chinese philosophy development .

  3. 在中国哲学发展史上,魏晋玄学作为一个哲学思潮,有着它不可忽视的价值。

    On Chinese philosophy phylogeny , as a philosophy trend of thought , a philosophy faction in Wei and Jin period has its assignable value .

  4. 天演哲学的形成,本身又是对传统哲学的突破,成为中国哲学发展史上一个重要的阶段。

    , after the Revolution in 1911 . The formation of philosophy of evolution and ethics itself was a breakthrough in traditional philosophy , and became an important stage in the history of Chinese philosophy .

  5. 他的突出的理论贡献与思想局限,使他的历史哲学思想成为中国传统历史哲学现代发展的重要理论环节,在中国近现代历史哲学发展史上将具有着重要的历史地位。

    His outstanding theoretical contributions and limitations make his philosophy of history be an important theoretical link in the course of modern development of Chinese traditional philosophy of history and occupy an important status in the development history of Chinese modem philosophy of history .