
  • 网络China Labor;China Labour
  1. 专业经验和技能:丰富的中国劳动法规相关知识。

    Professional experiences and skills : Good knowledge of China Labor law and regulations .

  2. 何平是在刚落幕的中国劳动论坛上透露这一信息的。

    He Ping introduced news at China Labor Forum , which just closed in China .

  3. 2015年,中国劳动年龄人口遭遇现代史上最大跌幅。

    China 's working-age population saw its largest decline in modern China 's history in 2015 .

  4. 加入WTO对中国劳动和社会保障制度的影响是全方位且是深远的。

    The impact of entry on WTO to China 's labor and social security systems is comprehensive and profound .

  5. 但是,这个行业整体上应该可以应对这次冲击,正如20世纪90年代,运动鞋行业适应了中国劳动成本上涨一样&当时,市场领先者耐克(Nike)面对的要求加薪的呼声最高。

    But the industry as a whole should be able to manage the shock , just as the sports shoe sector adapted to higher Chinese labour costs in the 1990s after a high-profile campaign against Nike , the market leader .

  6. 新时期中国劳动关系存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Chinese Labour Relationship in the New Period

  7. 我国高校学生科研存在的问题及其应对措施&以中国劳动关系学院为例

    On Problems and Countermeasures of Student Research in Universities in China

  8. 关于高校教职工体育与健康的现状及发展对策研究&以中国劳动关系学院教职工体育与健康现状为例

    On Physical and Health Situation of the Staff of Universities and Colleges

  9. 这表现了中国劳动人民的智慧。

    It demonstrated the intelligence of the Chinese working people .

  10. 熟悉中国劳动法及社会保险相关法律法规。

    Familiar with PRC labor law and social security regulations .

  11. 中国劳动基准若干问题探讨

    The Discussion of a Certain Number of Issues in Fundamental Labor Standards

  12. 世纪之交的中国劳动就业展望

    Prospects for Employment in China in the Next Century

  13. 核心劳工标准与中国劳动法的修改完善

    Core Labour Standards and Improvement of Chinese Labour Law

  14. 与此同时,中国劳动人口将从2015年起开始下降。

    Meanwhile , the Chinese working population will start to decrease from 2015 .

  15. 中国劳动保护科学技术学会

    Chinese Society for Science and Technology of Labour Protectio

  16. 2012年,中国劳动年龄人口出现了首次下降。

    In 2012 the working-age population of China shrank for the first time .

  17. 转型期中国劳动权法律保障问题研究

    The Issues of Legal Protection for Labor Rights of China in Transition Period

  18. 富士康和中国劳动部门应为此事负责。

    Both Foxconn and China 's labor department should be held responsible for this .

  19. 产业升级中的中国劳动成本优势

    Chinese advantage of labor costs when industrial upgrade

  20. 对转型期中国劳动关系影响的分析

    An Analysis of the Influence of the Chinese Labor Relationship in the Transfer Period

  21. 中国劳动收入份额影响因素分析&基于省际面板数据的研究

    Analysis on the Chinese share of labor income & An Investigation from Provincial Perspective

  22. 国际劳工标准对中国劳动密集型产品出口影响的实证研究

    A Research on International Labour Standards ' Impact on Chinese Export of Labour-Intensive Products

  23. 中国劳动保护工业企业协会

    China Association of Industrial Enterprises for Labor Safety

  24. 这种趋势的出现引发了我们对当代中国劳动关系的反思:为什么跨国资本愿意主动采取措施来保护中国劳动者的权利?

    Why does multinational capital take the initiative to protect the rights of Chinese workers ?

  25. 国际金融危机对中国劳动就业的影响与体面劳动的实现

    On the Impacts of the International Financial Crisis on Employment and Decent Work of China

  26. 中国劳动收入比重下降成因分析&基于劳动节约型技术进步的视角

    Reasons for the Decline of Labor Share & From the Angle of Labor-saving Technical Progress

  27. 除了天然的河流之外,中国劳动人民还开挖了许多运河。

    In addition to natural rivers , the Chinese working people have dug many canals .

  28. 中国劳动分配比例的下降是由现代部门劳动分配比例的下降引起的。

    The declining labor share of modern sector leads to declining labor share of China .

  29. 这些新出土的文物显示了古代中国劳动人民的智慧。

    These newly unearthed cultural objects manifest the intelligence of the working people of ancient China .

  30. 熟悉中国劳动法律法规;

    Familiar with China Labor Law ;