
  1. 中国皇家园林色彩及其艺术特征探析

    Chinese Imperial Garden of Color and Artistic Features

  2. 中国皇家园林艺术的文化基础

    The Cultural Basis for the Chinese Landscape Gardening

  3. 如北京“万春园”雍容华贵、庄重大方、精雕细刻,将中国皇家园林的特点展示得淋漓尽致;

    For example , the Wanchun Garden in Beijing Exhibition area , displays elegant , solemn and meticulous characters of ancient Chinese imperial gardens ;

  4. 中国皇家园林在整个中国园林体系中起源最早,地位最高,建构最为壮观,艺术价值也最高。

    In the whole Chinese landscape gardening system , the Chinese imperial gardens enjoy the greatest prestige as far as its history , architectural grandeur and artistic value are concerned .

  5. 在中国的皇家园林里经常有长廊。

    There is always a long corridor in imperial gardens in China .

  6. 美丽的自然景色和精致的古典建筑巧妙结合,充分体现出中国古代皇家园林的建筑风格。

    The unique combination of natural beauty and exquisite architecture fully embodies the building style of ancient china 's imperial gardens .