
  • 网络A History of Chinese Civilization
  1. 江苏溧水神仙洞的发掘和研究&中华文明史应追溯到万年前

    Excavation and study on the Lishui Cave , Jiangsu

  2. 在中华文明史上,最早称得上文字的符号是甲骨文。

    In China 's civilization , the symbols that could be called the earliest characters were inscriptions on bones .

  3. 四川历史悠久、文化灿烂,在中华文明史上占有极重要的地位。

    Sichuan , with long history and splendid culture , has been taking a very important position in the history of Chinese civilization .

  4. 中华文明史源远流长,朝代更迭,下面就向大家介绍中国历史上的朝代。

    The history of Chinese civilization has a long history , the changing of dynasties , the following brief you on the history of China 's dynasties .

  5. 宗教是民族文化的重要组成部分,陶瓷作为中华文明史的一个极为重要的标志,不可避免地受到宗教的巨大影响。

    The religion is the national culture important constituent , the ceramics took the Chinese history of civilization an extremely important symbol , receives religious inevitably the huge influence .

  6. 这783天放在5000年的中华文明史上不过是沧海一粟,但是,对于我国近代监察制度的发展来说,却有着非凡的意义。

    These days on the 5000 Chinese civilization just like a drop in the ocean . But for the development of Chinese modern supervisory system , it has a special meaning .

  7. 目的:在我国药物依赖和滥用可以追溯到几百年前,对中国近代的历史甚至中华文明史都产生了巨大的影响。

    Objective : Drug abuse in China can be traced back hundreds of years ago . It had a great influence on the modern history of China and even the Chinese civilization .

  8. 自“王朝国家”至“民族国家”的近四千年的古代中国的中华文明史,有四个大统一的时期,统一时间近两千七百年;

    There are four unification periods in the Chinese civilization history of over 4 000 years from the dynastic state to nation state , and unification time is proximately 2 700 years .

  9. 作为传统手工艺门类之一的陶瓷艺术是中国几千年文明的杰出代表,曾在中华文明史上书写了辉煌的篇章。

    As one of the traditional arts and crafts categories , ceramic art has become an outstanding representative of Chinese civilization for thousands of years . It used to be a brilliant chapter in the Chinese civilization .

  10. 新世纪(版)历史教科书的一大特点就是以中华文明史作为贯穿始终的一条主线,这符合时代发展的需要,也有着得天独厚的优势。

    One main characteristic of New Century ( Edition ) Historical Textbook lies in that it is compiled from the perspective of Chinese civilization history , which , besides its advantages , accords to the need of the development of history .

  11. 从中华文明看史德论的价值

    Viewing the Value of " Historical Moral " through Chinese Civilization

  12. 中国古代铸造技术史是中华五千年文明史的重要组成部分。

    The history of foundry technique in ancient China is an important part in the Chinese 5000 years civilization history .

  13. 阙是中华五千年文明史上保存完整而又最为悠久的地面建筑。

    " Que " is a ground building with the long history kept intact in the 500-year civilization history of China .

  14. 夏代作为中国历史上第一个奴隶制王朝,在中华文明发展史上占有重要地位。

    Xia Dynasty , as the first slavery dynasty in Chinese history , occupies an important position in the development of Chinese civilization .

  15. 《诗经》作为中国文学诗歌领域的元典之作,不仅奠定了中国诗歌现实主义的优良传统,而且显示出巨大的精神文化力量,在中华民族文明史上发挥着精神支柱的重要作用。

    It not only laid the solid foundation for realistic tradition in Chinese poetry , but also showed great spiritual power . The Book of Songs served as an spiritual pillar in the Chinese civilization .

  16. 经久不衰的亚洲和中华文明发展史告诉我们,不同文明间对话,交流,融合是历史发展的必然趋势,也是文明本身自我完善,延续发展的要求。

    The history of the ever-lasting development of Asian and Chinese civilizations reveals to us that dialogue , exchanges and integration among different civilizations , as the natural trend of historical development , are the requisites for self-improvement and continued development of civilizations .

  17. 中华悠久的文明史与《山海经》研究的意义

    The Long History of Chinese Civilization and the Meaning of Studying Shan Hai Jing

  18. 孝文化是中华民族文明发展史上伦理道德体系建设的基础。

    The filial piety culture is a base on which the ethnic system in the Chinese civilization development history has been established .

  19. 水墨是中华几千年文明史中孕育出来的智慧结晶,具有极高的艺术价值和文化价值。

    Ink painting is the thousands of years civilization history gestated crystallization of the wisdom of , have high art value and cultural value .

  20. 中华民族五千年文明史,就是一部爱国主义教育史。

    China is a very old nation with a 5000-year-old civilization , and this history of civilization is also a history of patriotism education .

  21. 社会主义道德体系渊源于中华民族五千年文明史,又植根于有中国特色社会主义的实践。

    The socialist moral system is originated in the Chinese history of thousands of years , and rooted in practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  22. 由此,中华5000年文明史被缩短。笔者认为要正确看待神话、传说和历史之间的关系。

    For this reason , the 5000 years ' Chinese civilization history was shorter . I think we should understand the relation between myth , legend and the history correctly .

  23. 中国的白酒不仅是见证了中华文明几千年发展史的、具有中国特色的酒;

    Chinese Baijiu , with strong Chinese characteristic , is not only witnessed the history of Chinese civilization for thousands of years ;

  24. 纵观人类社会和中华民族发展的文明史,国土资源具有永恒的价值,它在社会经济发展中有着重要的地位与作用。

    Throughout the development of human society and civilization of the Chinese nation , The value of land and resources is eternal , It plays an important role in social and economic development .

  25. 中华民族精神支撑了中华民族五千年文明史的独立与发展,使中华民族居于世界大国之林。

    This spirit props up the independence and development of Chinese nation with the five thousand years civilization , which enables China to occupy the important place in the world .

  26. 1949年以来的中华人民共和国时期,是四千多年有明晰纪年的中华文明史上继夏商周、秦汉、隋唐、元明清以后的第五个“大统一”时期。

    The People 's Republic of China is the fifth grand unification period after Xia-Shang-Zhou dynasties , Qin-Han dynasties , Sui-Tang dynasties , and Yuan-Ming-Qing dynasties in the history of over 4 000 year Chinese civilization with written records .