
  1. 他成为中国现实主义美术的先驱。

    He was the pioneer of contemporary Chinese realist fine arts .

  2. 论日本视野中的中国现实主义文学思潮接受

    China 's Acceptance of Realistic Thoughts of Literature : A " Japanese Perspective "

  3. 论易卜生、契诃夫对中国现实主义戏剧发展的影响

    On Ibsen ′ s and Чехов′ s Influence on the Development of Chinese Realistic Drama

  4. 冯雪峰作为20世纪中国现实主义的重要阐释者,有着自己的理论特质和鲜明的倾向。

    As an important interpreter of Chinese realism in the 20th century , Feng Xuefeng has his own theoretical trait and sharp tendency .

  5. 第一部分简述现实主义绘画的概念及欧洲和中国现实主义油画的发展历程。

    In the first part , it simply describes the concept of the realistic paintings and the development of realistic painting in Europe and China .

  6. 日内瓦会议的成功是中国现实主义外交的一次重大胜利,它大大提高了中国的国际地位和影响。

    The success of the Geneva conference was an important triumph of the realistic Chinese diplomacy and it greatly increased China 's position in the world .

  7. 由契诃夫所开创的心理现实主义戏剧,打破了西方戏剧重外在戏剧性的传统,对中国现实主义话剧产生了深远的影响。

    This paper probes into the deep influence of Chekhov 's psychological realistic drama on Chinese realistic dramas , especially the plays of Shen Hongguang , a famous dramatist .

  8. 论文分三部分阐述了中国现实主义油画。导论以中国现实主义油画所肩负的社会责任为着眼点论证其存在的价值。

    This thesis is divided into three parts to expound Chinese realistic oil painting ' s. In the introduction , it demonstrates its existent value from the point of view that Chinese realistic oil painting takes on important social responsibilities .

  9. 路遥是中国当代现实主义作家,在当代文坛享有盛誉。

    Lu Yao is a famous contemporary realism writer in China .

  10. 《诗经》&中国古典现实主义之滥觞

    The Book of Songs : Source of the China Classical Realism

  11. 现实与表现&中国新现实主义绘画的精神

    Reality and Expression The Spirit of the New Realistic Paintings in China

  12. 20世纪末中国当代现实主义文学创作经历了三次转变。

    The contemporary realism experienced three transformations in the late 20th century .

  13. 中国新诗现实主义发展思考

    About the Development of the New Chinese Realistic Poetry

  14. 对中国新现实主义油画的关注

    Concern on Chinese New Realism Oil-painting

  15. 中国魔幻现实主义研究述评

    To Recount the Chinese Magic Realism

  16. 走向后现代现实主义老舍是一位中国现代现实主义作家。

    Lao She is remembered as a writer of realism in the field of modern Chinese literature .

  17. 第三部分着重讨论中国新现实主义油画的表现特质,分别从语言形式和自我表现两个视角出发。

    Part three is focused on two aspects of Chinese New Realism oil-painting performance characteristics : Language forms and self-expression .

  18. 第四部分描述了中国新现实主义油画的发展现状及对未来展望。

    Part four described the Chinese New Realism oil-painting of the current development and future prospects of the Chinese oil painting .

  19. 结语:呼唤对于茅盾以自然主义为基石的社会主义现实主义文论更加深入的研究,兼论自然主义与中国社会主义现实主义关系。

    Conclusion : Calling for a more thorough research on Mao Dun 's literary theory which is based on the naturalism and investigating the relationship of the naturalism and Chinese-socialist realism .

  20. 第三部分,对中国超现实主义图式语言的分析和解读,并对当代中国超现实图式自身呈现出来的特点和成因关系进行说明。

    The third part , the Chinese super-realistic schema language of the analysis and interpretation , and surreal contemporary China presents the schema itself and causes the characteristics of the relationship between the instructions .

  21. 中国的现实主义写实油画经历了百年历程,得到了最为广泛的传播与发展,并逐渐成为了中国油画艺术发展的主流。

    Chinese realistic oil painting has experienced hundreds of years of history , has been the most widely spread and development , and gradually become the mainstream of the development of Chinese oil painting art .

  22. 新中国社会主义现实主义军事雕塑的创作方法,加强了马克思主义文艺理论的引导,使文艺工作者得以沿着现实主义的创作方法和道路向前迈进,出现了大量优秀的作品。

    In the creation of realist military sculpture in New China , with the strengthened guide of Marxist literary and art theory , the art workers have managed to walk on the way of realist creation with a great number of fine works produced .

  23. 作为代表着中国当代现实主义文学的茅盾文学奖的获奖作品的特质,反映着新时期中国当代文学发展的某些规律,此项研究将作为现实主义文学研究的一种补充。

    As a representative of contemporary Chinese literary realism of Mao Dun literature prize winning works traits , reflects the new period the development of Chinese contemporary literature in certain laws , this study will serve as the realistic literary study as a supplement .

  24. 二十世纪中国电影文学现实主义的流变

    The Vicissitudes of Chinese Cinematic Literary Realism in the 20th Century

  25. 中国当代小说现实主义范畴的历史演进

    On the Definition of Realism 's Evolution in Chinese Contemporary Fictions

  26. 新时期中国儿童文学现实主义思潮研究

    Research on the Realism Trend in China Children 's Literature after the Culture Revolution

  27. 20世纪的中国之所以选择现实主义,是由当时的社会现实需要所决定的。

    20th century Chinese chose realism , are by the prevailing social reality determined necessary .

  28. 第三个差异是西方建筑神秘的宗教色彩和中国调和的现实主义。

    The third difference is the mysterious religious content of the western architecture and harmonic realism in China .

  29. 使我们了解关注后农业中国的新现实主义写实油画的发展现状。

    Will enable us to understand the concerns of the new realities of agriculture in China and the development of realistic painting .

  30. 对现实主义一如既往地坚守,使路遥成为中国20世纪现实主义的一座重镇。

    Lu Yao has become a important monument of realism in China in 20 century due to his adhering to realism for ever .