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  1. HPLC法测定血浆中别嘌呤醇及氧别嘌醇的浓度

    Determination the Concentration of Allopurinol and Its Metabolite-oxypurinol in Human Plasma by HPLC

  2. 浅谈对外汉字教学中别义异读字的教学

    Discussion of Characters with Different Pronunciations and Meanings in International Chinese Teaching

  3. 破产程序中别除权的保护

    The Protection of the Power in the Bankruptcy Procedure

  4. 渡到河中别换马。

    Never swap horse while crossing the stream .

  5. 全郡对他的敬仰使他相信他在社交活动中别有风韵。

    The admiration of his county made him believe he had a flavour in general society .

  6. 灌馅鱼圆是鱼茸胶体制品中别具特色的美味佳肴。

    Stuffed fish ball is one of the characteristic delicacies among the colloid products of minced fish .

  7. 永州土话中别义异读的分布的不平衡性在一定程度上反映出土话内部的亲疏关系;

    To some extent , unbalanced distribution of this phenomenon in Yongzhou local dialect reflects inner affinity-disaffinity relationship among local dialects .

  8. 他写小说前近二十年的戏剧创作,为他在《三个火枪手》中别具风格地塑造人物、铺陈对话、组织情节等奠定了坚实的基础。

    He has written drama for nearly twenty years before the novel creation , which has laid a solid foundation for him to create characters and dialogue , organize plot and so on .

  9. 在广阔的世界战场上在“生活”的露天营盘中别像愚蠢的、驱使的牛羊!要做一个战斗的英雄。别依赖未来,无论多美好!让死的“过去”埋葬它自己行动吧!就趁活着的今朝

    field of battle , In the bivouac of Life , Be not like dumb , driven cattle ! Be a hero in the strife ! Trust no Future , howe'er pleasant ! Let the dead Past bury its dead ! Act , act in the living Present !

  10. 我们拍了美丽的泰勒马克运河上为时12个小时的游舟记。还比如,我们拍了北部火车航线的旅程秀,这个节目还因为我们没法直播,所以做成了个横跨四季的节目,好让观众领略旅程中别一番的景象。

    We have made 12 hours of boat ride into the beautiful Telemark Canal , and we have made another train ride with the northern railway , and because this we couldn 't do live , we did it in four seasons just to give the viewer another experience on the way .

  11. C型凝集素受体(CLR)是模式识别受体家族中有别于TLR的新家族,在机体免疫应答中发挥着重要作用。

    C-type lectin receptors ( CLR ), which play an important role in the immune response , are a new family of pattern recognition receptors .

  12. 与消退组相比,重现组大鼠伏隔核中的别孕烯醇酮(allopregnanolone,AP)水平升高75%(P<0.05);

    Compared with extinct group , AP level increased by 75 % ( P < 0.05 ) in nucleus accumbens ;

  13. 之后,我们对所有ASD数据库中的别构调节分子进行了分析,通过与其他来自不同数据库分子的对比,探求别构调节分子的结构和性质特征。

    Afterwards , all allosteric modulators from ASD were analyzed in comparison with various compounds from different databases to unveil the structural and qualitative characteristics of allosteric modulators .

  14. 从钝顶螺旋藻突变株(SP-Dz)中纯化别藻蓝蛋白(Allophycocyanion,APC)。

    The Allophycocyanion ( APC ) was purified from a mutant of spirulina platensis ( SP-Dz ) .

  15. 地理位置路由是adhoc网络中有别于基于拓扑路由的一种路由方式.它能利用节点的位置信息来指导路由发现,路由维护和包的转发,从而提高路由的效率。

    Geographic routing using nodes location is a routing mechanism which is different from the topology based routing in Ad Hoc networks and it can use nodes ' location information to guide the route discovery , route maintenance and the packets forwarding .

  16. 富硒螺旋藻中硒别藻蓝蛋白的纯化及其特性

    Purification and properties of Se-containing allophycocyanins from selenium rich Spirulina platensis

  17. 中:别客气,陪同你旅游我感到很愉快。

    Chinese : Not at all . I enjoyed being with you .

  18. 对虚拟经营实际运作中有别于传统经营方式方面缺乏有效的理论指导。

    In actual operation , did not have effective theory guidance in comparison with the tradition operation .

  19. 简单轻松的啤酒腌制法也许可以让你放心的去烤牛排,然后大块朵颐中也别忘了来上一杯。

    A simple beer marinade might let you have your steak ... and eat it , too .

  20. 对幸运的人也许如此但有时在现实生活中我们别无选择

    Maybe for the lucky , but sometimes in life , we 're not always given a choice .

  21. 同时,新《破产法》对于在破产企业和解和重整程序中对于别除权的行使也作了相关规定。

    The new Bankruptcy Law also stipulates some concerning the Exemption Right in the process of reconciliation and re-engineering .

  22. 在众多细胞功能调节机制中,别构调节是最为直接,有效并且快速的调节方式。

    Among the regulation mechanisms of cellular function , allosteric regulation is the most direct , rapid and efficient way .

  23. 但重要的是,只让爱出现在你的人生中,别把时间浪费在憎恨中,那是最没用的情感。

    Only let Love In your life , don 't waist your time with hate , it 's a useless emotion .

  24. 兰成渝成品油管道沿线地形复杂,落差大,工艺计算中有别于以往任何一条管道。

    Study on Hydraulic Calculation of Finished Product Oil Pipeline Transportation which makes the hydraulic calculation differ from that of other previous pipelines .

  25. 中国历史就是政治统一的过程,是不同朝代统一与分裂的过程,在过程中,别于上述内容的新政治任务从未被提出。

    For history , the history of China is the process of political unification , in which there is no new political tasks .

  26. 本文较详细地介绍了医用氧舱定期检验中有别于普通压力容器定期检验的内容及方法和应注意的问题。

    The contents and methods as well as matters needed attention about periodical inspection of hyperbaric oxygen chamber which is different from pressure vessel have been introduced .

  27. 笔者试图通过对破产法中的别除权的历史沿革中探讨相关问题,并寻求完善别除权之最佳方案。

    The author attempts to give first priority in the bankruptcy law to explore issues related to the history and the best first priority for improving the program .

  28. 因此,在破产法中对别除权的界定与行使,不仅对于债权人来说意义重大,同时也有利于公平维护破产债权人的正当利益。

    Define and exertion to the Exemption right in the Bankruptcy Law is not only important to creditors , but also propitious to vindicate creditors ' justifiable interests fairly .

  29. 破产法律制度的核心是使各债权人公平受偿,担保权人在破产程序中的别除权能得以行使。

    The core of bankrupt law system is to be returned back equally of each creditor , the person of the warrant power can be performed in bankrupt procedure .

  30. 在对跨国破产中的别除权进行规制时应充分考虑到各国立法的差异,以平衡各方利益,使跨国破产得以顺利进行。

    In addition , the differences in legislation among different nations should be considered thoroughly to balance interests of all sides when regulating the exercise of exemption right in transnational bankruptcy .