
  • 网络China Art Festival
  1. 第八届中国艺术节的主会场琴台大剧院,从远处看去,它外伸的构件既像是钢琴敲击的簧片,又似当空飞舞的水袖,粗旷、张扬之中蕴涵着丰富的楚文化内涵。

    Looking from a distance , Qintai Theatre , a place where the8th China Arts Festival will be held , looks like piano reeds and sleeves flying in the sky , which embodies the connotation of Chu culture .

  2. 艺术的盛会贺第五届中国艺术节圆满成功

    A grand art gathering congratulations on the success of the 5th China Art Festival

  3. 参加《事物状态&欧罗巴尼亚中国艺术节展》(比利时皇家美术宫);

    State of affairs-EUROPALIAChina Art Festival Exhibition , Belgian Royal Palace of Fine Arts ;

  4. 世纪之交的盛典&第五届中国艺术节走笔

    Chengdu Hosts the 5th China Art Festival

  5. 第六届中国艺术节

    The Sixth China Art Festival

  6. 一个女孩站在之一的哈尔滨国际冰雪节在哈尔滨,周三中国艺术节灯火通明树灯,2010年1月6日。

    A girl stands amongst brightly lit tree lights at the Harbin International Ice and Snow festival in Harbin , China on Wednesday , Jan.6,2010 .

  7. 伍锐贤主席到炮台公园出席中华公所参加协办的2006年文化中国艺术节并替该活动剪彩。

    President Eric Ng attended the opening ceremony of the2006 Chinese Cultural Festival , which was co-hosted by CCBA and other organizations at Battery Park .

  8. 中南剧场作为第八届中国艺术节演出场地之一,对剧场声环境有较高的要求。

    As one of the arenas of the Eighth China Art Festival , Zhongnan Theater is of stringent stipulation in the respect of acoustic environment .

  9. 随着中国艺术节办节模式的日益成熟和民众参与面的不断扩大,其在政治、经济、文化、社会层面的影响面也日益拓展。

    The influence of the China Art Festival on politics , economy , culture and society was enhanced while the mode turned to perfect and participants increased .

  10. 字面意思是“明确”(清)和“光明”(明),这属于中国艺术节在初春,在106天之后,冬至。

    Literally meaning " clear "( Qing ) and " bright "( Ming ), this Chinese festival falls in early spring , on the106th day after the winter solstice .

  11. 中国艺术节,作为我国文艺界最盛大的国家级文化艺术节日,自1987年首次举办至今,已走过20余年。

    The China Art Festival , known as the grandest national cultural art festival in Chinese cultural circles , inherited a history of 20 years since first held in 1987 .

  12. 感言&写在《中国雕刻艺术节》之后

    Impressions : after China Sculpture Art Festival

  13. 《中国雕刻艺术节》部分参展作品选

    Selected Works of china Sculpture Art Festival

  14. 2001年这台晚会经过再次加工,在第一届中国杂技艺术节上获得唯一的剧目“金菊奖”。

    After refinement ," Chinese Soul " won the Golden Chrysanthemum Award at the1st China Acrobatic Festival in2001 and still remains one of the masterpieces created by the troupe .

  15. 在第五届中国国际民间艺术节开幕式上的致辞

    Address to the Opening Ceremony of the 5th China International Folk Art Festival

  16. 参加中国国际民间艺术节的平壤艺术团由25人组成。

    The Pyongyang Art Troupe sends an art group of25 members to participate the China International Folk Art Festival .

  17. 中国民间传统艺术节举办了多达45项充满民间艺术色彩的节目,包括艺墟、售票表演节目及户外演出。

    The Chinese Folk Arts Festival featured a wide variety of folk art programmes in45 cultural presentations in arts fairs and other performances .

  18. 这次在首届中国国际民间艺术节上,他们演出菲律宾的盘丹格舞、马格拉拉提克舞和提尼克林舞。

    During the first China International Folk Art Festival , dancers from the Center will perform Pandanggo , Maglalatik and Tinikling etc. , which are the typical dances of Philippines .

  19. 实践证明,借助中国上海国际艺术节的上海舞蹈城理想,只要努力,是有可能实现的。

    We can see that , by hard work , it is quite possible to make Shanghai a dance city under the circumstances of International Art Festival held in Shanghai .

  20. 该舞蹈团参加中国国际民间艺术节,定能使广大中国观众和其他国家的朋友们如愿以偿地领略岛独特的南太平洋民族风情。

    Polynesian Cultural Center Dancers will surely offer a rare opportunity for Chinese audience and folk artists from other countries to admire the unique customs of the southern Pacific islands .

  21. 中国国际民间艺术节给各国民间艺术家提供了展示艺术和友好交流的新的契机和舞台。

    This international folk art festival provides a new opportunity as well as a very good stage for artists from around the world to demonstrate their artistic works and hold friendly exchanges .

  22. 由百老汇巨星莉亚·萨隆珈领衔主演的美国百老汇经典音乐剧《灰姑娘》,于2008年10月登陆第十届中国上海国际艺术节。

    With Broadway superstar Lea Salonga as leading actress , the Broadway classic musical Cinderella is to be presented on the stage of the10th China Shanghai International Arts Festival in October , 2008 .

  23. 业已接轨更需自省&中国天津国际手风琴艺术节有感

    The View of the China Tianjin International Accordion Festival

  24. 中国吴桥国际杂技艺术节发展对策研究

    On the Development of China Wuqiao International Circus Festival

  25. 中国吴桥国际杂技艺术节以独有的特色吸引了国内外众多游客,对提高旅游地形象、带动区域经济的发展发挥着积极的作用。

    China Wuqiao International Circus Festival , a well-known for its distinctive characteristics , has attracted a great number of foreign and domestic visitors , playing an important role in enhancing the image of tourist destination and promoting the development of regional economy .

  26. 中国吴桥国际杂技艺术节是世界杂技艺术界的顶级赛事,与巴黎明日与未来国际马戏节、蒙特卡罗国际马戏节并称为世界三大杂技艺术盛会。

    Wuqiao international acrobatic art festival , China is one of the top matches of the world 's acrobatic art community and is called together with Paris tomorrow and Future International Circus Festival and Monte Carlo International Circus Festival as the world 's three largest acrobatic art pageant .

  27. 这是去年中国作为主宾国参加欧罗巴利亚-中国艺术节和法兰克福国际书展的照片。

    The following pictures record China as the main guest of honor to the Europalia-China Art Festival and the Frankfurt Book Fair .