
  • 网络Chinese cultural spirit;Ethos of Chinese Culture
  1. 民间信仰与中国文化精神研究

    A study of folk belief and the essentials of Chinese culture

  2. 依中国文化精神建设当代国学

    Constructing Contemporary Chinese Learning in the Spirit of Chinese Culture

  3. 原始崇拜体系与中国文化精神的起点

    Primeval Worship System and the Start of Chinese Cultural Spirit

  4. 李白的宏大是中国文化精神的放大与时代气象的表达。

    His magnificence are Chinese civilization magnify and expression of ages atmosphere .

  5. 中国文化精神与市场经济的相容性

    The Compatibility of China 's Culture Spirit and Market Economy

  6. 这是中国文化精神在现代开放的一朵奇葩。

    This spirit of Chinese culture in the modern opens a wonderful view .

  7. 论中国文化精神对思想政治教育的影响与启示

    On Influence of Chinese Culture on Ideological and Political Education and Its Implications

  8. 这是中国文化精神的灵魂之所在。

    This is where the soul of the spirit of the Chinese culture .

  9. 这种对中国文化精神的自信在欧游归来的梁启超的思想里达到了高峰。

    The confidence to Chinese cultural spirit reached the summit after the return from Europe .

  10. 对中国文化精神重构的呼唤;

    Calling for reconstruction Chinese cultural spirit ;

  11. 简论中国文化精神及其在当代复兴的可能性上世纪90年代以来传统文化热之考察

    Brief Discussion on Chinese Cultural Spirit and Its Possibility of Reviving in the Present Age

  12. 其四,中国文化精神的推动。

    Promotion of Chinese cultural spirits .

  13. 为此,我们必须加强传统造型精神和中国文化精神的灌输。

    Therefore , we must strengthen the sense of traditional sculpturing and Chinese culture to indoctrinate .

  14. 马克思主义与中国文化精神&马克思主义中国化的文化解释

    Marxism and Chinese Cultural Spirit

  15. 无论哪一种文化历史情境,现代性的问题都集中地体现在中国文化精神的问题中。

    No matter which problem , the question of modernity was all reflected on Chinese cultural spirit .

  16. 倾慕现代,抑或呼唤传统&论张爱玲小说的中国文化精神

    Adore modern , or call the tradition & Talk about the Chinese culture spirit of Ailing Zhang 's novel

  17. 心性儒学作为中国文化精神之“教养的本原”,现代以来亦经历了一系列与现实政治事务解构的过程。

    Confucian mind , as the root of Chinese cultural spirit , has experienced a process of separating from political matters in reality .

  18. 汉字的解构不仅是笔画上的分解重构,同时也是中国文化精神内涵上的分解重构。

    Deconstruction is not only the decomposition and reconstruction of the strokes , but also the decomposition and reconstruction of the spiritual connotation of Chinese culture .

  19. 我国对待老年人的态度受到上古中国文化精神的影响,因而具有典型的民族特征。

    The attitude to the old people is under the influence of Chinese cultural spirit of ancient , as a result having the typical race characteristic .

  20. 随着文明的进展,又演化为天、地、祖先崇拜。这直接影响了中国文化精神的构建。

    With the development of civilization , the replacement of them by worshiping the sky , the earth and the ancestor influenced directly the construction of Chinese cultural spirit .

  21. 20世纪90年代出现的大众文化,既是中国文化精神的延续,又是时代的产物,具有一定的人文意义。

    The occurrence of mass culture in the 1990 's is the continuation of Chinese cultural spirits are well as a product of the era , which has humanistic sense .

  22. 孕育着中国文化精神的“中国元素”将会为中国品牌走向世界奠定自信,它会承担起融入世界、影响世界的时代使命。

    Gestates Chinese cultural spirit of " Chinese elements " for Chinese brands will lay the confidence towards the world , it will undertake integration into the world , influence world historic mission .

  23. 当下的现实表明,中国文化精神与西方资本原则之间存在着张力,并且正是在此张力之中发生着中华民族的命运转换。

    The existing reality indicates that there is a tension between the Chinese cultural spirit and the Western capital principle , and it is just in this tension that a destiny transition of the Chinese nation is taking place .

  24. 中国文化精神与西方文化精神的区别在于:一为实践感性,一为实践理性。明此区分,是建设中国学问之当代构架的出发点。

    The distinction between the spirits of Chinese culture and the Western culture is that between " practical sensuousness " and " practical reason ," a knowledge of which should be the starting point of constructing the contemporary Chinese learning .

  25. 中国文化精神可以为修正奥林匹克运动的发展观提供新的价值取向,可以为完善奥林匹克运动的发展模式提供新的思路,可以为整合奥林匹克不同利益主体的冲突提供新的方法;

    Chinese cultural spirits may offer new value adoption for Olympic Movement to restore its development views , provide new thought to perfect the development model of Olympic Movement , supply new method to renovate the conflicts among different interest parts .

  26. 以中国文化精神对中国武术的决定性影响,以及体育精神下中国武术所发生的体育化转向为切入点,探讨中国武术的代表作品与发展流向;

    In accordance with the influence of the Chinese cultural spirit on Chinese Wushu and the transformation of Chinese Wushu into sports under the sports spirit , the present paper discusses the representative works of Chinese Wushu and the developing direction .

  27. 文章指出,开放的民族必然拥有不断发展不断前进的文化,桂林抗战美术的开放精神是中国文化精神在新的历史条件下的再现与升华。

    The article points out , open the nation must have been continuously advance the development of a culture of Guilin , the spirit of Sino-Japanese arts in the open spirit of Chinese culture in the new historical conditions of reproduction and sublimation .

  28. 中国戏曲文化精神与艺术元素的组合

    Combination of Cultural Spirit and Artistic Elements of Chinese Xiqu Opera

  29. 中国传统文化精神性保存的诠释学忧思

    Hermeneutic Angst for Spiritual Preservation of Chinese Traditional Culture

  30. 琴:中国历史文化精神的显现

    Qin : To Show The Chinese Historical Culture Spirit